Best Tools Every UI UX Designer Should be Using

The UI/UX design world is a mix of functionality and aesthetics. It’s where usability meets visual appeal, crafting intuitive and captivating experiences. But the right tools can elevate designers’ process from good to great. So, be ready as we get into the best UI/UX design tools for every stage of your design journey!

Best Tools Every UI UX Designer Should be Using

What are UI/UX Design Tools?

UI/UX design tools are software applications that allow designers to create user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX). UI refers to the visual elements users interact with, like buttons, menus, and icons. UX encompasses the entire user journey, ensuring it’s smooth, efficient, and enjoyable. These tools offer a diverse range of functionalities, from wireframing and prototyping to creating high-fidelity mockups and collaborating with teams.

How to Choose the Best UI/UX Design Tools for You?

With a plethora of UI/UX design tools available, selecting the perfect one depends on your specific needs and experience level. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Skill Level: Are you a seasoned designer or just starting? UI/UX design tools for beginners often prioritize user-friendliness and offer a gentle learning curve.
  • Budget: While some tools boast robust features, they come with a price tag. Explore free UI/UX design tools or freemium options with limited features to test the waters before committing.
  • Project Requirements: Do you need advanced prototyping capabilities? Prioritize prototyping tools for UI/UX design. For seamless collaboration, consider collaboration tools for UI/UX design.
  • Operating System: UI/UX design tools for Mac may differ from those designed for Windows. Ensure compatibility with your system.
  • Industry Specialization: For instance, e-commerce design might benefit from tools offering specific UI components or functionalities.

Top UI UX Design Tools For You to Try

Table of Content

  • Figma
  • Slack
  • InVision
  • ChatGPT
  • Miro
  • Notion
  • Jitter
  • Gumroad


  • Pricing: Free plan available, From $15/editor/month
  • Pros: User-friendly interface, exceptional for collaboration, robust prototyping features, cloud-based for accessibility across devices.
  • Cons: Limited offline functionality compared to some competitors, pricing can increase for large teams.
  • Rating: 4.7/5

Figma stands out as a powerful and user-friendly UI/UX design tool. It shines in collaborative environments, allowing teams to work together seamlessly on projects in real time. Figma’s robust feature set, including exceptional prototyping capabilities, makes it a favorite among designers of all experience levels. While the free plan is great for beginners, larger teams may need to consider paid plans.


  • Pricing: Free plan available. Starting From ₹545/month
  • Pros: User-friendly interface, excellent for team communication and collaboration, integrates with many popular tools, mobile apps for on-the-go access.
  • Cons: Free plan limitations can be restrictive, costs can add up for large teams, feature bloat with extensive integrations.
  • Rating: 9.0 out of 10

Slack has become synonymous with streamlined team communication. Its user-friendly interface fosters collaboration through channels, direct messaging, and file sharing. Seamless integration with various tools and mobile apps keeps teams connected and on the same page, regardless of location. While the free plan offers a taste of its functionality, larger teams may need paid plans to unlock its full potential.


  • Pricing: Free plan available, paid plans with pricing upon request.
  • Pros: Excellent collaboration features, streamlines design handoff process, user testing functionalities, integrates with various design tools.
  • Cons: Pricing not readily available, may be costlier for larger teams compared to some competitors, core functionality lies in collaboration rather than core design.
  • Rating: 4.4/5

InVision isn’t just a design tool, it’s a collaboration hub for UI/UX designers and developers. Its strength lies in streamlining the design handoff process with features like prototyping, user testing, and seamless integration with popular design software. While a free plan exists, core functionalities reside in paid tiers with pricing determined upon request. This can be a drawback for budget-conscious teams, but InVision’s collaborative prowess makes it a valuable asset for streamlined workflows.


  • Pricing: ChatGPT offers a freemium model. ChatGPT Plus – US$20/month
  • Pros: Easy to use, engages in conversations, assists with writing and brainstorming, free tier available.
  • Cons: Limited control over creative direction in the free tier, potential for factual inaccuracies, requires internet access.
  • Rating: 4.6 out 5 stars

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a free-to-use AI chatbot that engages in conversations, helps with writing, and aids brainstorming. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible, and the free tier offers a taste of its capabilities. However, the free tier has limitations, and the outputs may not always be factually accurate. Upgrading to a paid plan unlocks more advanced features and the GPT-4 model.


