10 Best Wikipedia Alternatives in 2024 (Free)

Wikipedia has become a household name since its launch in 2001, offering millions of articles in numerous languages, making it one of the most comprehensive and widely used free online encyclopedias. However, as we step into 2024, there are various Wikipedia alternatives that also offer vast amounts of information across various subjects. These alternative sites might work a bit differently and might not be as well-developed, but they aim to provide useful information just like Wikipedia.

This article looks at the top 10 free Wikipedia alternatives you can use in 2024. Each of these websites has something special to offer, like using videos and pictures, giving more detailed information, or having stronger privacy settings. Come explore these options with us and find new ways to gather information beyond what you’re used to with Wikipedia.

10 Best Free Wikipedia Alternatives in 2024

  1. Encyclopedia Britannica
  2. Kiwix
  3. KnowledgePicker
  4. Oppia
  5. Scholarpedia
  6. Metacademy
  7. Metapedia
  8. World History Encyclopedia
  9. Wikiless
  10. WikiSpooks.com

Which is the Best Wikipedia Alternatives for 2024?

KIWIX – Best Wikipedia Alternative

Among the best Wikipedia alternatives discussed in this article, Kiwix stands out as the top choice. Kiwix is great because it offers a lot of information on almost any topic you might search for. It has received a 4-star rating, which shows it’s highly regarded and achieving such a rating is not easy.

One of the biggest advantages of using Kiwix is that it doesn’t need an internet connection to work—it can be used offline. This is especially helpful if you’re in a place without reliable internet access. Plus, Kiwix is a crowd-sourced platform, which means it gathers information from many contributors, ensuring the information it provides is powerful and reliable.

Best Free Wikipedia Alternatives for 2024

Recently, many alternatives to Wikipedia have been getting more popular because they are free and work in a similar way to Wikipedia. These alternatives aren’t just competitors; they also help users find the information they need without having to read through the very detailed articles on Wikipedia, which can be overwhelming at times. For those looking for easier ways to get information, here are the 10 best Wikipedia alternatives.

1. Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia Britannica is discovered by Encyclopedia Britannica,Inc. that is a private company. This Wikipedia alternative uses English language only and has many articles that engage the readers towards itself. This is one of the most popular and best Wikipedia alternative.


  • This alternative is add free with makes it an attractive option.
  • It is web based, windows and Mac based alternative.
  • This has enormous articles and it has been seen some of them aren’t even provided by Wikipedia.



  • Most of the people like it because it is add free.
  • It conveys reliable information.
  • Some find it commercial and unreliable as well.
  • Many users can’t find accurate result.


  • Available for free.
  • $8.99 per month (Monthly)
  • $74.95 per month (Annually)

Link: https://www.britannica.com/

2. Kiwix

Another best Wikipedia alternative is Kiwix. This is one of the most used alternative, as it gives you information about anything wherever you go, additionally it doesn’t requires internet connection.


  • It stores everything in your USB, Flash drive or even DVD.
  • It is portable and can be accessed even when we are offline.
  • This is an open source alternative.



  • Users love how it works without internet.
  • It conveys reliable information to users.
  • There are weird choices for saving and sharing content, as they use .zim extension.
  • The articles cannot be converted to pdfs


  • Available for free.
  • $5 per month (Basic)

Link: https://kiwix.org/en/

3. KnowledgePicker

KnowledgePicker is a Wikipedia alternative which acts as a community driven alternative. It has many articles and resources related to a single topic organised in folders through links and below it, also contains ratings from the users.


  • The rating feature let’s other people find desired peice of information.
  • We can we add bookmarks to different articles.
  • It also has videos and audio files other than articles only.



  • It has large amount of information in various forms.
  • It has easy to use interface.
  • Some complain that it provides false information sometimes.


  • Available for free.

Link: https://knowledgepicker.com/

4. Oppia

Oppia is one of the best Wikipedia alternative that is free and a open source learning and knowledge platform, similar to wikipedia. It is really beneficial for students as it focuses mostly on educational content. It has many features that makes it one of the best Wikipedia alternatives.


  • It allows the users to do visual editing.
  • It is a learning platform that allows the people to gain knowledge.
  • It is available as web based, IOS , Mac based.



  • It has rating of 3.4 stars.
  • It helps students to learn and teach.
  • It has complex interface.
  • It is based on educational system of some particular countries but the topics are related over the globe.


  • It is available for free only.

