Bloomberg Interview Experience for SDE Intern (Off-Campus)

I applied through a referral from a campus recruiter. Directly got an mail to schedule my interview. The round 1 interviewer was a person from the Pune office. Both the rounds were online.

Round 1:

Asked about my introduction (They want to check the graduation year and if applying for the correct role), and why I wanted to join Bloomberg.
Brief discussion over array and implementation of linked list. Was asked about implementing my own linked list class.


  • Must have 0(1) access
  • Should be able to allocate new memory and change the size dynamically.

She asked me how much extra memory I would allocate and why. I gave an interesting answer, stating to use a simple learning algorithm that would eventually learn and allocate the memory as per the user’s requirements in the past.

Coding question:
[Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses – LeetCode]( . The only change was I had to return all pairs of indices (starting and ending) of all the maximum depth pairs.

The question takes place on hackerearth/hackerrank platform, but they do not compile the code and only dry run.

Discussion over which data-structure to use for a telephone lookup, should be efficient both ways. Lookup by Name and Phone Number too.

Round 2:

After a month, I again was asked to book an interview slot.

This time there were 2 people, both from the London office. (Had some issue understanding what they were exactly saying due to the accent)

Was asked about my previous internship experience in detail, about my role what I liked, what I exactly did, what was my role. Same about my one of the projects I had mentioned in my resume.

Jumped to the coding question:

There are trades coming in the market like

  • AAPL 500
  • MSFT 200
  • AMZ 100
  • MSFT 400

Efficiently search the total quantity of trades for a particular stock, and also find out the k most frequently traded stocks. Top K stocks at any particular moment. (Like after a request for top k stocks, new stocks can be added)

Then asked me about what unit testing is and their implementation.

Was sent a rejection mail a day later.

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