AMD (Xilinx) Interview Experience Senior Software Engineer

Round Telephonic:

  • Check the 5th bit and update the 15th bit (both should be the same)
  • Check 15th and update 20th bit(both should be different)
  • Endianness reverse using bitwise operators, unions, Byte reversal

1st Round:

Display like mmccccxxb
  • ARM Trust zone
  • ARM pipeline
  • Memory protection how can be handled
  • Is aes asymmetric or Symmetric
  • What is symmetric
  • Debug levels what are different levels indicate
  • The CPU has limited registers on how the whole program operates
  • How do u supervise stack for multiple tasks

2nd Round:

  • How do u detect the stack overflow or Monitor
  • What do u specify during the creation of a task
  • What purpose do use the debuggers
  • Cache memory
  • How do u choose ADC resolution on what basis
  • How do u monitor the task usage of the stack?

3rd Round:

  • Why startup code is written in assembly language
  • Program to display the maximum repeat numbers
  • Startup sequence flow
  • When jumping from the main stack to the interrupt stack apart from the address what exactly u store?

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