10 Best Screaming Frog Alternatives in 2024

In 2024, finding the right SEO tools to boost your website’s performance is crucial. Screaming Frog has long been a favorite for its detailed site audits and analyses. However, if you’re looking for alternatives that might better fit your specific needs, this article explores the 10 best Screaming Frog alternatives. Whether you need more advanced features, a different pricing model, or a more user-friendly interface, this guide will help you find the perfect tool to improve your search engine rankings and SEO strategy.

10 Best Screaming Frog Alternatives in 2024

What is Screaming Frog?

Screaming Frog is a powerful website crawler tool used for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. It works by crawling through websites, analyzing their structure, and providing detailed insights into various SEO elements. These elements include things like broken links, duplicate content, page titles, meta descriptions, and other important on-page SEO factors.

Why Do You Need Screaming Frog Alternatives?

Considering other options than Screaming Frog SEO Spider, a popular SEO tool, is smart for a few reasons. First, cost might be an issue because Screaming Frog’s paid plans offer more features. Second, if you’re new to SEO, simpler tools might be easier to use.

Also, if you need extra features like keyword research or competitor analysis, different tools might suit you better. Lastly, if you have a big website, you might need a tool that can handle it better than Screaming Frog.

10 Best Free Alternatives Tools To Screaming Frog

A great SEO website tool helps you find on-page SEO and technical problems on your site, ensuring search engines can find and include all your optimized pages. It also helps run successful SEO and PPC campaigns using special data, tech, and creativity.

Plus, they organize fun social events and outings, offer career development with top mentors, and have exciting plans for the future, including working with great clients and ongoing software development. Below is the detailed version of the free Alternative tools of Screaming Frog with features, pros, cons , pricing and link.

1. Semrush

Semrush is a comprehensive marketing tool that’s a top alternative to Screaming Frog. It offers advanced site auditing with filters and other useful features. With Semrush, you’ll receive notifications about your site’s overall health and help in identifying and fixing any address errors.


  • It can schedule automatic crawls.
  • You will find slow loading pages.
  • You can track and compare the site progress.



  • Sales and marketing strategy is good.
  • Offers good value for the price.
  • Search volume is not so optimum.
  • Slow learning curve.


  • Free trial
  • Pro Plan: $129.95 per month
  • Guru Plan: $249.95 per month
  • Business Plan $499.95 monthly

Link: https://www.semrush.com/ 

2. Netpeak Spider

Netpeak Spider is another great option if you’re looking for an alternative to Screaming Frog. It’s a desktop-based SEO tool that checks every page of your website for over 100 technical errors that could affect your Google ranking. It can also help you test your site’s structure, find broken links, and more.


  • It can do bulk SEO analysis.
  • It can customize the website scraping and data extraction.
  • It can do sitemap generation.



  • It can collect data from multiple domains and present it in a single table.
  • Give reports of different technical errors.
  • It works only on desktop softwares.
  • You can only buy a monthly subscription.


  • Free trial 
  • Starter Plan: $7 per month
  • Advanced Plan: $12 per month
  • Pro Bundle: $22 per month

Link: https://netpeaksoftware.com/ 

3. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is another top alternative to Screaming Frog. It’s a tool that analyzes page content to help optimize written content, such as blogs, posts, and articles, for SEO. Plus, it comes with a built-in keyword research feature.


  • It gives data on keyword density and frequency.
  • In the target keyword it can analyze the first page SERPs.
  • It helps to improve your content ranking.



  • It helps you to include missed topics.
  • Have a free Chrome extension and install it in minutes.
  • Have an expensive AI writer.
  • Sometimes give irrelevant SEO suggestions.


  • Free trial
  • Essential Plan: $89 per month
  • Scale Plan: $129 per month
  • Scale AI Plan: $219 per month
  • Enterprise Plan: $399 per month

Link: https://surferseo.com/ 

4. Ahrefs

It’s easy to use and offers tools for checking backlinks, analyzing pages, and tracking your brand online. It even has a feature to compare your site with competitors.


  • Through site exploring it gives information about your competitors.
  • It audits and optimizes your website.
  • Discover the ideas for content and link the opportunities.



  • It tracks your ranking progress.
  • Provides backlink profile.
  • Does not offer a free trial.
  • Its features are difficult for beginners.


  • No free trial
  • Lite Plan: $99 per month
  • Standard Plan: $199 per month
  • Advanced Plan: $399 per month
  • Enterprise Plan: $999 per month

Link: https://ahrefs.com/ 

5. SEO PowerSuite

SEO PowerSuite is another top choice if you’re looking for an alternative to Screaming Frog. It’s a strong, automated tool designed to boost a company’s online presence. The software has four main parts: rank tracker, website auditor, SEO spyglass, and link assistant. These sections help companies monitor keyword difficulty and improve their SEO performance.


  • Run a SEO audit for technical issues.
  • Keep checking on local search results.
  • Identifies if there are any backlink spams.



  • Allows the focus on specific parts of search engine optimization.
  • Look for keyword ideas and organize them.
  • Instead of a single complete platform it is divided into four different solutions.
  • This is not a cloud based platform.


