10 Best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of user experience (UX) design, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) has become imperative for staying ahead. From streamlining workflows to enhancing user interactions, AI tools have revolutionized the way designers conceptualize and execute their projects. In this article, we explore the top 10 AI tools that are indispensable for UX designers in 2024, offering insights into how they are reshaping the design process and driving innovation in the field.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 AI tools that are indispensable for UX designers in 2024, highlighting their features, benefits, and potential impact on the design workflow.

Top AI Tools for UX Design

Table of Content

  • Uizard
  • ChatGPT
  • Khroma
  • Visualeyes
  • Visily
  • Adobe Sensei
  • Attention Insight
  • Bard
  • Fronty


Framer is among Crucial AI tools for UX designers that adds life to design with interactive prototypes, animation, and seamless developer collaboration. This designing tool primarily focuses on creating interactive and high-quality prototypes for web and mobile applications.

Visit: https://www.framer.com/


  • Framer allows design process with code-powered prototyping, creating lifelike prototypes.
  • Their animation studio simplifies animation design for an enhanced user experience.
  • Framer is easy to use which ensures a smooth transition from design to development.


  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start at $29/month


  • Easy prototyping with vibrant, real-time designs.
  • Developers are helped by advanced features that promote smooth cooperation and fast tracks the development process.
  • You can take help of other designers and get guidance, inspiration, and support.


  • For beginners, getting a code-based method may present a challenging learning issue that takes time to understand.
  • Although the free plan provides an overview, it has restrictions on using advanced features.


Sketch a wireframe and watch it transform into a finished UI. Uizard bridges the idea-to-implementation gap, saving you hours of pixel pushing. It is one of the best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024.

Visit: https://uizard.io/


  • Upload hand-drawn wireframes or sketches and watch Uizard convert them into polished UI mockups in minutes.
  • Generate multiple design suggestions based on your input, offering a variety of options to choose from.
  • Refine the generated UI elements to match your exact vision and branding.


  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start at €19/month


  • Skip tedious pixel pushing and focus on creative problem-solving.
  • Intuitive and easy to learn, even for non-designers.
  • Plans to suit different budgets and needs.


  • High-fidelity mockups may require additional manual adjustments.
  • Potential accuracy issues with complex sketches


With ChatGPT, you can generate compelling UX content (product descriptions, button labels, etc.) customized to user context, another best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024.

Visit: https://chat.openai.com/


  • Generate compelling UX content (product descriptions, button labels, etc.)
  • Personalize content based on user context
  • Save time and effort


  • Varies depending on plan and provider


  • Eliminates writer’s block
  • Personalizes content for better user experience
  • Improves design efficiency


  • Requires careful tuning for precise results
  • Potential for generic-sounding output
  • Paid plans can be expensive


Khroma suggests harmonious color palettes based on user psychology and design principles, adding beauty and impact to your interfaces and is best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024. You can make your designs visually stunning with Khroma.

Visit: https://khroma.co/


  • Generate harmonious color palettes based on user psychology and design principles
  • Explore different color combinations
  • Create mood boards


  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start at $9/month


  • Enhance design aesthetics and impact
  • Improve user engagement and brand recognition
  • Easy to use and visually appealing


  • Limited customization options for specific color needs
  • May not be suitable for all design styles


Visualeyes predicts gaze patterns and identifies attention bottlenecks, helping you optimize for clarity and intuitiveness, best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024. With this AI tool you can understand how users truly see your design.

Visit: https://www.visualeyes.design/


  • Predicts user gaze patterns on designs
  • Identifies attention bottlenecks and areas of interest
  • Helps optimize layouts for clarity and visual hierarchy


  • Varies depending on plan and provider


  • Enhances visual clarity
  • Improves user engagement
  • Guides design decisions with data-driven insights


  • Limited integrations
  • May require additional setup and interpretation
  • Lack of visual examples


Visily transforms them into editable vector graphics, helping you to refine ideas quickly. This tool can give your rough ideas a polished edge. It is one of the best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024.

Visit: https://visily.com/


  • Converts sketches and screenshots into editable vector graphics
  • Speeds up design iteration and refinement
  • Offers collaboration features


  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start at $15/month


  • Saves time and effort
  • Preserves design intent
  • Enables quick experimentation


  • Limited editing capabilities compared to full-fledged design tools
  • Accuracy of conversion depends on quality of input images

Adobe Sensei

Adobe’s AI engine, Sensei, is a AI tool for UX designers Automatic image resizing, content-aware fills, and smart layout suggestions can save time and enhance creativity.

Visit: https://www.adobe.com/sensei/


  • AI engine embedded in Adobe products like XD and Photoshop
  • Automates tasks and enhances creative capabilities
  • Offers features like content-aware fills, image resizing, and smart layout suggestions


  • Included in Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions.