  • Pricing: Miro offers a free plan. Subscription starting from $8/month.
  • Pros: Infinite canvas for brainstorming and idea visualization, versatile for various design needs, strong collaboration features, real-time editing, vast library of templates.
  • Cons: Free plan limitations can be restrictive, complex pricing structure for larger teams, some users report performance issues with very large boards.
  • Rating: 4.7 out 5 stars

Miro offers a virtual whiteboard that feels limitless, perfect for brainstorming and visually mapping out ideas. Its strength lies in collaboration, allowing teams to work together in real time on a massive digital canvas. Miro boasts a vast library of templates for various design needs, making it a versatile tool. While the free plan caters to individual users or small teams, paid plans offer increased capabilities for larger design teams working on complex projects.


  • Pricing: Notion offers a free plan. Subscription starts from $8 per seat/month
  • Pros: Highly customizable workspace, all-in-one functionality for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases, exceptional for project management and knowledge management, clean and user-friendly interface.
  • Cons: Learning curve for complex functionalities, limited offline functionality, can feel overwhelming for simple note-taking.
  • Rating: 4.7 out of 5

Notion carves a niche as a versatile workspace, acting as a powerful tool for both individuals and teams. This all-in-one platform lets you organize notes, manage tasks, build wikis, and create databases – all within a clean and customizable interface. Notion excels in project management and knowledge organization, making it a favorite for streamlining workflows. While the free plan offers a taste of its functionality, the learning curve for complex features and limited offline access might be drawbacks for some users.


  • Pricing: Jitter offers a free plan, and subscription starting at $12 per month.
  • Pros: Simple and user-friendly interface, ideal for beginners in animation, pre-built animation presets for faster workflows, integrates with Figma for seamless design handoff.
  • Cons: Limited animation complexity compared to advanced software, may not be suitable for professional-grade animation projects, currently only available as a web-based tool.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Jitter caters to beginners and casual animators with its user-friendly interface and pre-built animation presets. This web-based tool offers a free plan to test the waters, with a Pro plan (starting at $12/month) unlocking HD exports, transparent backgrounds, and priority support. While Jitter excels in streamlining animation workflows for beginners, its limitations in complexity may not suit professional-grade animation projects. However, its Figma integration makes it a valuable tool for designers looking to bring their creations to life with simple animations.


  • Pricing: Gumroad takes a 10% flat fee on each sale, with additional payment processing fees. There are no monthly charges.
  • Pros: Easy to use platform for selling digital products, user-friendly interface for both sellers and customers, built-in marketing tools, option for pay-what-you-want pricing.
  • Cons: Limited features compared to some e-commerce platforms, not suitable for selling physical products, transaction fees can add up for high-volume sales.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Gumroad simplifies selling digital products like ebooks, software, or courses. Unlike other platforms, it boasts a user-friendly interface and charges a flat 10% fee per sale, with no monthly costs. This makes it ideal for creators who prioritize ease of use and keeping most of their profits. Gumroad even offers built-in marketing tools and a “pay-what-you-want” pricing option. However, its limited features may not be suitable for complex e-commerce needs, and transaction fees can add up for high-volume sales.


The world of UI/UX design tools is constantly evolving, offering a plethora of options for designers of all experience levels. By considering your specific needs, budget, and project requirements, you can select the tools that will empower you to create exceptional user experiences. Remember, the perfect tool is the one that unlocks your creativity and streamlines your design workflow. So, experiment, explore, and unleash your inner design genius!

Best UI/UX Tools – FAQs

Which tool is best for UI/UX design?

There’s no single “best” tool – it depends on your needs and experience level. Consider Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or Balsamiq for a good starting point.

Which device is best for UI UX designers?

Both Macs and Windows PCs can be suitable for UI/UX design. Choose the one you’re most comfortable with and that meets software compatibility needs.

Is Figma a UI or UX tool?

Figma is a comprehensive tool that can be used for both UI and UX design. It offers functionalities for wireframing, prototyping, and creating high-fidelity mockups.

Which software is best for UI/UX design free?

Several free UI/UX design tools are available, including Figma (with limitations), Balsamiq, and Marvel (with limitations). These can be a great starting point for beginners or those on a budget.

Does UI/UX require coding?

Basic UI/UX design often doesn’t require coding. However, some advanced functionalities and interactions might necessitate familiarity with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

Which language is best for UI UX?

There’s no single “best” language for UI/UX design. However, familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be beneficial for advanced interactions and understanding how designs translate into code.

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