Batch Script – String Concatenation

String Concatenation is combining two or more strings to create a new string. For instance, let a string “Good” and take another string “Morning” now by string concatenation i.e. “Good” + “Morning” and we got new string i.e. “Good Morning”. This is string concatenation.

Let see some examples of string concatenation using batch script.

Example 1 :

In this example, we concatenate two strings.

First, we create a batch file named “concatenation.bat” and open it in notepad.

@echo off
:: We take two string Good and Morning
set str1=Good
set str2=Morning
:: Below command will join two string and store it in str_new variable
set str_new=%str1% %str2%
echo %str_new%

Save the above batch script and run it.

Note:  “pause” is used to hold the screen of the executed file until any key is pressed.

Output : 

Good Morning

Example 2 :

In this example, we concatenate more than two strings.

First, open the notepad and write the following command.

@echo off
:: Here we take three string
set str1=Hello Dear
set str2=Welcome to Beginner For Beginner site
set str3=This is example of string Concatenation
:: Below command will join these strings and store it in str_new variable
set str_new=%str1% %str2% and %str3%
echo %str_new%

Save the above batch script with the .bat extension and run it.

Output : 

Hello Dear Welcome to Beginner For Beginner site and This is example of string Concatenation

Above in both examples, we see how to concatenate string using batch script.

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