Angular PrimeNG Messages Complete Reference

Angular PrimeNG Messages Component provides various types of facilities, such as Message Service and severity, Static and dynamic Content, different form layouts, etc., in order to render the status of the Message to the user.

Messages Component

The Messages Component can be used to display a message with particular severity, summary, and detail as the properties.



Messages Severities This component is used to display a message with particular severity.
Messages Dynamic It is an array of messages to display. It is of array data type, the default value is null.
Message Service The Message Service can be used by importing the class & defining  it as a provider in the component tree
Messages Static Content To display the static content, the user can make use of the message template.
Messages Inline Message The Inline Message is generally displayed inline, mostly within the form.
Messages Message Array The Messages component is used to display a message with particular severity.
Messages Closable Using the [closable]=”false” attribute, we can make the closable icon inactive.
Message Component The Message Component is used to display a message with particular severity.
Messages Animation Configuration The Messages Animation Configuration allows configuring the default animation.
Properties of Message Component Angular PrimeNG Properties of Messages Component are value, closable, style, styleClass, etc.
Messages Templates The templates are used to put some content on some pre-structured containers. Message templates are discussed below
Styling for Messages Component The Styling for the Messages component is used to change the default styles of the component and suit the design of the website.

Toast Component

The Toast Component can be utilized to render the information or any message in an overlay.



Toast Severities The Toast component is a tool used to overlay feedback messages with particular severity.
Toast Positions The Toast component is a tool used to overlay feedback messages with particular severity.
Toast Multiple It is used to give text value to the toast button component. It is a string type.
Toast Clear It is used to give text value to the toast button component. It is a string type and the default value is null.
Toast Template The Toast component is a tool used to overlay feedback messages with particular severity.

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