Avaya Interview Experience for R&D Engineer (On-Campus) 2022

Location: Bengaluru

Avaya was On-campus and the recruitment process had 3 rounds.

  • Online Test
  • Technical Interview 
  • HR Interview

Online Test: The test consisted of 3 sections and it was hosted on the Avaya Platform itself.

  • 30 Aptitude questions in 30 minutes(Questions were based on concepts like Set,Blood relation,speed and arithmetic)
  • 30 Technical questions in 25 minutes(Questions on Data Structures and Algorithm,OOP’s,Operating System,DBMS were included)
  • 2 Coding questions in 20 minutes(One graph question and another was based on Arrays. Difficultly level was in-between Easy and Moderate level)

Technical Interview: The Interview started with basic introduction and a thorough explanation of the project. Then the interviewer started asking the questions like

  • The obstacles you had faced during your project and how did you overcome that?
  • Questions related to Cloud have been asked since I mentioned it in my resume.
  • He asked to explain insertion sort thoroughly by writing pseudo code.
  • How to detect loop in Linked List?
  • Then he started asking questions on Operating Systems like what is semaphore and mutex, mention the conditions for deadlock.
  • What is Private IP and Public IP?
  • In DBMS the questions like types of DB, Acid properties, etc. have been asked.
  • How java is machine independent?
  • Explain the internal working of the Java program.

3. HR Interview: It’s the last round and the main objective of this round is to know about your background.

  • What are the current products of Avaya?
  • How are you updated with the latest technology?
  • Situation-based questions on Cloud related to my project.
  • Internship Experience(Since I mentioned it in my resume)
  • What are your hobbies and how do you spend your free time?
  • Short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals?
  • Are there any higher studies plans for you?
  • Why we should hire you?

Few suggestions: 

  • Must practice coding questions in platforms like GFG, Leetcode, etc. One can start with the Love bubber sheet(450 questions) it helps a lot in understanding each and every concept of DSA.
  • Know everything about the projects mentioned in your resume. 
  • Be thorough about the concepts in OOPs, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, DBMS, and Basic Computer Networks.
  • Have in-depth knowledge of your coding language(Java/C++/Python etc)
  • Ask the interviewer for his experience or the technology they are currently working on at last.
  • Know about the company before attending the interview.
  • Make a note of the points to be mentioned in the introduction so that you will not miss it.
  • Stress your technical skills during the introduction.
  • It’s okay if you don’t answer some of the questions.
  • While answering the questions think for a minute, even if you have the answer in your mind.
  • Be confident about your answer and have a smile on your face.

Result: Selected 

All the best!!!

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