Diagram of Blood Vessels

The diagram of blood vessels shows that blood vessels transport blood, oxygen, nutrients, and water throughout the body. These are part of the cardiovascular system that carries blood throughout the body. The diagram of blood vessels in class 10 is an important topic in the biology syllabus. There are three major types of blood vessels in the body – veins, arteries, and capillaries.

The labelled diagram of blood vessels is shown below:

Diagram of blood vessels

Table of Content

  • What are Blood Vessels?
  • Structure of Blood Vessels
  • Types of Blood Vessels
    • Arteries
    • Capillaries
    • Veins
  • Blood Vessels Diagram and Function
  • Differences Between Arteries and Veins
  • Conclusion – Blood Vessels Diagram
  • Related Diagram Article Links
  • FAQs on Diagram of Blood Vessels

What are Blood Vessels?

Blood vessels are the channels by which blood is distributed to all the tissues of the body. They transport nutrients, oxygen, and water to body cells. The arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart whereas the veins carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart. The capillaries facilitate the exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste products between the bloodstream and surrounding tissues through their thin walls. Learning the blood vessels diagram is a simple way to understand the basics of circulatory system.

Structure of Blood Vessels

The blood vessels diagram shows the structure which is given below:

  • They have tubular structures that form a network throughout the body, transporting blood to and from tissues.
  • They are composed of three main layers: the tunica intima (innermost layer), tunica media (middle layer), and tunica externa (outermost layer).
    • Tunica intima: consists of endothelial cells and a thin layer of connective tissue, providing a smooth surface for blood flow.
    • Tunica media: composed of smooth muscle cells and elastic fibers, regulating blood vessel diameter and blood pressure.
    • Tunica externa: made up of connective tissue, providing support and protection to the blood vessel.
  • Blood vessels vary in size and function, including arteries, veins, and capillaries.

Types of Blood Vessels

The blood vessels classification is based on their structure and function. They are:


  • Oxygenated blood flows away from the heart through arteries
  • Pulmonary arteries transport deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
  • Oxygenated blood is transported from the left ventricle to the body tissues by systemic arteries


  • Exchange of material between blood and tissue occurs in the capillaries
  • Capillaries form the connection between the blood vessels i.e arteries and veins
  • The primary function of capillaries is the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste


  • Veins carry blood toward the heart.
  • After the capillaries release oxygen and other substances from blood into body tissues, blood enters the smallest veins, called venules.
  • From the venules, it flows into progressively larger veins until it reaches back to the heart through the vena ceva.

Blood Vessels Diagram and Function

The above given blood vessels diagram shows its detailed structure. Now, let’s discuss the function of blood vessel:

  • Transport: Blood vessels transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body.
  • Regulation: Blood vessels help regulate blood pressure and blood flow by constricting or dilating in response to various stimuli.
  • Exchange: Capillaries facilitate the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between the blood and tissues.
  • Immune Response: Blood vessels play a role in the immune response by transporting immune cells to sites of infection or injury.
  • Temperature Regulation: Blood vessels regulate body temperature by redirecting blood flow to release or conserve heat as needed.

Differences Between Arteries and Veins

The difference between arteries and veins in tabular form is given below:




Direction of Transport

Carries blood away from the heart

Carries blood towards the heart

Type of Blood

Carries oxygenated blood

Carries deoxygenated blood


Deep within the body

Close to the skin


Red due to the oxygenated blood

Blue due to the deoxygenated blood


The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood

The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood


Thick and elastic walls

Thin walls and less elastic


The lumen in arteries is narrow

The lumen in veins is wide

Conclusion – Blood Vessels Diagram

In conclusion, the diagram of blood vessels shows that there are three main types of blood vessels in the circulatory system: arteries, veins, and capillaries. Understanding the blood vessels diagram helps students easily grasp the concept of circulatory system. Arteries carry blood pumped away from the heart whereas veins return blood to the heart. Capillaries are the tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins.

Related Diagram Article Links

FAQs on Diagram of Blood Vessels

What are the 3 Blood Vessels?

The 3 types of blood vessels are: Arteries — these carry blood pumped away from the heart; Veins — these return blood to the heart and Capillaries —tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins.

Where can I Find the Diagram of Blood Vessels Class 10?

You can find the diagram of blood vessels labelled at the top of the article.

What does the Diagram of Blood Vessels in Human Body Show?

The diagram of blood vessels in the human body illustrates the complex network responsible for transporting blood throughout the body, including arteries, veins, and capillaries.

What is the Simple Structure of Blood Vessels?

Apart from capillaries, all blood vessels are made of three layers—The tunica externa or outer layer, tunica media or middle layer and tunica interna or the inner layer.

What is the Smallest Vein?

The smallest veins in the body are venules.

What is the Largest Artery in the Body?

The largest artery of the body is the aorta and it carries blood from the heart to the circulatory system.

What is Blood Vessels with Diagram?

Blood Vessels are a network of hollow, tube pipes that transport nutrients, gases, and blood throughout the body tissues.

What are the 3 Parts of Blood Vessels?

The three parts of blood vessels are: endothelium (inner lining), smooth muscle (middle layer), and connective tissue (outer layer).

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