Boost Your Preparation With Spotting Error Practice Questions Based On Articles

It is really important to have a strong grip on English grammar when you are preparing for govt. exams. One of the most important topics, Articles, is indeed very brief but it contains some minute details and rules that can be proved vital while answering the test. That is why aspirants for various government exams are recommended to carefully learn it, as the English language plays a major role in the final selection

This article contains some spotting error practice questions from “Articles”, along with solutions, that are relevant for your competitive exams preparation.

Directions (1-15): In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error. If the sentence contains no error, select ‘No error’.

1. We generally don’t have lunch, but we always make sure to eat good breakfast.

A. We generally don’t have lunch
B. but we always make sure
C. to eat good breakfast.
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option C. 
We don’t use the article “the” before the names of meals. But when an adjective is used before the name of a meal to describe it, then we have to use article A.
For example, they had a delicious lunch at the restaurant.
In the above sentence, “lunch” is the name of the meal, but it is without any adjectives. Thus, no article is used with the noun “lunch.” But the “good” adjective is used before the noun “breakfast”; hence we have to use “a good breakfast”.

The correct sentence is: we generally don’t have lunch, but we always make sure to eat a good breakfast.

2. Passengers are waiting for their trains at the Platform 2.

A. Passengers are waiting
B. for their trains
C. at the Platform 2
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option C.
We never use article “the” before “noun + number”
For example:
A train leaves from Platform 5. (Wrong)
The train leaves from Platform 5. (Right)
In the above statement “Platform 2” is “Noun + Number.” It is incorrect to use THE before it. Hence, “Platform 2” is correct.

The correct sentence: Passengers are waiting for their trains at Platform 2.

3. The government has vowed to provide more money to help poor.

A. The government has vowed
B. to provide more money
C. to help poor
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option C.
We use “THE + Adjective (without a noun)” for groups of people. “The rich” means the rich people. “The old” means the old people.
For example: The rich should pay more taxes in developing economies.
In the above sentence, the government is trying to help the poor people. Hence, we must use article THE before the word “poor” to represent the group of people who are poor.

The correct sentence: The government has vowed to provide more money to help the poor.

4. Sushmita Sen was seen taking her dog for walk at Marine Drive in Mumbai.

A. Sushmita Sen was seen
B. taking her dog
C. for walk at Marin Drive
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option C.
If in a sentence a verb is used as a common noun then we use article A/An before it.
For example:
You can’t tell a lie.
Reshma wants a drink.
In the given sentence, “walk” is generally used as a verb but here it is used as a noun since the preposition “for” needs its object which is only possible if “walk” acts like a common noun. Hence, we need to add article A before “walk” to make it a common noun.

The correct sentence: Sushmita Sen was seen taking her dog for a walk at Marine Drive in Mumbai.

5. The both boys played very well in the final game of the tournament.

A. The both boys played
B. very well in the final game
C. of the tournament.
D. No error

Answer: A


In this sentence the grammatical error lies in option A.
Determiners (Articles) are always placed after Quantifiers in the structure of Noun phrases. Examples of Quantifiers are All, Both, Some, Enough etc.
For example:
Both the players played with determination.
All the doors of this apartment are in good shape.
In the above sentence, article THE should be placed after Quantifier “Both”. Hence, “Both the boys” is correct.

The correct sentence: Both the boys played very well in the final game of the tournament.

6. The management has decided to set up its new centre in north part of the city.

A. The management has decided
B. to set up its new centre
C. in north
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence the grammatical error lies in option C.
We use article THE before the names of primary directions viz. North, South, East and West. This is because their position is specified by the Sun.
For example:
The sun rises in the east.
The sun sets in the west.
In the above sentence, “north” is a primary direction. Hence, “the north” is correct.

The correct sentence: The management has decided to set up its new centre in the north part of the city.

7. Lovlina Borgohain, who won a bronze medal in Olympics, belongs to a north-eastern state.

A. Lovlina Borgohain, who won
B. a bronze medal in Olympics,
C. belongs to a north-eastern state.
D. No error

Answer: D


The sentence is grammatically correct, so option D is correct.
We use article THE before the names of primary directions viz. North, South, East, and West.
But here we can’t use THE since:
It is not the primary direction
The noun “state” is not specific since no further details of state is mentioned in the sentence. (Please don’t add your GK into this that she belongs to Assam and hence it is specific. In English, you can’t add additional details on your own.)
“State” is a singular countable noun hence we have to use either ‘a or an’ before it.
“State” has a consonant sound, hence “a state” is correct.

The correct sentence: Lovlina Borgohain, who won a bronze medal in Olympics, belongs to a north-eastern state.

8. The opposition parties can take the heart from the latest opinion polls conducted by various media outlets.

A. The opposition parties can take the heart
B. from the latest opinion polls
C. conducted by various media outlets.
D. No error

Answer: A


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option A.
Some phrases are fixed and adding articles in between them distorts their real meaning. “Take heart” is a correct phrase meaning to feel more positive about something.
For example: His father inspired him to take heart in adverse situations.

