
Brainstorming – There is a 90 percent chance that you have used Brainstorming to solve a problem without even noticing it yourself. But what exactly is Brainstorming?

In this article, we will be talking about what is Brainstorming, the Types of Brainstorming, its benefits, and more.


What is Brainstorming?

Brainstorming is a method for solving problems and innovating new ideas using creative thinking. This technique is used to generate solutions or come up with new ideas that can help the brand create its unique way of branding itself.

It creates an environment which helps new ideas to be looked at. New creative ideas that can help the brand are then implemented for further processes. Usually, a team does the brainstorming so that a variety of different ideas and solutions can be looked at but it can also be done by an individual.

Importance of Brainstorming

Brainstorming can help the brand to create their own unique identity which gives them a competitive advantage. If a specific problem can’t be solved by an individual a team can present their unique ways to counter that specific problem and sometimes a combined solution can be the real counter for the problem. Brainstorming doesn’t have any specific set of rules that should be followed so different approaches can be considered which gives a unique solution from different individuals.

How to Use Brainstorming?

In order to run a Brainstorming session successfully, you need to follow the below steps:

1. Prepare

  • Clearly define the problem or topic you’re brainstorming about. If applicable, gather a diverse group of participants to enhance the variety of ideas.

2. Generate Ideas

  • Encourage open and unrestricted sharing of ideas, emphasizing quantity over quality. Use techniques like free association, mind mapping, or listing to facilitate idea generation. Ensure all ideas are recorded visibly for everyone involved.

3. Review and Select

  • After generating a wide range of ideas, review them to identify the most promising ones. Evaluate these based on criteria like feasibility, impact, and resources required. Develop an action plan for implementing the selected ideas.

Types of Brainstorming Techniques

These are some of the important Brainstorming Techniques that are used:

1. Random Brainstorming

This Brainstorming method involves using ideas that come up first when the problem is being presented. These are the thoughts that come up without thinking about the solution. The first words that come to mind when the problem is presented regardless of any kind of optimal thinking can sometimes make some combinations that can give an optimal solution for the problem.

2. Reverse Brainstorming

In this method of brainstorming, the end goal is given thought rather than the start of the the problem. The team gives thought to outcome and try to predict future possibilities. This can help the team to determine any future problems that might arise or different outcomes of the problems that can possibly create certain obstacles. This way those specific outcomes can be avoided which overall benefits the complete process.

3. Rapid Ideation Brainstorming

In this Brainstorming Method everyone in the team writes down the first thoughts that comes to mind. This method is different from Random Brainstorming as the first thoughts aren’t being said first rather than everyone is privately writing down their thoughts which gives all the team members a sense of privacy with their first thoughts which can help provide many unique solutions. This way many unique and creative solutions can possibly arise which gives the different perspectives to look at a problem.

4. SCAMPER Brainstorming

This is a Brainstorming method which stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This method of Brainstorming involves looking at a problem from different angles to obtain variety of ideas. Different ideas are tested and challenged through questions which finally gives a refined solution.

5. Starbursting Brainstorming

In this method members of team asks questions instead of coming up with ideas. This helps tackling potential issues that might arise during the process. Different members asks different questions which gives different perspectives through which issues can arrive and also different perspectives through which a problem can be looked at. It also helps in breaking down the problem into multiple questions which gives a step by step solution.

Benefits of Brainstorming

Some of the benefits provided by Brainstorming are:

  • Different Perspectives: Different members in a team can provide different perspectives to look at a problem. Using different Brainstorming methods can help bring in new innovative ideas that can help the team to look at the problem with different angles.
  • Increases Creativity: Looking at a problem from different perspective and coming up with new innovative ideas with complete freedom helps bring out creativity from team members. Since there is no predetermined process that everyone has to follow everyone creates their own unique ideas to approach the problem which promotes creativity.
  • Team Collaboration: When a team works on a problem the members collaborate with each other which brings out every member’s strengths and weaknesses and help in improving teamwork. It helps in figuring out every member’s thinking process and approach which can help in future Brainstorming sessions.

Disadvatages of Brainstorming

Though Brainstorming is helpful, it can also have some disadvanatges if not done properly. The Disadvtanges of Brainstorming are:

  1. Social Loafing: Reduced individual effort as participants rely on others to contribute.
  2. Inefficient Use of Time: Sessions without clear direction can waste valuable time.
  3. Evaluation Apprehension: Fear of judgment inhibits sharing of unconventional ideas.
  4. Conformity and Groupthink: Pressure to align with perceived group consensus stifles creativity.
  5. Overemphasis on Quantity: Focus on idea quantity may neglect depth and practicality.
  6. Production Blocking: Only one person can speak at a time, limiting idea flow.


Brainstorming involves thinking about different solutions which can help in solving problems and coming up with new innovative ideas that can help the brand.

Different Types of Brainstorming methods can be used to tackle a problem which can help to come up with the best and most optimal solution for a problem. It helps build teamwork between members and increase creativity. Different ideas should be considered and worked on.

Brainstorming – FAQs

What do you mean by Brainstorming?

Brainstorming is a creative problem-solving technique used to generate a large number of ideas or solutions to a particular problem or challenge. It typically involves a group of people gathering together to freely share and explore their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives without judgment or criticism.

What are the 4 methods of Brainstorming?

The 4 methods of Brainstorming are:

  • Traditional Brainstorming
  • Mind Mapping
  • Reverse Brainstorming
  • Brainwriting

What is Brainstorm example?

An example of brainstorming could be a group of marketing professionals gathering to generate ideas for a new advertising campaign. During the brainstorming session, participants might suggest various concepts, slogans, visuals etc. with the idea to generate a diverse range of ideas that can later be evaluated.

Who first used Brainstorming?

Brainstorming was first introduced by Alex Osborn, an advertising executive, in the late 1930s.

Why is it called Brainstorm?

The term “brainstorm” combines “brain” for thinking and “storm” for sudden activity, representing rapid idea generation.

Is Brainstorming a skill?

Yes, Brainstorming is one of the skills included in the general category of critical thinking.

Why is brainstorming hard?

Brainstorming can be challenging due to social dynamics, like fear of judgment or dominance by vocal individuals, and structural issues, such as maintaining focus and effectively managing diverse ideas within a limited time frame.

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