BeyondID Interview Experience for Full Stack Developer

The interview process was of normal level. Their main focus was whether I had knowledge related to web development, cyber security, multi-factor authentication, and various platforms like Okta, where their primary work was set up. Plus other support work where tickets are raised by clients and they need help in some software-related usage. They were expanding their business in India so I think they just wanted a worthy candidate who can learn any technology quickly and start working on it.

Below is my interview experience :

Round – 1 (Online Assessment): Passed
Some MCQ related to basic knowledge of cyber security and other language-specific output-based questions were there. They were of easy level.

Round – 2 (Technical Round): Passed

So this round was interviewed by 2 Senior Software Engineers. They asked me questions related to my resume and they dug deep into it about the project I was working on the technologies I used, and what major challenges I faced while working on it. Other than this, there were some situational questions about how I troubleshoot certain technical issues.

Round – 3 (Final) (Country-Head Round): Passed

It was more of a managerial round from the Country Head of BeyondID. We both introduced ourselves and he briefly explained about the companies objective and what will be the primary responsibilities of a new joined as a full stack developer. Then we had a discussion on my previous responsibilities and why I opt for a switch from an MNC.

Final Result : Selected (but due to location constraints, I did not take the job.)

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