American Express Work Experience For Summer Internship

I was thrilled to land a summer internship at American Express, a prestigious opportunity that lasted for a fulfilling 8 weeks. Stepping into their Gurgaon office with a MacBook in hand, which was provided by Amex itself. I was very excited to join the company and collaborate with the team.

From day one, the team I joined proved to be not just competent, but also incredibly supportive and innovative. Their warm welcome and eagerness to help me for a memorable journey ahead. Working alongside them, I had the privilege of contributing to two diverse projects, from brainstorming ideas to putting them into action. Throughout this process, my mentor, seniors, and managers provided invaluable guidance, nurturing my growth and learning every step of the way.

As part of the internship program, I had the opportunity to engage in various training sessions and workshops curated by the HR team. These sessions not only expanded my knowledge but also exposed me to new ideas and professionalism.

My Role: Full Stack Developer

My responsibilities were varied and challenging.

  • I was entrusted with writing clean and efficient code,
  • I was responsible for crafting user-friendly frontends for various features and dashboards.
  • Developing APIs, managing databases, and ensuring overall product optimization were my other responsibilities.

It was a hands-on experience that allowed me to put my skills to the test and learn from real-world scenarios.

Beyond the work, the internship experience was made even more memorable by the fun-filled activities organized by the team like Potlucks, etc.

Looking back, my time at American Express was not just about gaining technical skills, but also about personal growth and development. And at last, I received my Swag kit from Amex as an appreciation!!

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