Applications of Partial Fractions in Real-life

Applications of Partial Fractions: Partial Fractions is a concept of mathematics used to break down bigger and complex fraction into simpler fractions and thus making them simpler to solve and operate. Partial fractions have various uses and application in real life which are added in the article below.

In this article we have covered, Partial fraction definition, application of partial fractions, and others in detail.

What is Partial Fractions?

Partial fractions are various method used in mathematics to decompose a rational function into simpler fractions. If a fraction with a polynomial numerator and denominator, we can easily express it as a sum of simpler fractions, each with a simpler polynomial in the denominator. This decomposition makes it easier to integrate, differentiate, or otherwise manipulate the original function.

Partial fractions are commonly used in calculus, differential equations, and signal processing, among other areas of mathematics and engineering.

Applications of Partial Fractions

Partial fractions are commonly used in various areas of mathematics and engineering, some of its application in mathematics include:

Solving Integration Problem

Partial fractions are frequently applied to simplify and solve integrals of rational functions. By decomposing a complex rational function into simpler fractions, integration becomes more manageable. This technique is especially useful when integrating functions involving polynomials of different degrees.

Solving Differential Equations

Partial fractions play a crucial role in solving linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. By decomposing the solution into simpler terms, partial fractions allow for the determination of particular solutions, initial conditions, and boundary conditions in various engineering and scientific applications.

In Residue Theorem

Partial fractions are used in conjunction with the residue theorem to compute complex integrals efficiently. By decomposing a complex function into partial fractions, the residues at singularities can be easily determined, simplifying the evaluation of complex contour integrals.

Applications of Partial Fractions in Real-Life

Partial fractions are helpful when working with rational expressions especially when the denominator is complicated. The breaking down of these expressions into smaller fractions helps us solve equations, perform integrations, and simulate real-world processes more accurately. Here are some interesting examples where partial fractions are crucial in different fields:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Signal Processing
  • Economics and Finance
  • Physics
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Graphics, etc.

Let’s learn about the same in detail.

Electrical Engineering

In electrical circuit analysis, it is common to study how components like capacitors and inductors store and release electrical energy. We can use mathematical functions with partial fractions to model these components. By breaking down these operations, engineers can study how current and voltage flow in circuits ensuring that they operate at their best efficiency and performance.

  • Example: Consider a circuit with a connected inductor and capacitor in a row. We can use a complex fraction to describe how this circuit resists the flow of current. Engineers can simplify this function using partial fractions. This helps them find the voltage across each component and understand how the circuit behaves overall.

Mechanical Engineering

When designing equipment and buildings, it is important to consider vibrations. Studying vibrations can make bridges, buildings and airplane wings more stable and safe. Partial fractions are important for simulating these vibrations.

  • Example: A partial fraction equation can simulate how much a suspended bridge moves when weight is placed on it. Engineers can use this equation to predict how bridges will respond to wind, traffic or earthquakes and helping them build strong and flexible structures.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical reactions often involve complex rate laws which determine how quickly a reaction happens. Rate laws for reactions can be written as fractions and sometimes we need to use partial fractions for further analysis.

  • Example: You could study how a medicine breaks down in the body. We can use a math equation to show how fast the medicine breaks down in the body. Scientists can break down this equation using partial fractions. This helps them figure out the drug’s half-life (how long it takes for its concentration to reduce by half) and improve how drugs are delivered.

Signal Processing

Modern technology often involves working with signals, like audio, video, or data streams. When designing filters to separate specific parts of a complex signal, engineers often use partial fractions.

  • Example: Sometimes, unwanted noise is present along with the intended sound in digital audio files. Engineers can use filters based on partial fractions to remove this noise and make audio recordings clearer.

Economics and Finance

Even though the stock market seems to be affected only by unpredictable factors, mathematical models can be used to study and predict market movements. These models sometimes use partial fractions to include different factors that affect prices.

  • Example: Consider about studying how much of a product like oil is available and how much people want to buy it. You can use a math equation with partial fractions to show how supply and demand are connected. Economists can make smart investment choices and predict future price changes by studying this equation.


In physics, like in quantum mechanics and electromagnetics you will find partial fractions used in various ways. Partial fractions help to solve difficult equations that describe how things like wave functions and electric fields work.

  • Example: In electromagnetics, a math equation using partial fractions can describe the electric field created by a charged particle. Scientists can figure out how much force a charged particle exerts on other objects by studying this equation.

Computer Science

Computer science algorithms use partial fractions to solve problems efficiently. Many applications like encryption and data compression use these techniques.

  • Example: Some data compression methods use partial fractions to express repeated information more concisely. This allows for data to be sent and stored efficiently.

Computer Graphics

Making impressive visual effects for video games or movies can require complex math even if it seems like pure art. Algorithms that create 3D models and realistic lighting effects can use partial fractions.

  • Example: Think about creating a picture with detailed lighting. Algorithms using partial fractions can calculate how light interacts with objects in a picture creating realistic shadows and reflections that enhance the visual quality.


Partial fractions serve as a valuable tool in mathematics, engineering, and applied sciences, providing a systematic method for decomposing and analyzing complex functions and expressions, leading to solutions of various mathematical problems and practical engineering challenges.

FAQs on Applications of Partial Fractions

Define Partial Fractions.

Partial fractions are a method used in mathematics to break down a complex rational function into simpler fractions. Specifically, when you have a fraction with a polynomial numerator and denominator.

Where do we use partial fraction in daily life?

Partial fraction in daily life are used in geometry, statistics and in algebra, they are used in algorithmic breakdown of a complex fraction into a sum of simpler fractions, etc.

Can partial fractions be used for integration?

Yes, It is a helpful tool in integration is partial fractions. We can integrate each fraction separately by breaking down a complex rational function into simpler fractions. This makes the integration process easier to handle overall.

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