Blaze UI Autocomplete

Blaze UI is a free open-source UI toolkit that provides a strong and maintainable foundation to develop scalable web solutions. All the components of Blaze UI are developed mobile-first and rely on native browser features, not on any additional library or framework. 

Blaze UI provides autocomplete feature, autocomplete feature allows users to easily identify and pick from a pre-populated list of values as they input, utilizing searching and filtering.

Blaze UI Autocomplete Attribute: The Autocomplete component has only an optional attribute named placeholder that accepts a string value which is the initial text displayed in the input field.

Blaze UI Autocomplete Methods:

  • setItems: This method is used to set the menu items list.

Blaze UI Autocomplete Events:

  • filter: This event is triggered when the user types in the input passing the value of the text box.
  • select: This event is triggered when a menu item is chosen.

Blaze UI Autocomplete Tag:

  • blaze-autocomplete: This tag is used to add the autocomplete feature to the website.


<blaze-autocomplete placeholder="...">

Example 1: The following code demonstrates the Blaze UI Autocomplete feature.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <script type="module"
    <h1 style="color: green;">
    <h2> Blaze UI Autocomplete </h2>


Blaze UI Autocomplete

Example 2: The following code demonstrates the Blaze UI autocomplete feature using the Blaze UI autocomplete tag with a placeholder attribute.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <script type="module"
    <h1 style="color: green;">
    <h2> Blaze UI Autocomplete </h2>
    <blaze-autocomplete placeholder="Enter some text...">


Blaze UI Autocomplete


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