Azure Functions VS Azure WebJobs: Serverless Comparison

Serverless computing is revolutionizing cloud development. Microsoft Azure offers streamlined solutions like Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs. Though these cloud technologies look similar, we need to understand their names to be able to make effective use of each. In this article, we’ll start by understanding what Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs are, their similarities and differences. By the end, we will have a clear understanding of when to leverage each service, optimizing for cloud-based workflows and maximizing efficiency in application development.

Let us first have a quick recap of what each one does

What Exactly Is Azure Functions?

In a Nutshell, Azure Functions offer serverless computing capabilities, which is similar to Google’s Cloud Functions or AWS Lambda. This is used for running custom code in response to various trigger events. Here there is no need to manage infrastructure, this part is taken care by the Platform itself.

  • Provides support for popular languages like C#, JavaScript, Python, and Java.
  • Triggers be anything from HTTP requests, timers, database events, etc.
  • This is Ideal for building event-driven applications that scale quickly.
  • As the pricing is a pay-per-use model, it is more cost efcost-effectiveective.

What Exactly Is Azure WebJobs ?

Again, In a Nutshell, Azure WebJobs provide a solution similar to cron jobs or scheduled tasks but much more powerful and flexible. Unlike traditional computing environments, this can be seamlessly integrated into any of Azure App Services. This allows for running custom scripts or executables. Similar to Azure Functions, these can be fired off based on the event triggers happening within Azure App Services. Alternatively this can also be scheduled.

  • In this case, Trigger modes include storage events, queues, and scheduled tasks.
  • This provides support for more languages. Along with scripting languages as PowerShell, Bash, and Windows batch scripts, it also supports programming languages like C# and Python.
  • It is suitable for continuous or scheduled execution tasks, which could include data processing, and message queuing.
  • Scaling in WebJobs is fundamentally tied to the underlying App Service plan.

Similarities Between Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs

Before we dive into the differences, it would be beneficial to look at what makes these services similar first.

  • Serverless Computing: Both Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs operate serverlessly. This frees us from having to manage servers.
  • Event-Driven Execution: Popular event triggers can be used for building responsive application behavior.
  • Integration with Azure Services: Integration with other Azure services like Azure Storage, Cosmos DB, and Event Hubs is seamless.
  • Scalability: Both can scale dynamically based on workload demands.
  • Extensive Language Support: Development can be done using already popular languages like C#, JavaScript, and Python.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Azure offers robust built-in monitoring and logging, making troubleshooting easy.
  • DevOps Integrations: Extensive deployment methods including source control and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Management: Managed services by Azure, relieving developers from infrastructure management.

Differences Between Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs

Now, that we have established sufficient understanding for each of the service and their similarities, Let’s go over the differences:


Azure Functions

Azure WebJobs

Run Type

Triggered, Scheduled

Triggered, Continuous, Scheduled

In-browser Development


Not Supported


Pay-per-use or part of App Service plan

Part of App Service plan

Language Support

C#, JavaScript, F#, Java, PowerShell, Python, TypeScript

C#, F#, JavaScript, Java, Bash, Windows scripting (.cmd, .bat), PowerShell, PHP, Python

Supported Triggers

Timer, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Event Hubs, HTTP/WebHook (GitHub, Slack), Azure App Service Mobile Apps, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Storage queues and blobs, Azure Service Bus queues and topics

Azure Storage queues and blobs, Azure Service Bus queues and topics

Windows Scripting




Triggered by various events

Always running, wakes up when crashed


Configurationless scaling

Scale with App Service plan

Development Experience

Integrated with Azure portal and Visual Studio, local development and testing

Integrated with Azure portal and Visual Studio, local development and testing

Custom Extensions


Limited support

Integration with Logic Apps


Not supported


There is no one size fits all situation here, and neither is better than the other. Both Functions and WebJobs are solid offerings provided by Azure platform. The final choice boils down to needs of the particular project. It helps considering factors like the type of workload, how it’s triggered, preferences for development and deployment, and the costs involved.

In Conclusion, If project involves tasks that need to run continuously for long periods, WebJobs might be the way to go. Another factor is, WebJobs offers more control over the environment. On the other hand, if serverless, event-driven approach is preferred then Azure Functions could be a better fit and cost-effective.

Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs – FAQ’s

Which Languages Are Supported By Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs?

Azure Functions provides support for popular languages like C#, JavaScript, Python, and Java. Azure WebJobs, on the other hand provides additional support for PowerShell and Bash.

How Do Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs Scale?

Scaling in Azure Functions is handled automatically based on demand, whereas scaling in Azure WebJobs is tied to the underlying App Service plan.

How Do Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs Handle Monitoring And Logging Handled In?

Both Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs provide built-in monitoring and logging capabilities, this makes it easy to troubleshoot.

What Deployment Options Are Available For Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs?

Deployment for both services can be done via various methods. These include Azure portal, Visual Studio, and CI/CD pipelines.

Can I Use Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs Together In The Same Project?

Yes, Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs can be used together within the same Azure environment. This will allow for a combination of serverless and traditional compute approaches.

Is There A Difference In Management Overhead Between Azure Functions And Azure WebJobs?

Azure Functions have a more managed service approach making it more developers friendly and free from infrastructure management to a greater extent compared to Azure WebJobs.

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