Applications of AC Generator

AC generator is an important tool used in the electronics field to study different concepts therefore, it becomes necessary to study what is an AC generator. In this article, we will study the AC generator and learn how it is useful in our daily lives. We will try to study the applications of AC generators through some real-life examples. Later, we will study the advantages and disadvantages of using an AC generator. In the end, we will discuss some potential developments in AC generators and how can impact future trends.

Table of Content

  • AC Generator
  • Parts
  • Working Principle
  • Applications
  • Examples
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • AC generator over DC generator

What is an AC Generator?

Electricity is a very necessary phenomenon required for powering different equipment like motors, gadgets, and many more. This electricity is generated using different methods one of which is the generation of electricity using generators. An AC generator is a device that converts one form of energy mainly mechanical energy to electricity. An AC generator usually uses turbines to convert mechanical energy to generate power. Let us study the principle on which AC generator works

Parts of AC Generator

Let us study the different parts of the AC generator

Parts of AC Generator

  • Field: The part of AC generator that is responsible for producing the output voltage is called field. It is generally coil made of conducting material that receives and input voltage resulting in creation of flux.
  • Armature: The output voltage of generator is produced at armature since it is capable of carrying the current. It generally is a bundle of coils wrapped together.
  • Rotor: As the name suggests, it is the rotating part of AC generator and an external source is required for driving this rotor.
  • Stator: As the name suggests, it is the stationary part of the generator. It is generally made of magnetic iron to minimize and loss of current (mainly eddy current).
  • Slip Rings: The slip rings act as a medium or a connection to transfer power from the rotor of the AC generator.

Working Principle of AC Generator

The working of an AC generator is based on the principle of the law of electromagnetic induction which states that

A current-carrying conductor when placed in a uniform magnetic field experiences a force due to the interaction between the conductor and the magnetic field known as the EMF (Electromotive Force).

AC Generator

Working Principle: As we observe from the diagram of the AC generator, the generator consists of an armature coil that is placed between two poles as shown. The armature coil is made to rotate in the magnetic field of the poles. Due to the rotation of the armature in the magnetic field, the flux associated with the coil changes. Based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, “a changing flux of the conductor in a uniform magnetic field induces current in the conductor.”

This results in the generation of electric current which is measured by the galvanometer. On careful observation, we see that the sign of current changes from positive to negative in each rotation which shows that the current generated in the AC generator is alternating current.

Applications of AC Generator

Let us see some applications of AC generators in real-life.

  • AC generators are used as a power source in major power stations like wind turbines, and hydropower plants where they convert mechanical energy of rotation into electrical energy. Therefore, AC generators forms an integral part in energy conversion and are used widely in power plants.
  • After the generation of electricity, AC generators are also used in transmission lines for transmitting power over long distances. This power is supplied from power plants to various cities, industries, and other institutes. the ability of transformers to step up or step down is used for transferring the electricity over large distances with minimum loss.
  • AC generators are used as a backup source in different industries that work on electricity. In case of power outrage, AC generators can be used temporarily for generating electricity. This is important for factories that are largely dependent on electricity for all the basic operations like manufacturing, designing etc.
  • Since AC generators allow direct control over the generation of electricity, they are often used in research and development purposes where scientists require stable and controlled power for testing. Here, AC generator generates just the right amount of power which is necessary to drive the components and perform the analysis.
  • In certain areas where the main source of power is unavailable, AC generators are used to provide power to operate the lighting, sound systems, stages, and other equipment in any event. This can be any entertainment event like parties, functions or inaugurations.

To more understand the Applications of AC Generators let’s go through some of the examples

Examples of AC Generators

Let us now understand the applications of AC generators through examples.