Link: https://www.oppia.org/

5. Scholarpedia

Scholarpedia is a Wikipedia alternative that is an open access encyclopedia. The content uploaded, edited and provided is made by the scholars all over the world. Scholarpedia is inspired by Wikipedia only.


  • Scholarpedia doesn’t disrupts learning by showing adds.
  • It has large variety of content for academic topics.
  • It is really useful for finding reliable resources as it is insisted by the scholars.



  • It is add free alternative.
  • People are additive to it for searching content as it has proved to be useful.
  • It’s software lacks in between.
  • Sometimes the images given and content posted doesn’t match.


  • It is available for free.

Link: https://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Main_Page

6. Metacademy

Metacademy is one of the most known Wikipedia alternative that is a open source platform for reliable and accurate information. It has many features that enables the users to quickly get the desired resources.


  • It is community based, i.e, it is handled by community.
  • Since, it is community based it allows to rectify the errors.
  • It is free open source.



  • Almost everyone have a opinion that Scholarpedia is better than Wikipedia.
  • It appears to be useful when information is required quickly.
  • It is known by some , only by 10 Cr people , that is comparatively low as compared to other alternatives.


  • It is available for free.

Link: https://metacademy.org/

7. Metapedia

Metapedia is Wikipedia alternative that is open source and focuses mainly on content related to art, science, culture, philosophy, etc. It is available in different languages as well.


  • It is an electronic encyclopedia that has relevant information.
  • It influences debates, cultures, historical views etc.
  • It has a bunch of information that makes it irreplaceable.



  • It is available in 25 different European languages.
  • It has 4.1 star rating.
  • It includes oppressive views as well like white nationalist, anti-feminist point of views.


  • It is available for free.

Link: https://www.metapedia.org/

8. World History Encyclopedia

World History Encyclopedia is Wikipedia alternative which is a NGO (Non-profit Organisation). It mainly focuses on providing high quality information and content for teachers and students. It has ancient history articles, definations, maps and books, etc.


  • It has high quality information stored for its users.
  • It has easy to use interface.



  • It is free open source software.
  • It doesn’t allows to store information as compared to other alternatives.


  • It is available for free.

Link: https://www.worldhistory.org/

9. Wikiless

One of the best Wikipedia alternative is Wikiless that is a free open source software which provides personalized and convenient information to the users. It has enormous amount of articles written on variety of topics.


  • It is light weight app.
  • It is available free of ads.
  • It has features to ensure privacy and no tracking.



  • It maintains the privacy of users.
  • It is a self hosted alternative.
  • It laggs while searching for content.


  • It available for free.

Link: https://wikiless.com/

10. WikiSpooks.com

The last best Wikipedia alternative is WikiSpooks. This Wikipedia alternative is a global encyclopedia that focuses on the topics like spy, politics, spy craft etc.


  • It is free of corporate influences for its users.
  • Users can read, edit, share and save the information accessed.
  • It is a free open source software.



  • It is anti censorship software.
  • It has a huge number of topics available for people.
  • No such bad review have been shared by anyone till now.


  • It is available for free.

Link: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Main_Page 


These were some of the best Wikipedia alternatives for 2024 , these are useful and helpful as well. As compared to wikipedia where sometimes it becomes difficult to work with or to find a particular information, as it has a high quality resources, it is more preferable to use alternatives that could give desired information quickly.

These Wikipedia alternatives are crowd sourced , and available for free. These alternatives have many accessibility features as well that enables the handicapped or physically challenged people to manage the settings the way they want while consuming the required information they have searched for.

10 Best Wikipedia Alternatives in 2024 (Free) – FAQS

What is good alternative for Wikipedia?

Some of the good alternatives for Wikipedia are Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikibot, Wikiless, Kiwix, scholarpedia, Metacademy, Metapedia, etc.

What is better than Wiki?

Scholarpedia can be reffered as better than Wiki , it is inspired by Wikipedia and it similar to it which has attracted more people to it.

Who competes with Wikipedia?

Some of the companies that competes with Wikipedia are Scholarpedia, Wikibot, MIT Open Courseware, etc.

What is the best Wiki app?

Some of the best Wiki apps known till now are Zoho Learn, Helpjuice, Gitbook , Document360, Nuclino, and many more.

What is the best free online encyclopaedia?

Some of the best free online encyclopaedia till now are Scholarpedia, Smithsonian, Who2, Wikipedia, Canadian Encyclopedia, and much more.

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