Amdocs Interview Questions

Amdocs is a global leader in software and services for communications, media, and financial services providers that stands at the forefront of technological transformation. Their solutions empower businesses to navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape, optimize operations, and deliver seamless customer experiences. From cloud-based platforms to cutting-edge AI capabilities, Amdocs is shaping the future of how we connect, entertain, and manage finances.

Amdocs Interview Questions

Landing a desired role at Amdocs requires not only top-notch technical skills but also the ability to navigate their unique interview process. This article delves deep into the world of Amdocs’ technical interviews, providing you with insider tips and insights into the types of questions you can expect to encounter. Get ready to sharpen your algorithms, brush up on your data structures, and prepare to showcase your problem-solving prowess as we guide you through the thrilling challenge of securing your dream job at this tech powerhouse.


Table of Content

  • DSA Questions
  • OS
  • DBMS
  • Computer Networks
  • OOPS

DSA Questions

Knowing how to use data structures and algorithms is like having a superpower for writing efficient and smart computer programs. It’s especially handy for jobs at Amdocs, where they work on making cool stuff for telecommunications. It helps you solve problems and impress in job interviews too.



Finding the middle element in a linked list

Try it

Find 2nd largest element in an array

Try it

Faulty wiring and Bulbs

Try it

Count Triplets

Try it

Anagram Pairs

Try it

Reverse Stack

Try it

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Try it

Most Frequent Word in an array of strings

Try it

Number of occurrences

Try it

Rearrange a string

Try it

Subset Sum Problem

Try it

Minimum Spanning Tree

Try it

Reverse string Word Wise

 Try it

Bridges In A Graph

Try it

Next Greater Element

 Try it

Find Prime numbers in a range

 Try it

The Nth Fibonnaci

 Try it

Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked Lists

 Try it

LRU Cache Implementation

 Try it

Remove loop in Linked List

 Try it

First and last occurrences of x

 Try it

Insert Into A Binary Search Tree

 Try it

Merge Without Extra Space

 Try it

Search in a row-column sorted Matrix

 Try it

Maximum Sum Subsequence

 Try it

First non-repeating character in a stream

 Try it

Subarray with equal occurrences

 Try it

Pythagorean Triplets

 Try it

Print Anagrams Together

 Try it

Rotate by 90 degree

 Try it

Find Duplicates In Array

 Try it

Longest Palindromic Substring

 Try it

Count Palindrome Sub-Strings of a String

 Try it

Trapping Rain Water

 Try it

Diameter of a Binary Tree

 Try it

Minimum time to burn a Tree starting from a Leaf node

 Try it

Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree

 Try it

Third largest element in an array of distinct elements

 Try it

Check if two trees are Mirror

 Try it

Find the number of islands

 Try it

Merge K sorted linked lists

 Try it

Longest path in a matrix

 Try it

Next higher palindromic number using the same set of digits

 Try it

Move all zeroes to end of array

 Try it

Rotten Oranges

 Try it

Triplet Sum in Array

 Try it

Segregate 0s and 1s in an array

  Try it

Edit Distance

 Try it

Nuts & Bolts Problem

 Try it

Jump Game

 Try it

Remove Duplicates from an Unsorted Linked List

 Try it

Clone a Linked List with next and Random Pointer

 Try it

Word Ladder

 Try it

Alien Dictionary

 Try it

Root to leaf paths sum

 Try it

Sum of Left Leaf Nodes

 Try it

Circular tour

 Try it

Decimal Equivalent of Binary Linked List

 Try it

Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s

 Try it

Boundary Traversal of binary tree

 Try it

The Stock Span Problem

 Try it

Maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s

 Try it

Find next greater number with same set of digits

 Try it

Wildcard Pattern Matching

 Try it

Anagram of String

 Try it

Scrambled String

 Try it

Rearrange characters

 Try it

Minimum number of deletions and insertions.

 Try it

Flood Fill Algorithm

 Try it

Cutting a Rod 

 Try it

Core Subjects



Computer Networks


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