  • Power Source: Power Plants like hydropower plants need power on a large scale and this power is generated using AC generators. Power plants like the one with wind turbines have large turbines that rotate when high-speed winds strike the blades. The wind turbine then is connected to the shaft of the generator. As the rotor is moved in the magnetic field, it induces an alternating current in the coil which is then transported to various industries for power usage. Other examples include plants based on steam, water, wind, and gas.
  • Long Distance Transmission: The power generated needs to be transmitted from one point to another , AC generator thus becomes an ideal choice for long distance transmission. During the transmission of this power, certain power is wasted due to the resistance of the transmission line. To reduce this wastage of power , we need high voltage signals and this can be achieved only using AC generator which allows us to step-up or step-down the voltage. Using this, the voltage is stepped up while traveling through transmission line and is stepped down to bring it to domestic limit.
  • Power backup source: You might have seen that the majority of residential houses are equipped with backup generators. These power generators are very useful in cases when the main power source is unavailable. For example in situations like floods, or lightning the main power source is unavailable and the backup source turns on automatically to supply power for essential devices like lights, refrigerators and the other source can be used when power returns.
  • Transportation: AC generators are also used in transportation since they can be used to generate the power required to run electric vehicles. For example, electric trains require power to control the train’s motor. This power is generated through the overhead cables present above the train. This is a common usage of AC generators especially in urban areas to avoid traffic.
  • Industrial and Residential Application: Different industrial and residential complexes require AC generators to power certain devices. In case of power outrage, all the nearby power stations are notified and AC power is transmitted over long distances through transmission lines. This ensures that even in case of power outrage, industries can continue their operations without any loss or interruption.
  • Research and development: AC generators are used in the field of research and development (R&D) to control the power needed. AC generators are used to supply electrical power which is then used for testing purposes. Power is needed to supply electrical power for signal generators, spectrum analyzers, and oscilloscopes. The power requirement for these instruments is quite specific in terms of voltage and frequency and AC generators allow researchers to control this power.

Advantages of AC Generator

Let us see some advantages of AC generator

  • AC generators are useful since they can be used for stepping up or stepping down voltage by controlling the number of rotations.
  • The loss associated with an AC generator as compared to the loss associated with the generation of power in a DC generator.
  • AC generators are generally smaller in size as compared to DC generators which makes them easier to carry and set in any location.
  • AC generator provides a choice of generating electricity at different frequencies. This feature is useful in certain devices and can be controlled by changing the design of the generator.
  • The majority of power systems in the real-life world are based on AC power input which makes the AC generator more compatible and a standard choice.

Disadvantages of AC Generator

Let us see some disadvantages of AC generator

  • Since an AC generator provides more features like voltage and frequency control, it is a bit more complex to control as compared to a DC generator which has a simple operating system.
  • The maintenance requirements of AC generators are higher since they can suffer from machine breakdown and fluctuations more often as compared to DC motors.
  • AC generator is only useful for high loads. In the case of low loads, it can experience decreased efficiency due to increased fuel consumption.
  • AC generators can experience voltage drops when transmitting power over large distances due to the resistance involved in transmission lines.
  • AC generators that operate at high frequency can be a source of potential hazard due to the high voltage of operation. This can cause electric shocks if handled carelessly.

AC Generator over DC Generator

We have studied AC generators deeply, and now let us see why AC generators are preferred over DC generators.


AC Generator

DC Generator


Simple and easy design due to absence of commutator.

Complex design due to presence of commutator.

Stepping up or down

AC generators can be easily stepped up or stepped down using transformer.

DC generators are very difficult to step up or step down.

Operating Range

Better operating range than DC motor.

Can’t operate at high volltage due to fear of sparks.


AC generators are cheap.

DC generators are expensive.


AC generator provides more features like long distance transmission, high voltage

DC generator doesn’t offer these features.

Future Trends

There is a large scope for improvement in AC generators. These improvements can be seen in terms of sustainability and efficiency.

Researchers are trying to incorporate modern technology into generator design to ensure modern design that is compatible with the changing needs of the future. These modern designs aim to make the generators more simple, compact, and lighter. Other improvements that can be made are installing smart grids in AC generators that will allow better control over power generation and will also allow us to monitor the generators using smart technology.

Another expected future improvement is an increase in the efficiency of the AC generator which can be achieved by optimizing the performance and the quality of material used. This will eventually minimize the power wasted thereby increasing the overall efficiency.


We have seen that AC generator plays a significant role in our day-to-day life. The AC generator’s ability to transform one form of energy into another form has been channelized to make certain tasks easier. We also saw how AC generators are used in almost every field from electricity generation in hydropower plants to generating power in alternators. Despite the uses, we also studied some limitations of AC generators. Further development and upgradation in AC generators can help to increase their demand in the future. Readers are advised to go through the article again in case of any doubts.

Applications of AC Generator – FAQs

What is the difference between AC and DC generators?

AC generators produce alternating current, while DC generators produce direct current. AC generators are generally simpler in design and more suitable for long-distance transmission.

What safety measures should be taken when working with AC generators?

Safety precautions include proper grounding of equipment, using personal protective equipment (PPE), following manufacturer instructions, and ensuring that only qualified personnel handle maintenance and repairs.

Can AC generators be used for both residential and industrial purposes?

Yes, AC generators are versatile and can be used for both residential and industrial purposes. They provide backup power during outages, support critical operations in industries, and are essential for various applications in research and development.

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