  • Free for unlimited evaluation.
  • Professional Plan: $299 per year
  • Enterprise Plan: $499 per year

Link: https://www.link-assistant.com/ 

6. Serpstat

Serpstat, ranking as the sixth best alternative to Screaming Frog, focuses on boosting keyword search rankings using both organic and paid traffic strategies. Additionally, it aids in competitor ranking tracking. Its standout feature is an AI content analysis tool, which simplifies article writing from a single sentence, generates titles, and provides social media post ideas.


  • It attracts an audience by picking the right keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns.
  • Find and fix on-site issues.
  • Generate articles and meta tags through AI content generation.



  • Offers a site audit feature.
  • Provides suggestions for fixes.
  • Too many features confuses beginners.
  • Daily query limits disturbs the users.


  • Individual Plan: $50 per month
  • Team Plan: $100 per month
  • Agency Plan: $410 per month
  • Custom Plan

Link: https://serpstat.com

7. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a top alternative to Screaming Frog and does it all to boost your website’s search engine ranking and traffic. It optimizes your content and offers a keyword explorer feature. Just enter a URL, and you’ll discover the best target keywords to use.


  • To understand SEO issues it runs weekly site audits.
  • Have the on-page website optimization tool.
  • Give the SERP-analysis of keywords.
  • You can create a content calendar.



  • Allows the tracking of ranks.
  • Provides site exploring and keyword research.
  • The keyword analysis only focuses on high volume.
  • Have higher pricing plans.


  • Free trial
  • Standard Plan: $99 per month
  • Medium Plan: $179 per month
  • Large Plan: $299 per month
  • Premium Plan: $599 per month

Link: https://moz.com/products/pro

8. Sitebulb

Sitebulb, ranked as the eighth best alternative to Screaming Frog, is a website crawler that examines your site and offers helpful suggestions along with eye-catching visuals. It enhances your technical SEO audits, making them quicker and more effective, ultimately saving you time.


  • Gives the basic pdf reports.
  • Do the site audit and give audit scores.
  • It duplicates the content and does data visualization.



  • Improves your websites by providing many creative ideas.
  • Has many UI and visuals of the result and give quick audits for both small and large websites.
  • Requires many updates to view the audits.
  • Needs a large amount of RAM for installation.


  • Free trial.
  • Lite Plan: $11.25 per month
  • Pro Plan: $31.50 per month
  • Sitebulb Cloud: $245 per month

Link: https://sitebulb.com/

9. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another great option if you’re looking for alternatives to Screaming Frog. It’s a service from Google that lets you see how well your website is doing in Google’s search results. You can check things like how many people are visiting your site and which search terms are bringing them there. It’s a helpful tool for keeping track of your website’s performance, index status and making improvements to boost its visibility.


  • Content optimization with search analytics.
  • Submit the sitemaps for crawling.
  • If there is any issue with the website it sends the email alerts.



Sends notification to users on finding any issues.

  • You can see your website as Google sees it .

Difficult to recrawl URLs.

  • Hard to follow-up during analysis.


  • Free trials.

Link: https://search.google.com/search-console/about 

10. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free SEO tool and the tenth best alternative to Screaming Frog. It helps with keyword research, competitor analysis, site audits, and more. It’s like a content manager that helps you find the best keywords for your website.


  • Gives daily notifications on rank updates.
  • Provide information on critical SEO issues on the dashboard.
  • To generate the best SEO traffic it finds the best web page.



  • For strategic insights provide competitor analysis.
  • Link building opportunities and provide local SEO insights.
  • Till now there is no mobile app available.
  • Pulls limited data from Google analytics.


  • Business Plan: $20 per month
  • Individual Plan: $12 per month
  • Enterprise Plan: $40 per month

Link: https://app.neilpatel.com/ 


In conclusion, if you’re seeking SEO tools that serve as alternatives to Screaming Frog in 2024, there are plenty of robust options available. Whether your focus is on deep crawl capabilities, user-friendly interfaces, or cost-effectiveness, the tools listed offer varied features that can suit different SEO needs. From Sitebulb for detailed visualizations to Semrush for comprehensive digital marketing solutions, each tool has its strengths.

Remember to consider your specific requirements, such as keyword tracking, link analysis, or site audits, when choosing the right tool. By selecting a tool that aligns with your SEO strategy, you can enhance your website’s visibility and boost your search engine rankings effectively.

10 Best Screaming Frog Alternatives in 2024 – FAQs

What is better than Screaming Frog?

Semrush is the Best Screaming frog Alternatives for large websites and complex projects, as it can crawl millions of URLs and it can also handle multiple domains simultaneously.

What is the latest version of Screaming Frog?

The latest version of Screaming Frog is SEO Spider 19.4. 

Is Screaming Frog the best?

It is the best technical data crawling and audit tool for SEOs. You can crawl your website and check how your website is doing in terms of technical SEO standpoint. The free version is adequate for getting started.

What is the difference between Xenu and Screaming Frog?

Xenu is a basic, free tool primarily used for checking broken links on websites, whereas Screaming Frog is a more comprehensive SEO tool that analyzes various elements like metadata and duplicate content to improve website optimization.

What is the difference between Deepcrawl and Screaming Frog?

Deepcrawl is a cloud-based tool that automates and schedules comprehensive website crawls, making it ideal for large websites and teams. In contrast, Screaming Frog is a desktop application that provides detailed, manual scans of sites, suitable for both small and large websites with immediate, on-demand analysis.

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