BharatPe Interview Experience

I got to know about this opportunity via Linkedin jobs, got referral from one of the employee working at BharatPe and on the same day received one mail to book an interview slot and i booked for next day morning itself.

Round 1: Technical Round

The interview happened on interviewbit platform where the interviewer gave a linkedin medium ques, MAX SQUARE. After that, he asked me ques on HTTP Methods, Indexing followed by SQL ques. Now the thing is the questions which were asked were repeatedly asked since last few years of interviews and hence you get a benefit if you have gone through the questions previously asked in BharatPe.

Round 2: System Design Round

In this round i was given a HLD problem based on Ticketing system design. After this, he asked me about brief explaination on SOLID and importance of design principles.

After both rounds, there’s two more rounds, one with director and lastly compensation discussion.

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