Appyzie Interview Experience for SDE

I was scouring LinkedIn for fresher job opportunities when I stumbled upon a posting for a Software Developer (Freshers) position at Appyzie. Let’s delve into the interview process, which comprises three rounds:

  1. Google Form Submission
  2. Technical Interview
  3. HR Round

After applying, I received a message on LinkedIn from one of the founders of Appyzie. He sent me a link to a Google Form, which collected basic information. Towards the end, there was a question probing my strengths and how I applied them in programming. Essentially, they aimed to assess self-awareness, thinking capabilities, and problem-solving skills.

Upon clearing the initial round, I received an email for scheduling my interview—a standout feature being the option to choose the time zone and date for the interview. I selected a suitable slot and joined the meeting five minutes prior. The interviewer asked a variety of questions, including:

Q1. Tell me about yourself? Q2. What unique qualities do you possess that will aid you in the future?

Followed by technical questions:

Q3. How do you add two numbers without using the + operator? Q4. Explain a method to change a positive number to a negative and vice versa without arithmetic operators. Q5. How do you update the data type of an SQL column? Q6. Define what a foreign key is? Q7. Differentiate between Method Overloading and Method Overriding?

Unfortunately, my journey with Appyzie concluded after this round due to some minor errors and time constraints. However, overall, the process ranged from easy to moderate. Best of luck to those embarking on this journey!

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