BOLD Technology Systems Pvt Ltd Interview Experience

Bold(Formerly known as LiveCareer) is a product company. HR connected over LinkedIn regarding the opportunity. The process started the next day only.

There were 3 Rounds :

Round 1(With Team Lead): Started at 1 PM to 2 PM. She was very humble and nice.  

  1. Brief Introduction.
  2. Regarding the projects.
  3. Two programming questions – one on the array, one on string, live coding
  4. JS basic concepts – closures, scope, overloading, callbacks, async and defer, var vs const vs let, code samples on var, const and let, code sample on closures
  5. Java – Interface, abstraction, static methods, singleton, marker interface

After that got the call from HR that I have cleared Round 1. Next round will be on 3:30 PM.

Round 2: 

  • Interviewer joined on Google meets and gave sample snippet of Overloading, asked multiple questions on that, then sample snippets for outputs on closures, then on call backs, it lasted for 30 mins
  • Then got the call from HR that Interviewer gave the positive feedback, we will be moving to next round, which started at 5 PM with Director.

Round 3(With Director): He started with the introduction, about the company then he gave 2 code sample on async and wait and asked for outputs, after that he gave two pattern printing question.

  1. Print:






  2. Print Diamond with odd stars.

Then HR called back that I have got positive feedback from the Interviewer, we will let you know the outcomes soon.

Two days later I got the Offer Letter.

It was really a nice experience and many thanks to HR, she was really nice and humble. She was always available to answer the query.

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