Behavioral Diagrams | Unified Modeling Language(UML)

Complex applications need collaboration and planning from multiple teams and hence require a clear and concise way to communicate amongst them. So UML becomes essential to communicate with non-programmers about essential requirements, functionalities, and processes of the system. UML is linked with object-oriented design and analysis. UML makes use of elements and forms associations between them to form diagrams.

Important topics for Behaviour UML diagrams

  • Behavior UML diagrams
  • Types of Behavior UML diagrams
  • Benefits of using Behavior UML diagrams
  • Challenges faced in developing Behavior UML diagrams
  • Best Practices for developing Behavior UML diagrams
  • Conclusion

Behavioral UML diagrams

Behavioral UML diagrams focus on illustrating the dynamic aspects of a software system, showcasing how it behaves, responds to stimuli, and undergoes state changes during runtime.

Types of Behavioral UML diagrams

A state diagram is used to represent the condition of the system or part of the system at finite instances of time. It’s a behavioral diagram and it represents the behavior using finite state transitions. 

  • State diagrams are also referred to as State machines and State-chart Diagrams 
  • These terms are often used interchangeably. So simply, a state diagram is used to model the dynamic behavior of a class in response to time and changing external stimuli.

We use Activity Diagrams to illustrate the flow of control in a system. We can also use an activity diagram to refer to the steps involved in the execution of a use case. 

  • We model sequential and concurrent activities using activity diagrams. So, we basically depict workflows visually using an activity diagram.
  • An activity diagram focuses on condition of flow and the sequence in which it happens. 
  • We describe or depict what causes a particular event using an activity diagram.

Use Case Diagrams are used to depict the functionality of a system or a part of a system. They are widely used to illustrate the functional requirements of the system and its interaction with external agents(actors). 

  • A use case is basically a diagram representing different scenarios where the system can be used. 
  • A use case diagram gives us a high level view of what the system or a part of the system does without going into implementation details.

A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e. the order in which these interactions take place. 

  • We can also use the terms event diagrams or event scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram. 
  • Sequence diagrams describe how and in what order the objects in a system function. 
  • These diagrams are widely used by businessmen and software developers to document and understand requirements for new and existing systems.

5. Communication Diagram

A Communication Diagram (known as Collaboration Diagram in UML 1.x) is used to show sequenced messages exchanged between objects. 

  • A communication diagram focuses primarily on objects and their relationships. 
  • We can represent similar information using Sequence diagrams, however communication diagrams represent objects and links in a free form.

6. Time Sequence Diagram

  • Time Sequence Diagram are a special form of Sequence diagrams which are used to depict the behavior of objects over a time frame.
  • We use them to show time and duration constraints which govern changes in states and behavior of objects.

7. Interaction Overview Diagram

  • An Interaction Overview Diagram models a sequence of actions and helps us simplify complex interactions into simpler occurrences.
  • It is a mixture of activity and sequence diagrams.

Benefits of using Behavioral UML diagrams

  • Understanding How Things Work:
    • These diagrams act like visual stories, helping everyone on the team understand how different parts of a computer program or system work together.
  • Seeing the Order of Actions:
    • They show the order in which things happen when you use a program.
  • Planning Step-by-Step Processes:
    • When designing a program, these diagrams help plan step-by-step processes, making it easier for developers to know what to do next.
  • Spotting Changes and Decisions:
    • They highlight moments where things change or decisions are made in a program. It’s like marking important points on a map.
  • Showing Different States:
    • For programs that can be in different states (like a traffic light changing colors), these diagrams help show how things move from one state to another.
  • Team Collaboration:
    • When a team is working on a project, these diagrams become a shared language. Everyone can look at the pictures and quickly understand what’s going on.
  • Fixing Problems Early:
    • By looking at these diagrams, teams can catch and fix problems early on, avoiding headaches later in the project.

Challenges faced in developing Behavioral UML diagrams

  • Deciding What to Show:
    • Figuring out what to include in the pictures and what to leave out can be a bit like deciding which parts of a movie to show in a trailer.
    • It needs to be just enough to get the idea across.
  • Dealing with Changes:
    • When things in the program change, updating the pictures to match can be a bit like trying to edit a video.
    • It needs to stay in sync with what’s really happening in the program.
  • Understanding Different Perspectives:
    • People might look at the pictures and see things in different ways.
    • Making sure everyone agrees on what the pictures mean can be a bit challenging.
  • Showing Time and Order:
    • Expressing the order in which things happen or showing how a program changes over time can be a bit like drawing a comic strip.
    • It needs to be clear and in the right sequence.
  • Balancing Detail and Simplicity:
    • Striking the right balance between showing enough detail without making the pictures too complicated can be a bit like finding the perfect recipe. Too much or too little can be a problem.
  • Making Sure It’s Useful for Everyone:
    • Ensuring that the pictures are helpful for different people on the team, like designers and developers, is a bit like creating a map that everyone can use.
  • Spotting Mistakes Early:
    • Catching and fixing mistakes in the pictures early on is a bit like proofreading a story.
    • It’s important to get it right before everyone starts working on the program.
  • Keeping It Simple and Clear:
    • Making sure the pictures stay simple and clear can be a bit challenging. It’s important that everyone can easily understand them.

Best Practices for developing Behavioral UML diagrams

  • Tell a Clear Story:
    • Make sure your pictures tell a clear and easy-to-understand story about how the program behaves.
  • Include Important Steps:
    • Be careful not to leave out important steps in how the program works
  • Choose What to Show Wisely:
    • Decide what to include in the pictures carefully.
  • Update When Things Change:
    • When things in the program change, make sure to update the pictures accordingly. Think of it like editing a video to match the latest script.
  • Consider Different Views:
    • Remember that people might see things differently. It’s like making sure a picture book can be understood by readers of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Show the Order of Events:
    • Express the order in which things happen clearly.
  • Balance Detail and Simplicity:
    • Find the right balance between showing enough detail without making the pictures too complicated.
  • Make It Useful for Everyone:
    • Ensure that the pictures are helpful for different team members. It’s like designing a map that works for both beginners and experts.
  • Catch Mistakes Early:
    • Check for mistakes in the pictures early on. It’s similar to proofreading a storybook before it gets published.
  • Keep It Simple and Clear:
    • Strive to keep the pictures simple and clear.


In conclusion, Behavioral UML diagrams serve as essential tools in the world of software development. They help teams understand, communicate, and plan how a program behaves during different scenarios. From illustrating user interactions to showcasing the sequence of actions and decision-making processes, these diagrams provide a visual narrative of a software system’s dynamic aspects.

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