The correct sentence: The opposition parties can take heart from the latest opinion polls conducted by various media outlets.

9. In an interview, Ramesh revealed that he is taller of the twins.

A. In an interview,
B. Ramesh revealed that
C. he is taller of the twins.
D. No error

Answer: C


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option C.
Whenever two things/persons are compared and we have a definite result out of that comparison then we have to use definite article THE along with the comparative degree.
In the above sentence, twins are being compared and we are getting the definite result “Ramesh being the taller of the twins”. Hence, “the taller of the twins” is correct.

The correct sentence: In an interview, Ramesh revealed that he is the taller of the twins.

10. HR noticed that Swati was first to reach the office on Monday.

A. HR noticed that Swati
B. was first to reach
C. the office on Monday.
D. No error

Answer: B


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option B.
Article THE is used before the ordinals. Examples of ordinals are first, second, third, fourth, etc. In the above sentence, “first” is an ordinal hence “the first” should be used.

The correct sentence: HR noticed that Swati was the first to reach the office on Monday.

11. In a recent post on social media, Shilpa Shetty wrote that integrity of her husband is beyond doubt.

A. In a recent post on social media,
B. Shilpa Shetty wrote that integrity of her husband
C. is beyond doubt.
D. No error

Answer: B


In this sentence, the grammatical error lies in option B.
Whenever an Abstract noun is mentioned with a reference, then that reference makes its use in a specific sense. Hence article THE should be used in such cases.
For example: The beauty of Kashmir is worth seeing.
Here “beauty” is an Abstract noun mentioned with a reference “of Kashmir”. This means the sentence is not talking about beauty in general but it is talking about the beauty concerned with Kashmir. Hence this makes the abstract noun specific despite being uncountable. Hence, “the beauty of Kashmir” is correct here.

Please note that whenever an Abstract Noun is mentioned without any reference then we don’t add an article before it.
For example: Honesty is the best policy.
Here “honesty” is an abstract noun but there is no specific reference. It is mentioned in a general sense. Hence no article is used before it. In the above sentence, “integrity” is an abstract noun with the reference “of her husband”. Hence “the integrity of her husband” is correct.

The correct sentence: In a recent post on social media, Shilpa Shetty wrote that the integrity of her husband is beyond doubt.

12. The Ramayana tells us a story of love and respect wherein Mahabharata deals with more grave political intricacies.

A. The Ramayana tells us a story of
B. love and respect wherein Mahabharata deals with
C. more grave political intricacies
D. No error

Answer: B


The sentence is grammatically incorrect and the error lies in option B.
We use definite article “the” before the name of a renowned book or the books which are one of their kind.
For example: The Ramayana, The Geeta, the bible, The odyssey, etc.
In this sentence as well, “the” will be used before Mahabharata as it has been used before Ramayana. Thus, The will be used before Mahabharata to make the sentence grammatically correct.

The correct sentence: The Ramayana tells us a story of love and respect wherein the Mahabharata deals with more grave political intricacies.

13. Sea seems calm and full to the brim in the months of October and November.

A. full to the brim in the months of
B. Sea seems calm and
C. October and November
D. No error

Answer: B


The sentence is grammatically incorrect and the error lies in option B.
Definite article “the” is used before such common nouns that are unique of their kinds, as the natural elements like the sky, the sea etc.
For example: Tonight, the sky is glittering with billions of stars.
Also, here SEA refers to all the sea in general. So we should use definite article THE before it. Even if we want to specify a single sea, we need to use indefinite article A before it. Thus, The / A will be used before SEA to make the sentence grammatically correct.

The correct sentence: The/ A sea seems calm and full to the brim in the months of October and November.

14. I have read his two novels but the second one is better of the two.

A. No error
B. I have read his two novels
C. but the second one
D. is better of the two

Answer: D


The sentence is grammatically incorrect and the error is in option D
“The” is used before comparative degree as selection or comparison followed by “of the two”.
For example: He is the braver of the two ministers. 
We are referring to a specific previously mentioned novel, which is why the definite article fits here as well. Thus, The will be used before better to make the sentence grammatically correct.

The correct sentence: I have read his two novels but the second one is the better of the two.

15. More he earns, the more his greed flexes its arms.

A. More he earns,
B. the more his greed
C. flexes its arms
D. No error

Answer: A


The sentence is grammatically incorrect and the error is in option A.
Comparison and contrast are expressed by the use of the…the… with comparative adjectives in parallel clauses. This structure is used to show proportionate increases or decreases.
The structure is: the + comparative adjective + clause + the + comparative adjective + clause
For example: The more adventurous it is, the more I like it.
Thus, “the” will be used before the first “more” as well to make the sentence grammatically correct.

The correct sentence will be: The more he earns, the more his greed flexes its arms.

We hope that these practice questions increased your understanding of articles. 


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