Angular 10.0

In this article, we will see What’s New and Improved in Angular 10.0. Angular 10.0 was released in June 2020, bringing a range of new features and improvements to the popular front-end framework. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable changes in this version.

  • Improved Angular CLI: Angular 10.0 includes improvements to the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), which is used to generate and manage Angular projects. The new version of the CLI includes several new commands, such as “ng deploy”, which simplifies the process of deploying Angular applications to the web. The Angular CLI also includes improvements to the way it generates code, making it easier to create new components, services, and modules. The CLI now generates TypeScript files instead of JavaScript files by default, which provides better type safety and improves the developer experience.
  • Support for TypeScript 3.9: Angular 10.0 adds support for TypeScript 3.9, which includes several new features and improvements. The new version of TypeScript introduces support for conditional types, which makes it easier to create complex type relationships in your code. TypeScript 3.9 also includes improvements to the way it handles inference for types, which can improve the developer experience and reduce the number of errors in your code.
  • Improved Angular Material: Angular 10.0 includes several improvements to Angular Material, which is a set of UI components for Angular applications. The new version of Angular Material includes a range of new components, such as a new date range picker and a new stepper component. Angular Material also includes improvements to accessibility (a11y) and internationalization (i18n), making it easier to create applications that are accessible to a wider range of users.
  • Improved Performance: Angular 10.0 includes several improvements to performance, making Angular applications faster and more efficient. This version includes a new “global optimization” feature that optimizes the generated code for the entire application, reducing the size of the final bundle and improving performance. The new version of Angular also includes improvements to the way it handles change detection, which can improve the performance of large and complex applications.
  • Changes and Deprecations in Version 10: One of the significant changes in Angular 10.0 is the introduction of stricter type-checking. This feature ensures that you’re using the right types and reduces the chances of errors in your code. It also makes it easier to maintain and refactor your codebase. Another change is the removal of support for Internet Explorer 9, 10, and IE mobile. This means that Angular 10.0 only supports IE 11 and above. If you’re still using older versions of Internet Explorer, you’ll need to update your browser to use Angular 10.0. In terms of deprecations, Angular 10.0 has removed support for the ViewEngine renderer. The Ivy renderer is now the default and the only supported renderer. If you’re still using ViewEngine, you’ll need to update your code to use Ivy.
  • Ivy Features and Compatibility: Ivy is a new rendering engine that was introduced in Angular version 9. It’s designed to improve the performance, bundle size, and development experience of Angular applications. In Angular 10.0, Ivy comes with some new features and improvements. One of the most significant changes is the ability to use lazy loading with dynamic imports. This feature can significantly improve the performance of your application, especially if you have a lot of components. Another feature is improved support for internationalization (i18n). Ivy now supports differential loading of i18n translations, which can help reduce the size of your application. If you’re upgrading from an older version of Angular, you might be wondering about Ivy compatibility. The good news is that most third-party libraries are already compatible with Ivy. However, if you’re using a library that’s not compatible, you’ll need to update it or find an alternative.
  • CommonJS Imports: Another significant change in Angular 10.0 is the introduction of support for CommonJS imports. CommonJS is a module system that’s used in Node.js, and it’s often used in server-side applications. With the new CommonJS imports feature, you can now use modules from Node.js in your Angular application without having to use a bundler like Webpack. This can simplify your build process and make it easier to work with server-side modules.
  • New Default Browser Configuration: Finally, Angular 10.0 comes with a new default browser configuration. The new configuration disables some of the older and less secure features of the browser, such as a document.write() and synchronous XHR requests. This change can help improve the security and performance of your application, but it might also affect some of your existing code. If you’re using any of the features that have been disabled, you’ll need to update your code to use alternative approaches.
  • Other Changes: In addition to the changes mentioned above, Angular 10.0 includes several other updates and improvements. Some of the notable changes include:
    • Improved support for lazy loading and differential loading
    • Improved debugging experience with better error messages and stack traces
    • Improved support for Angular Universal, which allows you to generate server-side rendered pages for Angular applications

Angular 10.0 introduces several significant improvements to the framework, including improvements to the Angular CLI, support for TypeScript 3.9, improvements to Angular Material, improved performance, and improvements to debugging and error messages. The framework also includes several updates and improvements to internationalization (i18n) and accessibility (a11y) features. With stricter type checking, improved support for Ivy, CommonJS imports, and a new default browser configuration, Angular 10.0 is a significant step forward for web developers.

If you’re upgrading from an older version of Angular, make sure to check the compatibility of your code and third-party libraries.

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