What is Article Writing? Objective, Format, Samples & Tips

Do you have some good opinions, ideas and suggestions which you want to share to the readers across the globe? If you want so then article writing is one of the ways through which you can share your thoughts and voice all around the world. There are various types of techniques of article writing. Here you will learn some of them.

This post will serve as step-by-step instructions on how to develop an article writing. In addition, we’ll share advice on how to write popular articles that people want to read.

Table of Content

  • Article Writing: What is it?
  • Article Writing: Objectives
  • Article Writing: Format
  • Article Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Tips & Techniques for Article Writing
  • Common Mistakes in the Article Writing
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs- Article Writing

Article Writing: What is it?

An article is a piece of writing that serves to clarify, present ideas, or discuss a subject systematically. You’ll find stories in newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, and other publications.

Publications intending to persuade or enlighten the public play an important role in today’s society, and articles are no exception. An article’s structure and style may change depending on the topic or author. However, the ideal article would engage readers, challenge their thinking, and motivate them while providing useful information.

Article Writing: Objectives

The following goals should guide the writing of any given article:

  • The objective is to highlight the central idea or theme.
  • The report has to cover all the bases.
  • Recommendations or suggestions to the readers are required.
  • To be considered, the piece must have the potential to move and provoke its audience.
  • The essay should include a variety of subjects, such as historical figures, geographical locations, new threats, and technological developments.

Article Writing: Format

Articles often have the following components:

  • Heading / Title
  • By Line
  • Body (the main part of the article, 3-4 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)


You want it to be memorable but must also be relevant to the reader’s query. The ideal length of a heading is merely 5 or 6 words. Think imaginatively & impress the audience or readers with this one line & enhance their anxiety to continue reading your post.


What it refers to is the author of the piece. The answer is typically included in the inquiry. If prompted, only have your name and contact information.


The article’s body receives the bulk of the assignment’s marks. The article’s body should have at least three to four paragraphs.


In the final paragraph of your article, leave your readers with a positive impression of the piece by appealing to their emotions.

Students from CBSE and other boards would study this format and use it while writing articles, as doing so will get them higher scores and attract more readers.

Article Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide

After you’re familiar with the structure, there are seven easy steps to creating an article.

Step 1: Determine your core theme and goals

Choosing a topic is the first step in article writing. Avoid broad generalisations by focusing. Write down your material’s objectives. Configure your article. A theme will make writing your post easier. After choosing a topic, stick to it.

Step 2: Audience-target

After you’ve decided on a central theme, you need to identify your audience. Consider what you hope readers will take away from your piece. Which details from your content are essential for them to grasp? And establish your writing approach.

Step 3: Research and gather

Research previous works after settling on a primary theme and audience. Look for stuff on the web that shares your preferred tone and style. Once you start writing the post, you’ll want to ensure you have some support. Gain knowledge and prove your points. Opinion pieces require cited research and published works as supporting evidence. Writing becomes more natural when you use bullet points and emphasise important terms. And remember, you must always reference your sources.

Step 4: Outline and rough sketch your topic

Make a preliminary draught as you gather information and ideas from your investigation. Outlining your topics is a great method to get your thoughts down on paper. Please write down your reviews and divide them up into paragraphs. Jot down everything that comes to mind. At this stage, your focus should be less on grammar, punctuation, and analysis. Put your thoughts and hands to work. Create your article by injecting ideas. You can strengthen your post by using bullet points and keywords.

Step 5: Revise your paper

Editing your work after writing a rough draft is the following step in any article writing tutorial. Always use proper grammar and punctuation. Check for typos and see how smoothly your writing flows. To keep your readers engaged, you need to have something to say. Find the right wording for your intended readers.

Step 6: Please proofread your work

All article writing guides recommend editing and proofreading. Put only some of your faith in your editing abilities. Your tone and impression of your readers are determined by how carefully you proofread. Use this opportunity to check for any remaining errors and work towards a more fluid reading experience.

Step 7: Include photos and infographics

Article writing tips end with adding relevant visuals like infographics and photos. Your audience will welcome the break. Visual content is more engaging and easier to understand in today’s fast-paced corporate world. Insert valuable photos throughout your content.

Tips & Techniques for Article Writing

The following is a comprehensive approach that will help you quickly and easily compose a high-quality article:

  • If you want to write an essay about a topic, you should ask yourself if you know enough about it to do justice to the subject.
  • The second thing to consider is the article’s purpose.
  • The next thing to think about is who you’re writing the article for since if you don’t know who you’re writing for, you won’t be able to write in a way that would convince them to read it.
  • Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are essential since the piece can only sell itself with these.
  • Use search terms to draw in many viewers.
  • Keep the paragraphs and the essay as a whole consistent.
  • Always verify your facts and figures before publishing, no matter the article genre.
  • Make sure the title and description are brief yet descriptive.
  • Editing and proofreading are necessary steps before publication.

Common Mistakes in the Article Writing

Errors are more likely to occur now you are familiar with the procedure and structure of writing articles. Several typical errors include the following:

  • Not citing references, quotations, or comparable cases
  • It is not necessary to use excessively formal language.
  • For easier comprehension, the article needs to be written in simple terms.
  • The article’s title ought to be intriguing and easily comprehensible.
  • The absence of paragraphs
  • It’s acceptable to voice personal opinions, but the writer should never discuss themselves.


Articles have a structure that includes headings for the introduction, body, and conclusion and a list of sources at the end. Articles can have several functions: informing, convincing, entertaining, and educating the reader. You may write content that connects with your readers if you take the time to learn the conventions of article writing and why you’re writing in the first place.

FAQs- Article Writing

Q.1 Can I write a good article?

You can write an excellent article if you have thorough knowledge of the subject matter, command of the language, and the ability to maintain the piece’s simplicity and interest throughout.

Q.2 What is the format of an article?

The article needs a heading or title that clearly explains its topic and a description. Depending on how much content there is to cover on the subject, the article’s body can be divided into three to five paragraphs. Subheadings are allowed, and bullet points should be used whenever practical. Make sure your conclusion satisfies readers and your introduction entices them to read the entire piece.

Q.3 What is the significance of article writing?

This is the true motivation behind the writing and analysis of articles. Composing articles is regarded as significant since it allows one to provide information to a global audience and allows readers to connect the content of the articles with their own experiences and opinions.

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