Atlassian Women in Tech Coding Interview Experience for Summer Internship (Off-Campus)

Round 1: Coding Round

This initial round took place on the Hacker Rank platform, and it was proctored with both camera and microphone enabled. The interviewer was very friendly and the entire process lasted 120 minutes.
There were four questions to solve within the time frame. The first question was relatively easy, focusing on array manipulation. The subsequent questions ranged from medium to hard difficulty levels, covering a variety of topics including dynamic programming, strings, arrays, trees, and graphs.
To advance to the next round, candidates were required to successfully solve all four questions.

Round 2: Technical Coding Round

This round was scheduled about a month after the coding round. It started at 10 A.M and lasted approximately one hour, conducted over the Zoom platform.
The interviewer started by introducing herself and then requested me to do the same. Afterward, I was asked to set up the IDE and was presented with the first question:

Question 1:

Given two password arrays:
password_arr1 = ['polo', 'neal', 'nodl'] # Array Indexes representing the time when the password was last used
password_arr2 = ['lean', 'ldon', 'loop']

Output: [1, 2, 0]

I provided a solution initially using vectors with a complexity of O(n^2) and then optimized it using a hash map with a time complexity of O(nlogn).

Question 2:

Given a vector of strings, the task was to return a vector of vectors where the inner vector contains words that share the same letters, disregarding the order.
Input: ['team', ‘mate', ‘test']

Output: [[‘test’], [‘team’, ‘mate’]]

I solved this question using a map<string, vector<int>>. I was then asked about its time complexity.
Shortly after, I received an email notifying me that I had been shortlisted for the HR round, which was scheduled just 30 minutes after I received the mail.


  • Keep on interacting with the interviewer throughout the interview.
  • Explain all the uses of variable and functions in your code.
  • You should know the time and space complexity of all the algorithms you are using within the code.
  • Practice various problems of DSA on various platforms such as Leetcode , Gfg etc. and give contests to build speed and logical thinking.
  • If you don’t know something, just say it that you don’t have an idea about it and you would surely go through it later on.

Round 3: HR Round

This round began with the interviewer’s introduction followed by mine.
We engaged in a thorough discussion about my MERN stack project. The interviewer asked about its implementation and functionalities. They also inquired about the tech stacks I had experience with and whether I preferred to be a frontend, backend, or full-stack developer.
The HR round included a series of questions, such as:

  • “What is the primary step you would follow before starting any project”
  • “When do you consider a project successful?”
  • “Was the project initially divided into parts among team members and then integrated at the end? Or was it developed collaboratively from the beginning?”
  • “What changes did you make, perhaps during a project or hackathon? Additionally, what challenges did you face while navigating through these changes?”
  • “Have you ever received negative feedback about a project? If so, how did you handle it?”
  • “Can you share an example of an initiative you’ve taken?”
  • “Can you narrate a specific instance in which you gained new knowledge or skills during a project or hackathon, and explain the motivation behind seeking this new expertise?”
  • “Could you describe a situation where you experienced a conflict with a team member during a project? How did you go about resolving it?”

There were numerous follow-up questions based on my responses. I shared my honest experiences for all the questions asked.
The interview concluded with the interviewer inviting me to ask any questions I had. The entire round took about 45 minutes.
On the same day, the results were announced, and I was delighted to be selected for the role of Software Engineer Summer Intern.


  • You should have atleast one good Mern Stack project in your resume to discuss about.
  • Go through all the values of the company thoroughly.
  • HR round is as important as Technical round so prepare well in advance for it.
  • Answer all the questions honestly.
  • Don’t hesitate to tell the interviewers if you don’t know a particular answer .

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