Application of Optical Fiber

The Optical Fibres are used for transmitting data signals at long distances and with a greater speed. Very flexible and transparent fiber is used for preparing optical fiber. Optical fiber works on the principle of total internal reflection. Optical fiber consists of a core, cladding, and plastic coating. Optical fibers are mainly used as internet cables. The use of optical fibers has some advantages and disadvantages as follows.

Advantages of Optical Fiber

  • Optical fibers are light in weight
  • Optical fibers are cost-effective
  • Optical fibers protect the data that is transferred through them.
  • Optical fibers can transfer large amounts of data
  • No harmful radiations are released from optical fibers.

Disadvantages of Optical Fiber

  • Joining two optical fibers is difficult.
  • The individuals working with optical fibers need to be skillful.
  • Initial installation of optical fibers is expensive.
  • For analyzing the transmission of light in optical cable specific instruments are required.

Applications of Optical Fiber

1. Telephone

Telephone calls are made between different two locations that are near or far away from each other. Implementation of such communication between two different places is a difficult task. Therefore optical fibers are used that make this connection and communication between two far places easy and clear.

2. Medical Applications

The structure of the optical fibers is very flexible and is of small size. Therefore optical fiber is used in medical applications to view the internal body parts. During the surgery of internal body parts, there is a need to transmit light, therefore, optical fiber is required.

3. CCTV cameras

Installation of CCTV cameras requires a high initial investment. So CCTV cameras and the applications that make use of them need to work properly for a long period of time. CCTV cameras are therefore installed using fibres optic cables for long use.

4. Computer Networking

In a network multiple systems are connected together. These systems are connected with the help of fibre optic cables. Fibre optic cables can connect the devices together that belongs to same network or another network. In these connected networks fibre optic cables can transmit the data fastly and efficiently as compared to other copper wires.

5. Internet

Internet is widely used for every application today. Fibre optic cables are majorly used in internet. Fibre optic cables are used in internet as they can transmit large amount of data and over long distances. Using fibre optic cables provides with advantages such as high transmission, flexibility, low weight etc. Therefore in internet fibre optic cables ae used.

6. Defence and Space related Applications

The most basic necessity in defence and space related applications is security.Fibre optic cables thus provides with more security of data. In space applications there are various tasks such as communication between satellites, high data transmission etc. This tasks can be performed with grater efficiency by fibre optic cables.

7. Automobile Industries

Today the automotive industries are expanding very rapidly.For lighting the interior and exterior parts and for providing the security fibre optics is widely used in vehicles. This fibre optic cables can helpt to transmit the light from one part to another and provides with faster communication between them.

8. Television Cables

The use of fiber optic cables for television is being widely increasing. Fibre optic cables have high speed and high bandwidth therefore they are used for the transmission of high-definition television. As compared with other copper wires fiber optic cables are cheaper but provide more features and benefits.

FAQs on Application of Optical Fiber

1. What is the speed of fiber optic cables for transmission of data?

For lab systems, the speed is 10 Tb/s, and for field-deployed systems is 1.6 TB/s.

2. Name the principle on which fiber optic cable works.

Optical fiber works on the principle of total internal reflection.

3. State the components of fiber optic cables.

Fibre optic cable has components such as core, cladding, and buffer coating.

4. How much is the bandwidth of fiber optic cable?

Fibre optic cables have a bandwidth of 900 THz.

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