Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan Campus Experience

In my pre-final year, I’m pursuing B.Tech from Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan. Overall, my college experience has been a rollercoaster ride, particularly due to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Initially, I missed out on the opportunity to physically attend college during the first year of the curriculum. However, the two years that I’ve spent here have been filled with a plethora of new experiences and learnings at every step. Despite the obstacles, I’ve had the chance to grow personally and academically, making the most out of the opportunities presented to me.


Established in 1935 by Pandit Hiralal Shastri, Banasthali Vidyapeeth is a renowned university in Rajasthan, India, dedicated to women’s education and empowerment. With a commitment to holistic development, academic excellence, and ethical values, Banasthali offers a wide range of programs across disciplines, including arts, science, commerce, engineering, management, law, and education. The institution emphasizes experiential learning, research, and global outlook, fostering a culture of innovation and social responsibility. Through its rich legacy and unwavering dedication, Banasthali Vidyapeeth continues to inspire and transform lives, shaping a brighter future for women in India and beyond.


Imagine starting your college journey with a twist: your first year entirely online! Yep, that’s what happened to me at Banasthali Vidyapeeth. Picture this: no bustling campus, no crowded classrooms—just you, your laptop, and a whole lot of virtual learning. Sure, it was a bit of a bummer missing out on the classic college experience, but hey, we made it work! Being glued to screens wasn’t all bad; it actually taught us some pretty cool stuff. Like, ever heard of Zoom? Well, let’s just say we became pros at navigating those virtual classrooms. But it wasn’t all about lectures and assignments. We found ways to stay connected with our classmates and professors, whether it was through online chats, group projects, or virtual study sessions. And you know what? It actually brought us closer together, even if we were miles apart. Sure, there were moments when we missed the buzz of campus life—the late-night study sessions, the spontaneous hangouts—but hey, we made the most of what we had. And looking back, that online first year? It wasn’t just about surviving; it was about thriving in the face of new challenges. And you know what they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?


The second year—a mix of nerves, excitement, and a whole lot of “new.” After spending a year in the online realm, stepping back onto campus felt like diving into the deep end of a pool. Mixed feelings swirled within me: excitement to finally experience college life in person, nervousness about living alone for the first time, and a hint of uncertainty about what lay ahead. Leaving the comfort of home and the familiar presence of my parents was daunting, to say the least. But as they say, with great challenges come great growth. And boy, did I grow! Sure, there were moments of homesickness and a few mishaps along the way, but somehow, I managed to navigate this new chapter of my life. One of the best decisions I made was to dive headfirst into campus activities. Banasthali Vidyapeeth is a hub of opportunities, with a plethora of clubs and activities to choose from. From cultural clubs to sports teams to academic societies, there was something for everyone. Joining these clubs not only helped me make new friends but also gave me a sense of belonging in this vibrant community. Making friends was a journey in itself. I found myself surrounded by people from diverse backgrounds, each with their own story to tell. Together, we laughed, we learned, and we grew, forming bonds that would last a lifetime. Amidst the whirlwind of activities and socializing, I also managed to stay on top of my studies. With dedicated professors and a supportive academic environment, learning became an enriching experience. I discovered new passions, delved into fascinating subjects, and challenged myself to reach new heights academically. Looking back, the second year was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences. It was a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and endless possibilities. And as I embarked on this new chapter of my life, I knew that I was ready to seize every moment and make the most of my college years.


Third year kicked off with a bang! It was all about hustling to land internships during the crazy two-month internship season. On top of that, I was deep into practicing Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and diving into my core subjects. But wait, there’s more! With pre-final year projects and research work on my plate, life got even busier. And let’s not forget about the endless fests happening around campus! From hackathons to competitions, I was everywhere, soaking in the excitement and pushing myself to new heights. Yup, third year was a wild ride, to say the least!

Chillin’ this summer? Nah, I’m hitting the books instead. Diving into Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) like it’s nobody’s business! While others soak up the sun, I’m all about sharpening my coding skills. Who needs beach vibes when you’ve got algorithms to conquer, am I right? So yeah, while the world takes a vacay, I’m leveling up my DSA game.

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