10 Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024

Earthquakes can range from somewhat disturbing to extremely frightening. We do, however, have apps that force you to plan. We typically have two types of hurricane apps. Two purposes exist for them: one is a real vibration meter, and the other is for tracking them globally to let you know when one happens nearby. To monitor vibrations at your location, your smartphone uses a sensor called an accelerometer.

In addition to depending just on the news, there are the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking that are specifically made for earthquake alerts.

While some of these applications let you monitor earthquakes all around the world, others can send you alerts if they notice any possibly risky earthquakes in your area. Thus, below are the 10 Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024 that users should download to track and receive earthquake alerts.

10 Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024

  • 10 Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024
  • 1. QuakeFeed
  • 2. American Red Cross
  • 3. Earthquake Network
  • 4. Earthquake Pro
  • 5. Earthquake Tracker
  • 6. Earthquake Alert
  • 7. LastQuake
  • 8. Volcanoes & Earthquakes
  • 9. EarthQuake+
  • 10. Earthquakes- Latest & Alert
  • Which app is the best for Earthquake alerts?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking

10 Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024


QuakeFeed is the most full-featured app on the list of Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. You may see a list of the most recent earthquakes that have occurred worldwide on the app’s home screen. By default, it sorts them according to the date; however, you have the option to order them according to depth, magnitude, or distance.

The free edition of the software does not allow you to track wildfires, but it does allow you to monitor them. It even has a map to help users see the locations of recent earthquakes worldwide.


  1. Regional notifications with simple alert settings.
  2. Links to PAGER, historical earthquake data and tsunami information.
  3. Includes an aftershock forecast.
  4. Includes population density, earthquake risk, and ocean bathymetry maps.
  5. Premium subscription for all features and advertisement removal.
  6. Comprehensive terms of service and privacy policies.



  • User-friendly interface.
  • Real-time, free seismic data and warnings.
  • Large map and filter choices.
  • Lack of user guides for beginners.
  • Tricky to use.

Pricing: Free

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is another among the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. Earthquake warnings are not the American Red Cross’s primary priority; rather, they are response and relief activities. They do, however, offer helpful tools and data to assist people in being prepared to face earthquakes as well as other calamities.

The American Red Cross provides valuable education and resources for community planning and response to earthquakes, despite not offering direct seismic alerts.


  1. Statistical methods determine earthquake occurrence based on new signals.
  2. Analysis was conducted globally and in real time.
  3. Allows distinct alerts for multiple simultaneous earthquakes across the globe.
  4. Promotes community involvement through outreach programs and volunteer opportunities.



  • Cost-free.
  • Offers long-term healing guidance.
  • Reputation for quick response to emergencies.
  • Risk of increasing dependency on outside aid.
  • Cultural and language differences affect communication.
  • Opacity issues regarding money utilization and distribution.

Pricing: Free

Earthquake Network

The Earthquake Network app is a useful tool among the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking for early earthquake detection and warning. The program starts searching the smartphone’s sensor when it is recharging instead of in use for vibrations that could be related to an earthquake. If something is found, a signal is sent to a server that receives signals from every cell phone.

As a result, Earthquake Network offers a proactive alert solution for people who are eager to enable smartphone detection even when the device is not in use.


  1. In most of the world’s countries, Earthquake Network serves as the unique earthquake alert system that provides real-time notifications, making it the most detailed app on earthquakes.
  2. The system comprises nine servers to handle high network signals and user access during earthquakes.
  3. Statistical methods determine earthquake occurrence based on new signals.
  4. Analysis was conducted globally and in real time.
  5. Allows distinct alerts for multiple simultaneous earthquakes across the globe.



  • Stable and constantly evolving.
  • Significant bug fixes with every version.
  • Strong assistance from mobile apps.
  • Need to enhance data privacy.
  • Missing certain features.
  • Occasionally, delayed service.

Pricing: Free

Earthquake Pro

EarthQuake Pro is one of the very simple and Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. You can see current footage of earthquakes that have occurred all across the world. The app additionally offers information about the incident, local earthquake alerts, and an integrated seismograph feature.


  1. Real-time global earthquake activity monitoring.
  2. Customizable notifications based on location, magnitude, or seismic event type.
  3. Data and analysis on past earthquakes.
  4. Interactive data visualizations and maps.
  5. Emergency preparedness materials include safety guidelines and evacuation instructions.
  6. Community-involved reporting on earthquake experiences.



  • Prompt alerts for prompt safety actions.
  • Preventive efforts to reduce harm and losses.
  • Personalization with regard to preferences, magnitude thresholds, and location.
  • Potentially false alerts are brought on by inaccurate seismic data.
  • Constant real-time warnings cause problems with battery life and data use.
  • There is a possibility that users will get complacent or disregard safety precautions.

Pricing: Free

Earthquake Tracker

Earthquake Tracker is among the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. It performs the same functions as the majority of tracker apps in this market. Customized alerts based on your location, an interactive map of earthquake alarms, and several data visualizations are among the features. Information such as the frequency and intensity of earthquakes is displayed.


  1. Identifies and evaluates seismic waves to determine the magnitude of an upcoming earthquake.
  2. Increases community safety by acting as a network of alerting devices to increase harmony and safety.
  3. Offers early alerts, assisting in the construction of sturdy structures.
  4. Advances scientific understanding: collects information on seismic activity to support mitigation, response, and readiness plans for earthquakes.