  • Streamlines workflows
  • Enhances creativity
  • Integrated within familiar design tools


  • Requires Adobe Creative Cloud subscription
  • Specific features vary across products

Attention Insight

Attention Insight AI Tools for UX Designers analyzes data to show hidden insights into user behavior and identify areas for design improvement. This platform provides insights about the users, when they view any design elements or interact in any way on the website.

Visit: https://www.attentioninsight.com/


  • Analyzes user behavior data (clicks, scrolls, gaze patterns)
  • Reveals attention patterns and areas of interest
  • Identifies design elements that capture attention


  • Paid plans start at $199/month.


  • Provides in-depth user behavior insights
  • Helps optimize designs for engagement
  • Complements user testing methods


  • Requires existing user data
  • May not be suitable for early-stage design


Bard is a AI Tools for UX Designers that can brainstorm design ideas, write user stories, and explore user feedback to help the creative process. Being a tough competitor of ChatGPT, Bard also covers the complete domain of AI with efficient and accurate results.

Visit: https://bard.google.com


  • AI-powered writing assistant
  • Generates text, translates languages, writes different creative content formats
  • Can be used for UX tasks like brainstorming ideas, writing user stories, and exploring user feedback


  • Free for personal use
  • Paid plans for commercial use


  • Overcomes writer’s block
  • Generates multiple creative suggestions
  • Adapts to different writing styles and tones


  • Requires careful editing and guidance to ensure accuracy and context-awareness
  • May not be suitable for all types of UX writing


Fronty translates designs into production-ready code for various platforms, simplifying your designing way. This is considered as one of the best AI tools for UX designers because of its ability to convert image to HTML code form directly.

Visit: https://fronty.com/


  • Design-to-code conversion for various platforms
  • Streamline design-to-deployment workflow
  • Reduce manual coding


  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start at $29/month


  • Saves time and effort
  • Reduces errors in code
  • Enables faster deployment


  • limited customization options for complex designs
  • Requires some understanding of code basics

Comparison of the AI UX Tools

Here’s a comparison table for the AI UX Tools mentioned:

Tool Name





  • Code-powered prototyping
  • Animation studio
  • Developer collaboration

Free plan available Paid plans start at $29/month



  • Upload hand-drawn wireframes
  • Generate UI mockups
  • Refine UI elements

Free plan available Paid plans start at €19/month



  • Generate UX content
  • Personalize content
  • Save time and effort

Varies depending on plan and provider



  • Generate color palettes based on psychology
  • Explore color combinations
  • Create mood boards

Free plan available Paid plans start at $9/month



  • Predicts user gaze patterns
  • Identifies attention bottlenecks
  • Optimizes layouts

Varies depending on plan and provider



  • Converts sketches/screenshots into vector graphics
  • Speeds up design iteration
  • Collaboration features

Free plan available Paid plans start at $15/month


Adobe Sensei

  • AI engine in Adobe products
  • Automates tasks
  • Enhances creativity

Included in Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions


Attention Insight

  • Analyzes user behavior data
  • Reveals attention patterns
  • Identifies design elements

Paid plans start at $199/month



  • AI-powered writing assistant
  • Generates text for UX content
  • Multiple creative formats

Free for personal use Paid plans for commercial use



  • Design-to-code conversion
  • Streamlines design-to-deployment
  • Reduces manual coding

Free plan available Paid plans start at $29/month



In 2024, UX designers have some cool AI tools to make their work easier. Framer helps with lively prototypes, Uizard transforms sketches into polished designs, and ChatGPT generates personalized content. Khroma suggests beautiful color palettes, and Visualeyes predicts how users look at designs. Adobe Sensei makes things smarter in Adobe products.

Each tool has its strengths, catering to different needs in UX design. The key takeaway is that keeping up with these tools helps designers create great user experiences.

Best AI Tools for UX Designers in 2024 – FAQs

Can UX design be done by AI?

Yes, AI can contribute to UX design by analyzing data, personalizing experiences, automating tasks, aiding in content creation and prototyping, improving accessibility, and providing support through virtual assistants. However, human creativity and intuition remain essential in the design process.

Can AI replace UX designers?

No, AI is unlikely to fully replace UX designers because human designers bring creativity, empathy, and understanding of user needs that AI currently cannot match.

What is the significance of AI tools in UX design?

AI tools play a crucial role in simplifying the UX design process, increasing creativity, and opening up new possibilities for innovation.

How does Framer contribute to the UX design process?

Framer enhances the design process with code-powered prototyping, creating interactive and lifelike prototypes while allowing easy collaboration with developers.

What unique features does Uizard offer for UX designers?

Uizard stands out by transforming hand-drawn sketches into polished UI mockups, offering time-saving solutions, and providing an intuitive interface suitable for both designers and non-designers.

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