Attribute Closure Algorithm and its Utilization

Closure of a set F of FDs is the set F+ of all FDs that can be inferred from F. It is also known as complete set of Functional Dependency. It is denoted by F+.

Algorithm : Attribute Closure set

Algorithm to compute a+, the closure of a under F
Result:= a;
while (changes to Result) do  
    for each B β†’ Y in F do
            if B βŠ†  Result  then  Result := Result βˆͺ  Y  

Utilization of Attribute Closure –

  1. Test whether attribute is superkey or not.

    Example :
    Let R = (A, B, C, G, H, I) and set of FD are F = { A β†’ B, A β†’ C, CG β†’ H, CG β†’ I, B β†’ H}

    Find out (AG)+.

    Result = {A, G}

    First loop :

    A β†’ B includes B in the Result as AβŠ† Result (which is AG), so Result := Result βˆͺ B. 
    Hence Result = {A, G, B}
    A β†’ C causes Result to become ABCG.
    CG β†’ H causes the Result to become ABCGH.
    CG β†’ I causes the Result to become ABCGHI.
    B β†’ H causes Result to become ABCGHI.

    Second loop :

    A β†’ B causes the Result to be unchanged i.e. ABCGHI (B is already part of the Result).
    A β†’ C causes Result to be unchanged.
    CG β†’ H causes the Result to be unchanged.
    CG β†’ I causes the Result to be unchanged.
    B β†’ H causes Result to be unchanged.

    At the end of the second loop, the Result does not change so exit from the loop.

    (AG)+ = {A, B, C, G, H, I}

    Conclusion: AG is a super key as all other attributes can be determined by it.

  2. Check whether Fd exists :

    Example :
    Let R = (A, B, C, G, H, I) and set of FD are F = { A β†’B, A β†’ C, CG β†’ H, CG β†’ I, B β†’ H}

    Check HB β†’ I holds or not

    Result = {H, B}

    First loop :

    In A β†’ B as A βŠ† Result (which is HB) so nothing will be added.
    In A β†’ C nothing added.
    CG β†’ H (CG βŠ† Result (which is HB) so nothing added)
    CG β†’ I nothing added.
    B β†’ H nothing added.

    At the end of the first loop, the Result does not change so exit from the loop.

    Conclusion: HB β†’ I does not hold.

  3. An alternate way to find Closure of FDs (F+).

    Example :
    Given a relation R (A, B, C, D, E, F) and set of FDs F: {A β†’ BC, E β†’ CF, B β†’ E, CD β†’ EF}

    Find out closure of {A, B}+

    Step-1: Result = AB

    Step-2: First loop

    Result = ABC for A β†’ BC, A βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ BC.
    Result = ABC for Eβ†’ CF, E βˆ‰ Result so Result = Result.
    Result = ABCE for B β†’ E, B βŠ†Result so Result = Result βˆͺ E.
    Result = ABCE for CD β†’ EF, CD βˆ‰ Result so Result = Result.

    The Result before step2 is AB and after step 2 is ABCE which is different so repeat the same as step 2.

    Step-3: Second loop

    Result = ABCE for A β†’ BC, A βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ BC.
    Result = ABCEF for E β†’ CF, E βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ CF.
    Result = ABCEF for B β†’ E, B βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ E.
    Result = ABCEF for CD β†’ EF, CD βˆ‰ Result so Result = Result.

    The Result before step 3 is ABCE and that after step 3 is ABCEF which is different, so repeat the same as step 3.

    Step-4: Third loop

    Result = ABCEF for A β†’ BC, A βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ BC.
    Result = ABCEF for E β†’ CF, E βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ CF.
    Result = ABCEF for B β†’ E, B βŠ† Result so Result = Result βˆͺ E.
    Result = ABCEF for CD β†’ EF, CD βˆ‰ Result so Result = Result.

    The Result before step4 is ABCEF and after step 3 is ABCEF which is the same so stop.

    So Closure of {A, B}+ is {A, B, C, E, F}.

    Conclusion: For every attribute/set of attributes we can find closure. This Results in F+.

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