  • Offers immediate alerts for earthquakes.
  • Monitors possible dangers and earthquakes.
  • Adjusts alert parameters.
  • Promotes user participation for proactive readiness.
  • It could take some experimenting with the tabs to get the right combination.


  • Free
  • Premium Plan: $3.49

Earthquake Alert

Earthquake Alerts is a user-friendly app and one of the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking for detecting earthquakes worldwide, offering personalized alerts and a history dating back to 1970. Its intuitive Material Design interface and historical information have gained popularity since the December 7.0 Alaska earthquake.


  1. Android smartphones feature small sensors that can sense earthquake tremors.
  2. Alerts from earthquakes often arrive on phones several seconds before intense shaking due to internet signals’ speed.
  3. Warnings are accessible in supported Indian languages and are easy to understand.



  • User-friendly interface.
  • Provides detailed information.
  • Includes intensity, location, time and depth.
  • Automatic, not selected.
  • Sometimes maps are not accurate.


  • Free
  • Premium Plan: $1.99


LastQuake is supposedly the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking and it’s totally free. provides users with an estimate of the magnitude of the earthquake and relies primarily on crowdsourcing for detection. Information is also sourced from 86 institutes across 57 nations. The application itself is rather basic.

Users receive configurable notifications, a simple user interface, quick access to all of the capabilities, and safety advice for earthquakes. Additionally, there is a feature that allows you to SMS loved ones in the event of an earthquake.


  1. Quick earthquake power estimations are provided, and main detection is accomplished through crowdsourcing.
  2. Easy access to tools through a simple user interface; sources data from 86 institutes across 57 nations.
  3. Provides personalized alerts and safety advice for earthquakes.
  4. Has a texting feature for family members in the event of an earthquake.
  5. An excellent and totally free app.



  • Easily navigable interface.
  • Detailed information beneath each earthquake.
  • Features witness biographies and images.
  • Needs zoom for a particular earthquake.
  • Features can get tricky for beginner’s use.

Pricing: Free

Volcanoes & Earthquakes

Volcanoes and Earthquakes is another Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. It is a useful app for monitoring global earthquake and volcanic eruption data, observing volcanoes, receiving push notifications for nearby earthquakes, and predicting activity based on features like tectonic plate boundaries.


  1. Displays global earthquake and volcanic eruption data.
  2. Observes volcanoes exhibiting different activity types or predicted eruptions.
  3. Sends push notifications for nearby earthquakes.
  4. Pings multiple data sources.
  5. Observes expected activity locations using features like tectonic plate boundaries.



  • Provides detailed lists and diagrams.
  • Offers a satellite imagery option.
  • Provides an alphabetical list of current occurrences.
  • Prioritizes interface functionality over design.
  • Immediate database downloads are unavailable.


  • Free
  • Premium Plan: $5.99


The app is a useful tool for tracking earthquakes since it provides a feed of recent seismic events that have occurred globally. It provides comprehensive information about the event, such as the specific position, information about tsunamis, location-based notifications, sorting filters, and many map options.


  1. Enables specific entries to show recorded earthquakes.
  2. Offers a comprehensive worldwide earthquake feed.
  3. Provides teaching materials on being ready for earthquakes.
  4. Offers interactive maps to aid in comprehension.



  • Offers instant alerts for earthquakes for security.
  • Permits notification settings customization.
  • Makes data collection from crowds easier.
  • Misunderstandings and technical problems.
  • Device batteries drain from constant monitoring.
  • Frequent post-quake interaction reduces the usefulness of the app.

Pricing: Free

Earthquakes- Latest & Alert

The fact that this earthquake tracking app encourages you to select from 22 distinct sources of seismic activity data as soon as you launch it makes it the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking. It utilizes the Maps app for location and views, then filters the feed based on sources of data, magnitude, region, and date. In addition, it transmits warnings for tracking.


  1. Filters feed according to date, region, maximum magnitude, and data sources.
  2. Gives the precise date, time, and number of hours ago for earthquakes.
  3. Locates and views locations using Apple Maps.



  • Detects and notifies locals about earthquakes.
  • The alerts will be sent to users automatically.
  • The system is totally free.
  • You won’t receive much notice before an earthquake occurs extremely near you.
  • Restricted geographic accessibility.

Pricing: Free

Which app is the best for Earthquake alerts?

The American Red Cross is the Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking in 2024. It offers all-in-one features and the following benefits:

  • Provides historical data on nearby earthquakes.
  • Alerts users when an earthquake is imminent.
  • Offers resources for preparation.
  • Provides coping mechanisms during and after an earthquake.
  • Offers long-term healing guidance.
  • Cost-free.


In the end, the in-depth earthquake tracker and alerts app has many advantages for users’ quick knowledge and readiness, but there are drawbacks as well, including resource usage, data precision, and security concerns that those downloading it must be informed of.

FAQs – Best Apps for Earthquake Alerts and Tracking

1. How does the earthquake tracker function, and what is it?

Earthquakes Tracker is a traditional app for tracking earthquakes, offering personalized warnings, interactive maps, and data visualizations, including frequency and intensity information.

2. Can an earthquake be detected by my phone?

The greatest digital earthquake detecting network in the world is found on Android phones, which are able to identify earthquakes before they happen and send out instant safety notifications using the Android Earthquake notifications System.

3. Is the app Earthquake free?

The mobile app may be downloaded for free right now from Google Play and the App Store.

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