Arcesium Interview Experience for SDE | 9 Months Experienced

College: Tier 2 Institute

Date of Offer: June 2021

Previous Experience: 1 yr (approx) experience in Product based organizations

Mode: Recruiter reached out me on mail

Company: Arcesium

Title: Software Engineer

Location: Hyderabad


  • Recruiter reached out to me via mail to give a test for Software Developer profile.
  • There were 4 rounds including 1 OA + 2 Coding rounds + 1 HR

Round 1(OA):

  1. Max Product – Given an array with distinct integer. Find the product of max element in all the sub-array.
  2. Troop of Cats: Cat need to cross the tunnel as fast as possible. A cat can cross tunnel on its own and can cross with carrying other cat on her back. Given time to cross tunnel individually and with cat on her back. Find the minimum time to cross all cat from the tunnel
  3. And one binary tree question.

Round 2(DSA + Coding Round): Few question on OOPS like method overloading and method overriding, Abstract class and its implementations, Dynamic binding (Virtual class n all)

  • They asked me about the favorite projects.
  • Coding:  Populating the next pointer
  • Then they asked me to make complete architecture of my recent project. And, they asked lot of questions in this.

Round 3(Again Coding and DSA Round):

  • Firstly, he asked a lot about my achievements
  • Then, he asked questions on my projects.
  • Coding: Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence. I gave a DP approach and he was satisfied with that.
  • SQL: Then he asks one SQL based questions. But, I managed to gave partial solution using JOIN. And, he was expecting only that whether I can approach using JOIN or not.

Round 4(HR Round): It was taken by 16 year experienced HR. 

  • He asks me to givethe discussions a full introduction from college to first company and what passionate about me.
  • Then, again we chit-chat about DE Shaw and Arcesium.
  • Then, a series of discussion with Recruiter and Talent acquisition team about the offer.

Suggestion: Don’t loose hope.

  • My first interview didn’t go well. I was bit nervous. I didn’t get the question(Populating the next pointer) at start. I got panic and totally blank at mind. For long I was thinking with DFS approach but this is really simple with BFS and I got the solution in my mind. But at start I didn’t manage to answer. Then interviewer moved to other question. But few other question from their end I asked them that I want to answer that question and I’ve solution. Interviewer was very kind and she asked me to tell the approach and I finally gave the approach

I would suggest to stay calm and Never loose Hope.

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