atomic.StoreInt64() Function in Golang With Examples

In Go language, atomic packages supply lower-level atomic memory that is helpful is implementing synchronization algorithms. The StoreInt64() function in Go language is used to atomically store val into *addr. This function is defined under the atomic package. Here, you need to import “sync/atomic” package in order to use these functions.


func StoreInt64(addr *int64, val int64)

Here, addr indicates address.

Note: (*int64) is the pointer to a int64 value. However, int64 contains the set of all signed 64-bit integers from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.

Return value: It stores the val into *addr and then can be returned when required.

Example 1:

// Program to illustrate the usage of
// StoreInt64 function in Golang
// Including main package
package main
// importing fmt and sync/atomic
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Defining variables for 
    // the address to store the val
    var (
        x int64
        y int64
    // Using StoreInt64 method 
    // with its parameters
    atomic.StoreInt64(&x, 6777676777)
    atomic.StoreInt64(&y, 98877)
    // Displays the value stored in addr



Here, first, the int64 value is stored in the addresses defined then they are returned using the LoadInt64() method above.

Example 2:

// Program to illustrate the usage of
// StoreInt64 function in Golang
// Including main package
package main
// importing fmt and sync/atomic
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Defining variables for the 
    // address to store the val
    var (
        x int64
    // Using StoreInt64 method
    // with its parameters
    atomic.StoreInt64(&x, 3654567899788)
    // Loading the stored val
    z := atomic.LoadInt64(&x)
    // Prints true if values
    // are same else false
    fmt.Println(z == x)
    // Prints true if addresses
    // are same else false
    fmt.Println(&z == &x)



Here, the value stored and loaded are the same so true is returned but their addresses are not the same so false is returned in that case.

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