Course of Action: Logical Reasoning Questions

Course of Action is an important topic that needs to be covered for the Logical Reasoning section of the competitive examinations. It tests the analytical and logical ability of a candidate. The following article covers the concepts and Questions and Answers related to the topic.

Practicing Statements and Course of Actions Questions within the time limit will help candidates score well. So practice these questions and improve your score in the examinations. 

What is Statement and Course of Action?

Assumptions and Conclusionstypes: In these type of questions, a statement is given in the question. conclusion and we have to find the most appropriate assumption from the given options. 
Courses of actiontypes: In these type of questions, we are given a scenario and a set of statements. We have to select a course of action that would be appropriate.

Courses of action: Questions and Answers

Q1. Read the following statement and select the most appropriate assumption: 
Statement: The constable has been recommended for suitable reward by his superior in recognition of his sincere duty and busting of several gangs of criminal activity involved in the loot and incidents of pick pocketing. Assumption 1 : The superior is certain that the recommendation would be denied 
Assumption 2 : The number of criminals apprehended by this constable was exceptionally high 
Assumption 3 : The constable desires to be monetarily compensated for his efforts 
Assumption 4 : The superior wants to set an example for his other juniors by recommending the reward Assumption 5 : Rewards recognizing the sincerity and accomplishments of policemen are given 

Assumption 1 is incorrect as if he was certain that the recommendation would be denied, he would have never made it in the first place. 
Assumption 2 is incorrect because the number of criminals apprehended in not mentioned anywhere. 
Assumption 3 is incorrect because no such data about monetary reward is mentioned in the statement. 
Assumption 4 is incorrect because no thought of setting the example is mentioned in the statement. The constable is being rewarded for his efforts and not for the want of the senior policeman. 
Assumption 5 is the most appropriate option because it states that rewards are given. That is the reason why the senior policeman has recommended a suitable required for the constable. Thus, option 5 is the correct choice.   

Q2. For the given statement, which of the following courses of action are justified: 
Statement: Private airlines have increased their fare by almost 50 % . 
Course of Action 1 : People should be advised to travel only by buses and trains which have less fare 
Course of Action 2 : Airfares should be regulated by the controlling authority 

Solution : 
Course of action 1 is not feasible because there may be people who have to reach urgently to some place. Travelling by bus/train takes more time than travelling by air. 
Course of action 2 is justified as the airfares should not be increased over a certain limit and restrict the airline companies from exploiting the passengers.  

Q3. Statement: The number of people using public transportation in the city has decreased drastically since the introduction of high parking fees in the downtown area.
Courses of Action: 
I. The city should lower the parking fees to encourage the use of public transportation. 
II. Public transportation fares should be reduced to make them more attractive to people.

  1. Only I follows
  2. Only II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follows

Answer: 5) Both I and II follows

Q4. Statement: Due to increasing pollution, the government has announced that it will ban the use of all single-use plastic products from next month
Courses of Action: 
I. The government should introduce an awareness campaign to encourage people to use eco-friendly products. 
II. The government should provide subsidies to companies that manufacture eco-friendly products.

  1. Only I follows
  2. Only II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 5) Both I and II follows

Q5. Statement: The construction of a new airport near a residential area has been causing noise pollution and disturbances to the local residents.

Courses of Action: 
I. The residents should organize protests and demonstrations to demand that the construction be stopped. 
II. The airport authorities should take measures to reduce noise pollution, such as using sound barriers and limiting flight times.

  1. Only I follows
  2. Only II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follows

Answer: 5) Both I and II follows

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