What is the Atomic Mass of Nitrogen?

Atomic Mass of Nitrogen is                   .

A)  14

B)  14.007

C)  14.07

D)  15

Answer: The atomic mass of Nitrogen is 14.007 u. Therefore, the correct option is B.


Atomic Mass of any substance is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus of that atom.

For Nitrogen,

  • Number of Protons =  7
  • Number of Neutrons = 7


Atomic Mass of Nitrogen =  7 + 7 = 14

Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere. In absolute terms, the average atomic mass of  Nitrogen is 14.007amu. It is calculated taking into account all the isotopes of Nitrogen.

There are 3 stable isotopes of Nitrogen are,

  • 7Nitrogen13
  • 7Nitrogen14
  • 7Nitrogen15

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