Arisen Technologies Interview Experience for Software developer Trainee

I am excited to share my first interview experience. I applied for the position of Software Developer Trainee at Arisen Technologies on May 21, 2024. I was eager and anxious about my first interview.

When I arrived at the office, I found it to be clean and well-maintained, with a pleasant environment. I reached around 11 AM and was soon called in for the first round, which was a coding test. The task was to create a firecracker animation using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As a fresher, I found this challenge quite difficult and, unfortunately, I couldn’t complete it.

The second round was a face-to-face technical interview with six other candidates. The interviewer was friendly and asked us several questions:

  • What is ES6?
  • What are the map(), filter(), and reduce() functions? He also posed tricky questions using these functions on an array.
  • Where do we use stacks?
  • Where do we use queues in computer science?
  • Where do we use trees?
  • Where do we use graphs?

A challenging question about doubly linked lists.

A puzzle: A person starts at the North Pole, moves 500 km south, turns 90 degrees right, moves 1000 km, then turns 90 degrees and moves 500 km north, and stops.

The second puzzle was about fuses, but it wasn’t clearly explained, so I don’t remember it well.

After this, we had an HR round. The first and only question he asked was, “Tell me about yourself.” Following this, we were informed that since we couldn’t complete the coding task, we didn’t pass the interview. However, we were told about a company policy that allowed us to join by paying a security deposit of around 70k, which would be refundable over the next six months at 10,000 per month. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford this, so I was rejected.

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