Bidgely Interview experience | Set 2 ( Software Engineer)

Aptitude and Coding Round
This round consisted of 12 questions including 10 general aptitude and 2 coding questions. The aptitude part comprised of questions on speed, distance & time, permutation & combination, probability, and other general mathematical concepts. The 2 coding questions were based on digit sum of a number and decimal to binary conversion of a string. The aptitude questions were multiple choice type with a marking of +2 and -1. I could solve 7 aptitude and 1 coding question after which i was selected for the interviews.

Interview Round 1
The interviews took place at Bidgely’s office which is located at the outer ring road near Bellandur. This round started off with the customary question: “ Tell me about yourself ? ”. I introduced myself to the interviewer and told him about the various academic projects i undertook.

Interview Round 2
The level of difficulty of questions increased in this round.

  • The first question that the interviewer asked me was to divide a given array into 3 variable stacks and the generalize the code for ‘n’ stacks. I used n+1 arrays, one for keeping the track of empty places in the array (array coloring), and the rest ‘n’ for keeping a track for previous stack tops.
  • Next question was to store a tree in a database. Basically, i had to explain him the structure of the database table.

Interview Round 3
This was a short round with just one question: “ How do you find the number of unique users visiting a web page within a bracket of one hour ?”. I used queues to count the users and the concept of cookies to keep a track of uniqueness. After this, I was selected for the profile of Software Engineer.

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