Background Check | Meaning, Need and Importance

What is Background Check?

Background Check can be defined as a process that involves the thorough examination of an individual’s past records, history, and activities to determine their credibility, reliability, and suitability for a particular role or purpose. These checks are conducted by employers, government agencies, landlords, and individuals to make informed decisions about hiring, renting, or engaging with someone. In today’s competitive job market and society, background checks have become an integral part of the hiring process and various other aspects of our lives. They serve as a crucial tool for employers, landlords, and individuals to ensure safety, trustworthiness, and compliance with legal requirements.

Table of Content

  • What do Employers look for in a Background Check?
  • Importance of Background Checks
  • Conclusion

What do Employers look for in a Background Check?

Employers have a significant interest in conducting background checks on potential employees. Hiring the wrong person can have severe consequences, including legal liabilities, financial losses, and damage to the company’s reputation. Here are some of the primary background checks employers commonly perform:

1. Employment Background Checks

Employment background checks are among the most prevalent types of screening conducted by employers. These checks verify an applicant’s employment history, including previous positions held, dates of employment, job responsibilities, and reasons for leaving previous jobs. They may also include verification of educational credentials and professional licenses. Employers use employment background checks to ensure that an applicant’s qualifications align with the job requirements and to detect any inconsistencies or false information on the resume. This helps in making informed hiring decisions and reduces the risk of hiring someone who may not be suitable for the role.

2. Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are vital for employers, especially when hiring for positions that involve a high level of trust or access to sensitive information. These checks reveal an individual’s criminal history, including convictions, arrests, and pending charges. The depth and scope of criminal background checks can vary depending on state laws and the nature of the job. Employers use criminal background checks to assess the potential risk of hiring someone with a history of criminal activity, ensuring the safety of their employees and customers. However, it is essential to conduct these checks in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other applicable laws to protect the applicant’s rights.

3. Universal Background Checks

Universal background checks, often referred to as comprehensive background checks, involve a more extensive examination of an individual’s background. These checks encompass multiple aspects, such as criminal records, credit history, employment history, and education verification. Universal background checks provide employers with a comprehensive overview of an applicant’s background, helping them make well-informed decisions. While universal background checks offer a more thorough assessment, they also require careful handling of sensitive personal information and compliance with various legal regulations, including the FCRA.

4. OIG Background Checks

OIG (Office of Inspector General) background checks are specific to the healthcare industry. These checks are essential for healthcare employers to ensure that potential employees or contractors are not excluded from participation in federal healthcare programs. Exclusions can result from healthcare fraud, patient abuse, or other serious misconduct. Healthcare organizations are legally required to conduct OIG background checks to avoid hiring individuals or entities that are ineligible to provide healthcare services. Failure to do so can lead to severe consequences, including financial penalties and loss of Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement privileges.

5. Personal Background Checks

Personal background checks are typically conducted by individuals for various personal reasons, such as screening potential tenants, hiring caregivers, or checking the background of someone they intend to engage with personally. These checks may include criminal records, credit history, and verification of personal references. Landlords use personal background checks to assess the reliability and financial stability of prospective tenants, while individuals may use them to ensure the safety of their family members or loved ones. It is important to note that personal background checks must be conducted within the bounds of the law and with the individual’s consent.

6. Professional License Background Checks

Certain professions require individuals to hold specific licenses or certifications to practice legally. Professional license background checks verify whether an applicant possesses the necessary credentials and whether those credentials are valid and up-to-date. Professionals in fields such as medicine, law, engineering, and finance must undergo these checks to maintain the integrity of their respective industries. Employers in these sectors conduct professional license background checks to ensure that their employees are properly licensed and qualified to perform their duties.

Importance of Background Checks

Background checks play a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, from employment to personal safety. Here are some of the key reasons why background checks are essential:

1. Risk Mitigation: Background checks help employers and individuals reduce the risk of hiring or engaging with individuals who may pose a threat to their safety, finances, or reputation.

2. Legal Compliance: Conducting background checks in compliance with relevant laws and regulations help organisations avoid legal liabilities and potential lawsuits.

3. Protecting Vulnerable Populations: Background checks are crucial when dealing with vulnerable populations, such as children, elderly or patients, to ensure their safety and well-being.

4. Maintain Industry Standards: In regulated industries, like healthcare and finance, background checks are necessary to maintain industry standards and comply with licensing requirements.

5. Building Trust: For businesses, conducting thorough background checks on employees can help build trust with customers and clients, showcasing a commitment to safety and integrity.

6. Preventing Fraud: Background checks can reveal fraudulent activities, such as identity theft or resume embellishment, which can be detrimental to both individuals and organisations.


Background checks are an integral part of modern society, serving as a crucial tool for employers, landlords, and individuals alike. They help mitigate risks, ensure compliance with laws, and protect the safety and well-being of individuals and organisations. Understanding the various types of background checks and their significance is essential for making informed decisions and promoting a safer and more trustworthy society. Whether you are an employer seeking the right candidate or an individual concerned about your safety, background checks are a valuable resource in today’s complex world.

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