Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method

Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() method is used to remove the ScrollSpy functionality from an element. To use the dispose() method, you will need to select the element that the scrollspy is applied to and call the method on it. For example, if you have applied the scrollspy to a navbar with an ID of “navbar”, you can call the dispose() method as follows.



The dispose() method can be called at any time, even if the Scrollspy is not currently active. If you want to re-enable the Scrollspy after calling the dispose() method, you can simply call the Scrollspy function again with the same configuration as before.


Example 1: This code adds two buttons to the page, one to disable the scrollspy and another to enable it. The disable button has an event listener attached to it that is triggered when the button is clicked. The event listener calls the dispose() method of the scrollspy on the body element, which disables the scrollspy. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content=
"width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
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    <script src=
    <script src=
<body data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar" 
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    <h3>Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method</h3>
    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm bg-success 
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                    id="navbardrop" data-toggle="dropdown">
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    <div id="content1" class="container-fluid bg-primary" 
        style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
        <p>A computer science portal for Beginner</p>
    <div id="content2" class="container-fluid bg-light" 
        style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
        <h1>Algorithm Analysis</h1>
        <p>A stepwise procedure to solve a problem</p>
    <div id="content3" class="container-fluid bg-warning" 
        style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
        <h1>Data Structure</h1>
            Data structure is a particular way to
            organizing the datain computer memory
            so that it can be used efficiently.
    <div id="content4" class="container-fluid bg-info" 
        style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
        <h1>C Languages</h1>
            C is a general-purpose, procedural computer
            programming language used for operating
            systems, libraries, games and other high
            performance work.
    <div id="content5" class="container-fluid bg-secondary" 
        style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
        <h1>C++ Languages</h1>
            C++ is an object-oriented programming
            language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup,
            and is an extension of the C language. It is
            therefore possible to code C++ in a "C style"
            or "object-oriented style."
    <button id="disable-btn" type="button" 
        class="btn btn-primary">
        Disable Scrollspy
    <button id="enable-btn" type="button"
        class="btn btn-secondary">
        Enable Scrollspy
        $('#disable-btn').click(function () {
        $('#enable-btn').click(function () {
                target: '.navbar',
                offset: 50



Example 2: This code adds a button to the page with the ID “disable-btn” with class btn btn-primary. The script adds an event listener to the button that is triggered when the button is clicked. The event listener calls the dispose() method of the scrollspy on the body element, which disables the scrollspy. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method</title>
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"width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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        body {
            position: relative;
        ul.nav-pills {
            top: 20px;
            position: fixed;
        div.col-8 div {
            height: 500px;
<body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#GFG_scrollspy" 
    <div style="text-align: center;">
        <h1 class="text-success">w3wiki</h1>
        <h3>Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method</h3>
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                <div id="content1" class="container-fluid bg-primary" 
                    style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
                    <h3>Bootstrap 5 Scrollspy dispose() Method</h3>
                <div id="content2" class="container-fluid bg-light" 
                    style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
                    <p>Learn algorithms and data structures</p>
                <div id="content3" class="container-fluid bg-dark" 
                    style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
                    <h1>Data Structures</h1>
                    <p>Learn about different data structures</p>
                <div id="content4" class="container-fluid bg-danger" 
                    style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
                    <h1>C Language</h1>
                    <p>Learn the C programming language</p>
                <div id="content5" class="container-fluid bg-warning" 
                    style="height:250px; padding-top:80px;">
                    <h1>C++ Language</h1>
                    <p>Learn the C++ programming language</p>
    <!-- Buttons to disable the dispose() method -->
    <button id="disable-btn" type="button" 
        class="btn btn-primary">
        Disable Scrollspy
        $('#disable-btn').click(function () {




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