Android App Performance Metrics

In this post, we’ll look at how to monitor app performance metrics to discover areas where the app uses resources inefficiently, such as CPU, network, memory, and device battery. The Android Profiler tools provide real-time statistics to understand how the app uses device resources. Several profiling tools are available in Android Studio to aid in the detection and visualization of possible issues:

  1. CPU profiler: This tool helps in the identification of runtime performance issues.
  2. Memory profiler: This tool aids in the tracking of memory allocations.
  3. Network profiler: This tool measures network traffic utilization.
  4. Energy profiler: This tool monitors energy consumption.

We’ll now take a look at these profiler tools in more detail.

1. CPU Profiler

Optimizing the app’s CPU consumption provides several benefits, including improving user experience and extending device battery life. It represents the real-time CPU usage and thread status. To launch the CPU Profiler, perform the following steps:

  • Select View > Tool Windows > Profiler.
  • Select the CPU timeline.

To know further information about which part of code is executing and how they are executing, we need to use CPU recordings. There are 4 types of CPU recordings available:

  1. Sample Java Methods: In this method, the JVM periodically gathers and represents the call stacks of all Java threads in the process and analyses data sets to assess how much time and resources are being used by the app’s Java-based code execution. This approach is beneficial for obtaining a broad view of code performance.
  2. Trace Java Methods: In this method, JVM collects data every time the execution enters or exits a method. As a result, it captures a large amount of data and is especially beneficial for analyzing a smaller portion of code using fewer methods.
  3. Sample C/C++ Functions: This function collects sampling traces of the native threads in the application. It comes in handy if the app uses any native components.
  4. Trace System Calls: This method traces the code in a more precise and detailed manner and is particularly useful to analyze a small amount of code. This method is also useful in monitoring any slow UI rendering issues. 

2. Memory Profiler

This tool helps in the detection of memory leaks, which can cause freezing and possible app crashes. It shows a real-time graph of the app’s memory usage, allows you to capture a heap dump and track memory allocations. To launch the Memory Profiler, perform the following steps:

  • Select View > Tool Windows > Profiler.
  • Select the Memory timeline.

3. Network Profiler

This tool helps in the monitoring of the application’s network activities, displaying data transmitted and received as well as the current number of connections. This tool is quite useful in identifying any unwanted network requests. To launch the Network Profiler, perform the following steps:

  • Select View > Tool Windows > Profiler.
  • Select the Network timeline.

4. Energy Profiler

The tool helps in determining where the app consumes more energy than is required. It calculates energy consumption based on CPU utilization, network usage, system events, and GPS sensor data. To launch the Energy Profiler, perform the following steps:

  • Select View > Tool Windows > Profiler.
  • Select the Energy timeline.

When used correctly, these features can significantly improve the app’s overall performance. They help in the detection of any underlying problems that may be difficult to notice externally but could be damaging in the long run.

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