Apisero Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

Company name: Apisero Inc.

Profile: Senior Software Engineer

Requirements: Minimum 1-3 years of industry experience in IT and UG in CS/IT is mandatory with first-class scores in academics.

Round 1(Online Test on Hire-pro portal):

  1. Technical and computer fundamentals on SQL, C/C++, python, OOPS, Compiler, cloud computing, git, output of the program questions, complete the code inside function questions in CPP etc.
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Quantitative Aptitude

Total time: 90 mins, Total questions: 70

The level of questions was very good. It is expected to get minimum 60% correct to get through to the next round.

Round 2(Bare Essential Technical Interview (Online)): The interviewer started off with Introduce yourself. 

  • She asked me questions on my current, previous projects I have undertaken in current firm.
  • What technologies, tools I have used. Questions on them.
  • Further, she asked me questions on JavaScript, git, Agile methodology, Authorization vs Authentication, 2 SQL query on Joins.
  • Questions on OOPS, types of inheritance, data abstraction, constructor function.
  • Questions on git commands
  • DDL vs DML commands.
  • Then, he asked me if I had any questions. The round went for 35 mins.

Round 3(C4E Technical Interview (Online)):

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Then, he asked me questions on python fundamentals like, difference between Set, List, Tuple, Dictionary. Questions on lambda functions.
  • Questions on Agile Methodology.
  • Question on Azure DevOps portal. What is cloud computing.
  • Give examples of SaaS, IaaS, PaaS. Function vs Procedure in SQL, SQL Injection.
  • SOAP vs REST
  • What are Web microservices.
  • What are the services cloud offers?
  • Then, he asked me if I had any questions. The round went for 25 mins.

Round 4(Executive Technical Interview (Online)):

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Questions on JavaScript, ReactJS.
  • Questions on my current project.
  • Difference between stateless and state full components.
  • Questions on Lifecycle methods. How do you write api calls.
  • Difference between synchronous and async api calls.
  • Questions on redux.
  • What JS libraries have you used.
  • Questions on git.
  • How do you give builds on Azure DevOps.
  • What are cookies used for. What libraries have you used to achieve them.
  • Encoding vs encryption. Any algorithms you have used.
  • Then, he asked me if I had any questions. The round went for 25 mins.

Result: I was offered the Role of Senior Software Engineer with the choice to choose the area among Salesforce, Mulesoft, Tableau, Snowflake. The HR also asked for the preferred location.

Note: The test and interview process took 40 days after I applied. All the communication happened via emails.

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