Applications of Boyle’s Law

Boyle’s Law is a theory which deals with the simple dependencies of Pressure and Volume in a particular System. The Relation is that pressure is indirectly proportional to volume, i.e., when pressure increases, volume decreases, as simple as this. This simple concept has wide range of applications in different fields as well as in our daily lives. In this article, we will learn in detail about the applications of Boyle’s law in daily life.

Applications of Boyle’s Law

Boyle’s Law, which describes the inverse connection between a gas’s pressure and volume at a constant temperature, has a wide range of practical uses. Some of the applications of Boyle’s law are discussed below:

Holi Pichkari (Holi Syringe)

It is an interesting example to illustrate Boyle’s Law. In our childhood, many of us must have used this Holi Pichkari to play with our friends. So here, when we drag the plunger back from the barrel, a low pressure is created with the increment in the volume of the barrel. Thus, it pulls the liquid back into the barrel. So, clearly, this states that when volume increases, a low pressure is created inside, which lets the liquid outside at high pressure push in.

Hot Air Balloon Expansion

In case of Hot air balloon when fire is ignited inside the balloon the hot air rises up leads to the creation of a buoyant force. This force makes the air particles inside the balloon expand. But when the Hot air Balloon rises up into the atmosphere the pressure outside decreases but the Volume of balloon increases. Its again a clear application of Boyle’s law.

Squeezing a Fruity Packet under Feet

Its something very interesting as well as nostalgic to make us think about our childhood days when we used to burst the empty fruity packet under our feet to make a loud burst sound out. When the fruity is finished the air occupies the empty space and when we apply external force to the packet the volume suddenly decreases as pressure inside the packet suddenly increases which make air particles run out through a little hole at the burst area which leads to a loud sound.

Blowing a Bubble with Chewing Gum

In our childhood and now too sometimes we blow a bubble with chewing gum which is all way fun. What actually happens is that , when we blow air to the gum we increase the volume and at the same time the pressure is reduced and as long the surface tension of the bubble withstand the pressure difference outside and inside the bubble it is all the way ready to go but as soon as the the pressure outside the bubble is more than inside the bubble it(chewing gum bubble) bursts. So here again physics comes into the picture.

Scuba Diver’s Strategy for Safety

Some of us might have a great passion to do adventure in our life, Scuba diving may be in your bucket list. Its all way fun but a bit dangerous too. You need to take certain precautions during Scuba diving. During soaring from down(deep see level) to surface the pressure gradually reduces, which increases the volume of air in lungs. This can lead to fatal injury. So Scuba divers are trained to soar up slowly to avoid the injury.

Airplane Pressure Management

When an aeroplane takes up after a certain time the atmospheric pressure get reduced and according to Boyle’s law the volume must increase but here in aeroplane volume will not increase. So here extra pressure is given to make inside pressure more than outside to prevent passengers from discomfort. Its an useful application of Boyle’s Law.

Boyle’s Law in Astronaut’s Space Suits

Its cool to think of an astronaut at service. But the risky and dangerous part comes when the discussion is about space suit. As we know if a gaseous matter is taken into a condition of Vacuum (here outer space ) the gaseous matter can expand infinitely. So spacesuits are specially designed to manage this gas flow to expand infinitely.

Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers contain pressurized gases or liquids that are released when activated. Boyle’s Law describes the behavior of compressed gas when released, which aids in fire extinguishment by displacing oxygen and cooling the flames.

Real Life Experiments of Boyle’s Law

We can observe Boyle’s law using several experiments on our own without laboratory set up. Some of them are discussed below:

Chips Packet in Aeroplane

When we take a chips packet to aeroplane and will try to observe it, it has been seen that the packet swells even more due to low pressure out side which caused air inside packet more pressurized and increased its volume.

Water Glass and cardboard experiment

Keep a glass fill with water up to its 3/4th and place a cardboard on it . Now make the glass upside down now leave the cardboard we can observe that the cardboard don’t fall. This experiment shows the Boyle’s law.

Here the space created when we made the water upside down leads to increase in volume of air inside water glass which in return reduced the pressure inside the glass and atmospheric pressure increased and there by pushing the cardboard from outside.

Putting balloon inside the Syringe

Put a little balloon inside a big syringe slightly air filled. Now push and pull the syringe to see the deformations in balloon which illustrates the Boyle’s law.

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FAQs on Applications of Boyle’s Law

Can Boyle’s law applicable for solids and liquids as well?

No, Boyle’s Law is applicable to gases only and that too for Ideal gases and not for real gases.

What are real life applications of Boyle’s Law?

Blowing balloon, Movement of Diaphragm, Mechanism of Syringes are some real life applications of Boyle’s law

Who proposed Boyle’s Law?

Boyle’s Law was proposed by Scientist Robert Boyle.

What is the formulae for Boyle’s Law?

The formulae for Boyle’s law is given as P ∝ 1/V or PV = K or P=K/V

How Boyle’s Law and Charles’s differ from each other?

The only difference is that in Boyle’s Law the Temperature is constant while in Charle’ law pressure is kept constant.

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