Belzabar Software Interview Experience

Belzabar recently visited our campus to hire full time employees. About 120 students gave the first round, 50 made it to the next round and finally 11 people had interviews. One of was selected for the post of computer scientist and I was lucky to be that one person.

Here’s my interview experience.

Round 1:(online MCQs)
About 70 questions, very easy level.

Round 2:(Coding test on paper)
One question. It was to rearrange positive and negative numbers in a 1-D array such that their relative order remains same. No extra space is allowed.

Round 3:(Technical interview)
1. Find if a number is palindrome or not.
2. Find if a string is palindrome or not.
3. Detect and remove loop in a circular linked list.
4. Check if a tree is height balanced.
5. Implement a Red Black tree.
6. Basic OOPs concept- run time polymorphism, encapsulation etc.
7. DBMS query to remove all duplicates from a given table.
8. DBMS query to print the nth largest salary.
9. Next greater element in array.

Round 4:
HR round. Not much of an effort. Be yourself.

Round 5:
Director’s round. He asked me to find greater of two numbers without using if, else, conditional operator, >,< etc. Basically, no comparisons. He asked me what one way encryption is and its uses. He asked me about my linux knowledge and some simple questions like grep, cron etc.

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