Autodesk Interview Questions and Answers

Autodesk, Inc. is a worldwide software firm based in the United States that develops software for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media, education, and entertainment industries. Autodesk is based in San Francisco, California, and has offices worldwide. Suppose you are preparing for a job interview at Autodesk and want to boost your chances of being hired. In that case, it is a good idea to become familiar with popular interview questions and responses. It can give you a competitive advantage and boost your chances of receiving a good call.

This article provides you with the most frequently asked questions during the interview. It has a list of topics along with questions on Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating systems, Computer Networks, Database Management systems, and other mixed types of problems.

Table of Content

  • DSA Questions
  • OS
  • Computer Networks
  • DBMS and SQL

DSA Questions



Count the number of possible triangles


Count More than n/k Occurences


Nth Fibonacci Number


Topological Sorting


Shortest path in a Binary Maze


Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph


Balance a Binary Search Tree


Matrix Chain Multiplication


LRU Cache


Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm


Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching


Fractional Knapsack Problem Solve
Travelling Salesman Problem Solve
Check for BST  Solve
Array to BST Solve
Word Break Solve
Find median in a stream Solve
Remove duplicate elements from sorted Array Solve
Combination Sum Solve
Diameter of a Binary Tree Solve
Burning Tree Solve
Trapping Rain Water Solve
N-Queen Problem Solve
Rotate a Linked List Solve
DFS of Graph Solve
Reverse a Stack Solve
Bridges in a graph Solve
Overlapping Intervals Solve
Convert Infix expression to Postfix expression Solve
Reduce the string by removing K consecutive identical characters Solve
Edit Distance  Solve
Word Ladder Solve
Alien Dictionary Solve
Segregate 0s and 1s Solve
Find the longest substring with k unique characters in a given string Solve
Maximum length substring having all same characters after k changes Solve
Longest Palindromic Substring Solve
The Stock Span Problem Solve
QuickSort on Doubly Linked List Solve
Maximum path sum in matrix Solve
Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Solve
Chocolate Distribution Problem Solve
Permutations of a given string  Solve
Maximum Width of Tree  Solve
Merge K sorted linked lists Solve
Wildcard Pattern Matching Solve
Delete middle element of a stack Solve
Circular tour Solve
Rotten Oranges Solve
Next higher palindromic number using the same set of digits Solve
Rotate Array Solve
Split a Circular Linked List into two halves Solve
Flattening a Linked List Solve
Triplet Sum in Array Solve
Majority Element Solve
Top View of Binary Tree Solve
Convert an array to reduced form Solve
Find the number of islands using DFS Solve
Rotate by 90 degree Solve
Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray Solve
Clone a linked list with next and random pointer Solve
Rearrange characters Solve
Longest Path in a matrix Solve
Find the Missing Number Solve
Top K Frequent Elements in Array Solve
Stack using two queues Solve
Snake and Ladder Problem Solve
Decode the string Solve
Minimum edges  Solve
Search in a row-column sorted Matrix Solve


Computer Networks

A computer network is a system that connects numerous independent computers in order to share information (data) and resources. The integration of computers and other different devices allows users to communicate more easily.


Database Management System is a software or technology used to manage data from a database. Some popular databases are MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc. DBMS provides many operations e.g. creating a database, Storing in the database, updating an existing database, delete from the database.

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