Audio Seq2Seq Model

The sequence-to-sequence model has gained a considerable amount of attention and interest in the past few years due to its remarkable capability to generate speech of exceptional quality. These models have brought about a revolution in various domains, including but not limited to speech synthesis, voice conversion, and speech recognition. This article delves into the intricate details of the Seq2Seq model and its prominent applications in the realm of audio.

Table of Content

  • What is the Seq2Seq model?
  • Popular Seq2Seq models
    • 1. LSTM Based Seq2Seq Model
    • 2. GRU Based Seq2Seq Model
    • 3. Transformers Based Seq2Seq Model
  • Understanding Audio Seq2Seq Model
  • Architecture and Working of Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) Model
  • Architecture of Text to Speech (TTS) Model

What is the Seq2Seq model?

The Seq2Seq model takes input sequences and generates output sequences; these sequences can be audio or textual inputs. The model is employed for tasks like creating or converting sequences of information, such as language translation, condensing text, and providing descriptions for images. The Seq2Seq model is a neural network framework that includes two important blocks: an encoder and a decoder.

  • The encoder is responsible for processing the input sequence and transforming it into a hidden state vector that holds the context of the input sequence.
  • The decoder utilizes the hidden state vector as input to produce an output sequence, generating tokens sequentially.

Popular Seq2Seq models

1. LSTM Based Seq2Seq Model

  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Seq2Seq model employs the LSTM to effectively capture the extensive dependencies within the sequences.
  • The architecture of LSTM consists of encoder and decoder.
    • The encoder consists of multiple cells utilizing LSTM architecture. These cells process the input tokens one by one, and as they do, they remember the important information from the input sequence up to that point.
    • The decoder also uses LSTM cells. The decoder generates the output one step at a time, the output of one step becomes the input for the next step, like a chain reaction. This way, the decoder builds the output sequence step by step.

2. GRU Based Seq2Seq Model

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Seq2Seq model is a simpler and efficient version of LSTM Seq2Seq model.

3. Transformers Based Seq2Seq Model

The transformer model leverages a self-attention mechanism to enable the encoder and decoder to grasp extensive connections within the input and output sequences.

Understanding Audio Seq2Seq Model

The Audio Seq2Seq (Sequence-to-Sequence) model is a type of deep learning architecture specialized for handling sequence-based problems in audio processing. It encompasses an encoder to process the input sequence (like an audio signal) and a decoder to produce a corresponding output sequence (like a textual transcription), often supplemented by an attention mechanism to navigate through different portions of the input sequence while generating the output.

Audio seq2seq model have a wide range of applications:

  • Automatic Speech Recognition: It is a technology that converts audio signals into text transcripts. For example, voice assistants like Alexa, when the user says, “Alexa, what’s the temperature right now?” the assistant transcribes the audio into text.
  • Speech Synthesis: It converts the text transcripts into sound audio signal, allowing text to be spoken. For example, Google Text-to-Speech is a service that transform text into audio.
  • Machine Translation: It is an automatic process to translate text or speech from one language to another language. Examples of such machine translation services are google translate, DeepL, OpenNMT, and more.

Architecture and Working of Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) Model

The architecture of an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system involves several key components that work together to convert spoken language into text. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of a typical ASR model architecture:

1. Acoustic Model

This component processes audio input to identify phonetic units or phonemes. It typically uses Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), or Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks that analyze the sound’s temporal and spectral features to predict phonemes based on the audio signal.

2. Language Model

The language model predicts the probability of word sequences to ensure that the output forms coherent sentences. It can be implemented using traditional n-grams, which analyze the probabilities of sequences of words, or more sophisticated neural network-based models such as Transformers, which can capture more complex linguistic patterns and dependencies.

3. Lexicon (Pronunciation Dictionary)

This is a critical database that provides the phonetic transcription of words. It helps the system convert the phonetic predictions from the acoustic model into actual words by providing all possible phonetic spellings for each word, aiding in accurate recognition.

4. Feature Extraction

Before the acoustic model can process the audio, the raw signal must be transformed into a set of features that represent the audio more effectively. Commonly used features include Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), which capture the timbre of the audio, and spectrogram-based features, which represent the energy in various frequency bands over time.

5. Decoder

This component synthesizes the outputs from the acoustic and language models to formulate the most probable text transcription of the spoken words. The decoder uses algorithms like beam search to efficiently explore and rank possible transcriptions, focusing on the most likely options.

6. Post-processing

After decoding, the text might still contain errors or lack nuances such as proper punctuation. The post-processing step involves correcting these issues, handling special expressions, and ensuring that acronyms are appropriately formatted. Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques may be applied to enhance the fluency and readability of the transcribed text.

7. End-to-end Models

These models represent a shift towards a more integrated approach, where a single neural network learns to map audio directly to text. By learning all parts of the speech recognition process together, these models, often based on the Transformer architecture, can achieve higher accuracy and better generalization. They simplify the traditional pipeline by eliminating the need for separate components for acoustic modeling, language modeling, and decoding.

Architecture of Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) Model

Architecture of Text to Speech (TTS) Model

The structured breakdown of the architecture used in a typical seq2seq model for Text-to-Speech (TTS) transformation:

1. Pre-nets:

  • The input to the TTS model is text.
  • This text is tokenized into a sequence of text tokens suitable for processing.

2. Transformer Encoder:

  • The sequence of text tokens is fed into a transformer encoder.
  • The encoder processes the text tokens and outputs a sequence of hidden states. These hidden states represent the contextual information of the input text.

3. Initial Spectrogram:

  • The decoder starts with an initial spectrogram of length one, typically all zeros, which acts as the “start token” for generating the output spectrogram.

4. Transformer Decoder:

  • The transformer decoder uses the hidden states from the encoder.
  • It applies cross-attention to the encoder outputs.
  • The decoder predicts the next timeslice of the spectrogram sequentially, gradually building the complete spectrogram.

5. Prediction of the ‘End’ of Sequence:

  • Alongside predicting the spectrogram, the decoder also predicts a second sequence indicating the probability that the current timestep is the last one.
  • If this probability exceeds a predefined threshold (e.g., 0.5), the generation loop ends, indicating that the spectrogram is complete.

6. Post-net:

  • After the decoder completes its predictions, the spectrogram passes through a post-net.
  • The post-net consists of several convolutional layers designed to refine the spectrogram, improving its quality and clarity.

7. Loss Calculation during Training:

  • During training, the target outputs are also spectrograms.
  • The loss is typically computed using L1 or Mean Squared Error (MSE) to measure the difference between the predicted and actual spectrograms.

8. Vocoder:

  • At inference time, to convert the predicted spectrogram back into an audible waveform, an external model called a vocoder is used.
  • The vocoder, which is trained separately from the seq2seq model, synthesizes the final audio waveform from the spectrogram.

9. Evaluation:

  • TTS is challenging because it involves a one-to-many mapping. The same input text can be pronounced differently by different speakers or emphasize different parts of the sentence. This makes TTS models difficult to evaluate using traditional loss functions.
  • They are often evaluated by human listeners using metrics like MOS (mean opinion score) to assess the perceived quality of the generated audio.


As technology evolves, seq2seq models continue to be refined, incorporating more sophisticated mechanisms like attention and self-attention, which enable a deeper understanding and more contextual processing of sequences. The practical applications of these models are evident in everyday technologies, from virtual assistants that understand and respond to voice commands to real-time translation services that bridge language barriers. The ongoing development and evaluation of seq2seq models, particularly through metrics like the Mean Opinion Score (MOS), are crucial as we strive to create more accurate, reliable, and human-like systems in the field of artificial intelligence.

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