Difference Between Blood And Lymph

The difference between blood and lymph lies in the fact that blood circulates throughout the body through blood vessels, while lymph flows through lymphatic vessels to remove toxins and pathogens before returning to the bloodstream.

The difference between blood and lymph class 9 helps students learn about the distinct functions and compositions of these bodily fluids. In this article, we will study blood and lymph in brief and the difference between blood and lymph.

Table of Content

  • What is Blood?
  • What is Lymph?
  • Difference Between Blood and Lymph
  • Similarities Between Blood and Lymph
  • Conclusion: Difference Between Blood And Lymph
  • Difference Between Related Links
  • FAQs on Difference Between Blood And Lymph

What is Blood?

Blood is a specialized fluid that circulates through the body’s arteries and veins. Blood cells are made in the bone marrow, which is the soft, spongy material in the centre of the bones. It transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body while also playing an important role in immune defense and maintaining homeostasis through clotting mechanisms. The composition of blood is:

  • Red Blood Cells: Approximately 40-45% of blood volume.
  • White Blood Cells and Platelets: Both form less than 1% of blood volume.
  • Plasma: Approximately 55% of blood volume.
    • Water: About 90-92%.
    • Proteins: About 7-9%, including albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, and other clotting factors.

Functions of Blood

Blood perform the following functions:

  • Carrying oxygen from the lungs to cells and tissues throughout the body.
  • Distributing nutrients absorbed from the digestive system to cells.
  • Transporting waste products, like carbon dioxide and urea, away from cells to be eliminated.
  • Transporting hormones from glands to target tissues, regulating various bodily functions.
  • Containing white blood cells that fight off pathogens and foreign invaders, helping to prevent infections.
  • Distributing heat throughout the body, helping in maintaining optimal body temperature.
  • Forming blood clots to prevent excessive bleeding when blood vessels are damaged, promoting wound healing.
  • Helping to maintain the body’s acid-base balance by regulating the pH of bodily fluids.

What is Lymph?

Lymph is a clear, colorless fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system, a network of vessels and organs that parallel the circulatory system. It is derived from the fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. Lymph contains water, electrolytes, proteins, fats, and white blood cells, and it plays an important role in immune function.

Lymphatic vessels transport lymph through the body, filtering it through lymph nodes where foreign particles, pathogens, and cellular debris are removed. Finally, lymph returns to the bloodstream via the thoracic duct or right lymphatic duct, helping to maintain fluid balance, transport fats, and contribute to immune defense.

Functions of Lymph

Lymph perform the following functions:

  • Carrying lymphocytes and other immune cells to sites of infection or inflammation for immune responses.
  • Absorbing excess interstitial fluid from tissues and returning it to the bloodstream, thereby maintaining fluid balance.
  • Absorbing dietary fats from the intestines and transporting them to the bloodstream via the lymphatic system.
  • Filtering cellular debris, pathogens, and foreign particles from the lymphatic fluid through lymph nodes.
  • Transporting nutrients such as proteins and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system to the bloodstream.

Difference Between Blood and Lymph

The difference Between Blood and Lymph in table is given below:





The red liquid that travels throughout the arteries and veins of the body, bringing nutrients and gases for breathing, is called blood. The lymphatic system allows lymph, a colorless fluid that bathes tissues, to discharge.


Due to the presence of RBC, blood has a reddish color. Due to the lack of RBC, lymph is a colorless fluid.


It participates in carrying nutrients, oxygen, hormones, carbon dioxide, wastes, and more. It is an essential component of the immune system and the body’s defense.

Composed of 

It is composed of proteins and mineral substances including calcium, iron, and phosphorus. It is composed of calcium, phosphorus, and proteins but not iron.

Oxygen content

Less digested food and less oxygen are carried. Carries more oxygen and food that has been digested.


The heart, veins, and arteries all carry blood around the body. Lymph travels through lymph nodes, lymph arteries, and lymphatic capillaries.

Red blood cell

Present Absent


More proteins are present in it. It has fewer proteins in slightly altered ratios than in the blood.


Blood circulates in a circular pattern. Lymph fluid only flows in one direction.


In mammals, the kidneys are where blood purification occurs. Lymph nodes, which are found in many regions of the body, are where lymph is purified.


Because fibrinogen is present, blood clots quickly. Because there is less fibrinogen present in lymph, it clots more slowly.


The circulatory system includes blood.  The lymphatic system is responsible for lymph.


Blood diseases include Polycythemia, Thalassemia and Anemia. Several diseases linked to the lymphatic system include Lymphedema, Lymphoma and Lymphadenitis.


In the blood vessels, blood moves quickly. Much more slowly than blood.


Blood maintains pH balance and controls body temperature. Lymph contains lymphocytes and carries fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

Similarities Between Blood and Lymph

Though these bodily fluids differ from each there, they also share some similarities as well. These are:

  • Both blood and lymph are bodily fluids.
  • They both serve as transport systems within the body, carrying various substances to and from cells.
  • Both contain white blood cells that play roles in immune defense.
  • Both blood and lymph circulate through vessels – blood through blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), and lymph through lymphatic vessels.
  • Both blood and lymph interact with tissues and organs, providing nutrients and removing waste products.
  • They both contribute to maintaining fluid balance within the body.
  • Both transport hormones and signaling molecules throughout the body.
  • Both eventually return to the circulatory system – lymph re-enters the bloodstream via lymphatic ducts.

Conclusion: Difference Between Blood And Lymph

By srudying the difference between blood and lymph, students understand the structure and functioning of these bodily fluids. Blood is a fluid circulating through closed blood vessels, composed of plasma and various cells including red and white blood cells. In contrast, lymph is a clear fluid derived from blood plasma, primarily containing lymphocytes, circulating through lymphatic vessels. While blood transports nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, lymph primarily helps in immune function, carrying lymphocytes and assisting in the removal of cellular debris.

Difference Between Related Links

FAQs on Difference Between Blood And Lymph

What is the Difference Between Blood and Lymph?

Blood circulates in closed blood vessels, carrying oxygen and nutrients, while lymph circulates through lymphatic vessels, aiding in immune function and maintaining fluid balance.

What are 3 Similarities Between Lymph and Blood?

Both lymph and blood transport immune cells, maintain fluid balance, and originate from plasma.

What is the Relationship Between Blood and Lymph?

Blood and lymph are interconnected systems; lymph originates from leaked blood plasma and returns to the bloodstream, providing complementary roles in circulation and immune defense.

What is Lymph Class 9?

Lymph in blood refers to the presence of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, within the bloodstream.

What are Two Functions of Lymph?

Lymph help in immune defense by carrying lymphocytes and removing pathogens, while also maintaining fluid balance by absorbing excess interstitial fluid and returning it to the bloodstream.

What is the Function of Blood?

The function of blood is to transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body while also help in immune defense and maintaining homeostasis.

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