Ammonium Hydroxide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Ammonium is a cation gained by the protonation of Ammonia. It is symbolically represented as NH4+. Ammonia solution is a solution of ammonia in water, also famously known as ammonia water, ammonium hydroxide, ammoniacal liquor, ammonia liquor, aqua ammonia, aqueous ammonia, or (Inaccurately) ammonia. The letters NH3 are used to represent it (aq).

Ammonium Hydroxide Formula

The formula for ammonium hydroxide is NH4OH. Despite the fact that the name ammonium hydroxide implies an alkali with the composition [NH4+][OH], it is impossible to isolate NH4OH samples. Except in extremely dilute solutions, the ions NH4+ and OH do not account for a significant fraction of the overall amount of ammonia.

Structure of Ammonium Hydroxide

The compound structure is formed by an ionic connection between one hydroxide anion (OH) and one ammonium cation (NH4+).


Physical Properties of Ammonium Hydroxide

  1. Ammonium hydroxide is a clear liquid with no color.
  2. It has a fishy, unpleasant odor about it.
  3. It’s a liquid that mixes easily. Ammonium hydroxide, in other words, is water-soluble.
  4. In water, it is miscible
  5. The specific gravity of a solution is usually 0.9, but it varies depending on the strength of the solution.
  6. -57.5°C is the melting point of NH4OH.
  7. The boiling point varies between 38°C and 100°C depending on the concentration.
  8. The temperature of the auto-ignition system is 651°C.
  9. The molecular weight of this compound is 35.05 g/mol.
  10. The density of the material is 0.91 g/cm3.
  11. At 20°C, the vapor pressure is 115 mm.

Chemical Properties of Ammonium Hydroxide

  • Sulphuric acid combines with ammonium hydroxide to generate ammonium sulfate and water.

2NH4OH + H2SO4 → (NH4)2SO4 + 2H2O

  • When ammonium hydroxide combines with hydrochloric acid, ammonium chloride is produced.

NH4OH + HCl → NH4Cl + H2O

  • Copper hydroxide and ammonium sulfate are formed when ammonium hydroxide interacts with copper sulfate.

CuSO4 + 2NH4OH → Cu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4

  • Ammonium hydroxide interacts with ferric chloride to produce a brown ferric hydroxide precipitate.       

FeCl3 + 3NH4OH → Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl

  • Ferrous sulfate combines with ammonium hydroxide to form ferrous hydroxide and ammonium sulfate.

FeSO4 + 2NH4OH → Fe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4

  • Carbonic acid combines with ammonium hydroxide to produce ammonium bicarbonate and water.

NH4OH + H2CO3 → NH4HCO3 + H2O

Uses of Ammonium Hydroxide

  1. Ammonium hydroxide is utilized for home cleaning. It’s also a component of a number of cleaning products.
  2. It’s employed as an alkyl amine precursor.
  3. In the treatment of water, ammonium hydroxide is utilized.
  4. Some foods include ammonium hydroxide, which is used as an acidity regulator.
  5. Because of its pH-controlling qualities, it is employed as a potent antibacterial agent.
  6. Furniture is darkened using ammonium hydroxide. That is, certain tannic acid-containing wood can be stored in an ammonium hydroxide solution to give it a dark color.
  7. Straw is treated with ammonium hydroxide. For cattle, this makes the straw more palatable.
  8. Ammonium hydroxide is employed as a base and a complexant in qualitative analysis in the laboratory.
  9. It’s used to make plastic, fertilizer, rayon, and rubber, among other things.
  10. It’s also utilized as a sanitizer and a purifying agent.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is ammonium hydroxide made of?


The solution of ammonia gas in water is called ammonium hydroxide. Ammonia solution is another name for it. The chemical formula is NH4OH

Question 2: How to prepare ammonium hydroxide solution?


By saturating water with gaseous ammonia, ammonium hydroxide is produced. Without the need of a drying tube, ammonia gas is created and carried straight from the flask into an empty gas cleaning bottle, which collects any solid particles physically transported.

Question 3: What pH is ammonia solution?


One ammonia molecule is made up of one negatively charged nitrogen ion and three positively charged hydrogen ions, giving it the chemical formula NH3. The pH of normal ammonia is around 11.

Question 4: Why is ammonium hydroxide utilized in qualitative analysis?


When accurate quantity of ammonium hydroxide is introduced drop smart to answers of the metal salts, ppts (colored generally) are formed. They assist us to perceive their metallic ions.

FeSO4 + 2NH4OH → (NH4)2SO4 + Fe(OH)2

Indicates the presence of Fe+2 ion.

Question 5: What will happen when ammonium hydroxide is added to the aqueous solution of lead nitrate?


The result is a white ppt. of lead hydroxide that is insoluble in NH4OH,

Pb(NO3)2 + 2NH4OH → 2NH4NO3 + Pb(OH)2

Question 6: What foods are processed with ammonium hydroxide?


  • Baked goods, cheeses, chocolates, other confectionary (e.g., caramel), and puddings are just a few of the foods that use ammonium hydroxide as a direct food ingredient. Ammonium hydroxide is also utilised in meat products as an antibacterial agent.
  • In condiments, relishes, soy protein concentrates/isolates, snack foods, jams and jellies, and non-alcoholic drinks, ammonia in different forms (e.g., ammonium sulphate, ammonium alginate) is employed.
  • When employed in compliance with acceptable manufacturing procedures, ammonium hydroxide can be used to process hundreds of different food varieties, according to the World Health Organization. Dairy items, confections, fruits and vegetables, baked goods, morning cereals, eggs, fish, sports drinks and beer, and meats are among them.

Question 7: How does ammonium hydroxide work to kill pathogens in meat?


In the intestines of cattle, many food pathogens can be discovered, including hazardous E. coli strains. They may survive and thrive in mammalian tissues with high acidity. Ammonium hydroxide and other chemicals can harm these organisms by lowering the acidity of meats and other meals, making it difficult for pathogens to live.

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