Apple Interview Experience for DevOps Engineer


Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. My name is Ashritha Soma and I’m from Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, and I have been working as a DevOps Engineer at Apple. I would like to share my interview experience for the DevOps Engineer position, which consisted of multiple rounds and assessments.

Round 1: Technical Assessment (Online)

– Duration: 2 hours

– Focus: Technical skills, problem-solving abilities

– Background: With my prior experience in DevOps practices and automation, I tackled coding problems related to automation, scripting, and infrastructure management. The assessment specifically tested my knowledge of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, version control systems like Git, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform and Ansible.

Round 2: Technical Interview – DevOps Practices and Tools

– Duration: 1 hour

– Focus: DevOps principles, CI/CD pipelines, cloud platforms, containerization technologies

– Experience: I engaged in an in-depth discussion about implementing DevOps practices, optimizing CI/CD pipelines, working with cloud platforms like AWS and Azure, and utilizing containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. I shared my experiences with infrastructure management and scalability in previous roles.

Round 3: System Design Interview

– Duration: 1 hour

– Focus: Scalable and reliable system architecture

– Experience: Leveraging my knowledge of system design, I was presented with a scenario where I had to design a fault-tolerant and highly available system. I discussed deployment strategies, rollbacks, and the importance of effective monitoring and logging for system reliability.

Round 4: Behavioral Interview – Teamwork and Collaboration

– Duration: 45 minutes

– Focus: Soft skills, teamwork, collaboration

– Experience: Drawing upon my experience working in cross-functional teams, I shared examples of how I handled conflict resolution, problem-solving, and effective communication in team environments. I highlighted my leadership skills and ability to collaborate effectively to achieve project goals.

Round 5: Hiring Manager Interview – Culture Fit and Career Goals

– Duration: 30 minutes

– Focus: Apple’s culture, DevOps practices, and alignment with company goals

– Experience: In this final round, I had the opportunity to discuss Apple’s DevOps culture and values. I shared my aspirations and goals within the company and engaged in a conversation about team dynamics, growth opportunities, and the exciting projects that lay ahead.


Overall, the interview experience for the Apple DevOps Engineer position was comprehensive and provided an opportunity to showcase my technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and experience in DevOps practices. It offered valuable insights into Apple’s DevOps culture and allowed me to demonstrate my passion and commitment to the field of DevOps engineering.

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