Aluminium Nitrate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Aluminium Nitrate, also known as aluminium (III) nitrate has a white crystalline solid appearance. Aluminium nitrate is a salt consisting of aluminium and nitric acid and it is easily soluble in water. This salt has a density of 1.72 g/cm3. It is a strong electrolyte and oxidizing agent. It has the capacity to hold water and retain it. Nitric aluminium salt is the other name for it. It has a boiling point of 135°C and a melting point of 72.8°C. Aluminium nitrate salt is used in some industrial processes for the extraction of heavy elements and is also used in the industry for the production of alumina. 

What is Aluminium Nitrate Formula?

The chemical formula of aluminium nitrate is Al(NO3)3. Aluminium contains 3 electrons in the outer shell, can efficiently lose its three electrons forms a cation, and has an electric charge of +3 making an ion and giving it the formula Al+3.

Nitrate is a combination of one nitrogen and three oxygen atoms, a polyatomic ion, and a charge of -1 with the formula NO3-1.
Both cation and polyatomic ion combines together to form a salt of aluminium nitrate. Hence, the chemical formula of aluminium nitrate is Al(NO3)3.

Structure of Aluminium Nitrate 

The chemical formula structure is represented as below:


Preparation methods

  • Aluminium nitrate is produced by the reaction of aluminium (III) chloride and nitric acid,

AlCl3 + HNO3 → Al(NO3)3 + HCl

  • It can also form through the reaction of aluminium sulfate and barium nitrate,

Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ba(NO3)2 → 2Al(NO3)3 + 3BaSO4

Properties of Aluminium Nitrate 

  • The molar mass of aluminium nitrate is 212.996 g/mol.
  • The boiling point and the melting point of aluminium nitrate are 135˚C and 72.8˚C respectively.
  • It is odorless and has the appearance of a white crystalline solid.
  • Aluminium nitrate has a density of 1.72 g/cm3.
  • It is soluble in water.
  • Aluminium nitrate salt can react with some hydroxides or other salts to form a new nitrate,

Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3

  • By the neutralization of dilute nitric acid with aluminium (III) chloride formation of aluminium nitrate can take place,

3HNO3 + AlCl3 → Al(NO3)3 + 3HCl 

Harmful effects and Safety measures

It is hazardous to people when inhaled. Aluminium nitrate is a strong oxidizer hence it can react with other compounds and may cause fire when comes in contact. It is harmful if swallowed or inhaled can cause damage to the respiratory tract and irritation to the eyes and burns on the skin. 

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty containers retain product residue and can be hazardous. Keep away from clothing, incompatible materials, and combustible materials. Keep reduction valves free from grease and oil. Following proper precautionary and preventive controlling methods should be maintained.

Uses of Aluminium Nitrate 

  • It is present in antiperspirants.
  • Used in the manufacture of gasoline.
  • This salt is used in the preparation of insulating papers.
  • Used in transformer core laminates
  • It also Used for uranium extraction
  • It acts as a powerful oxidizing agent
  • Aluminium nitrate can be used as a corrosion inhibitor
  • It is used in tanning leather.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Does Aluminium nitrate act as a protective layer?


The surface is covered by this aluminium oxide, so the rest aluminium which is available beneath the surface doesn’t get oxidized consequently reactivity of aluminium diminishes. Thus, the explanation, a defensive layer of aluminium nitrate is framed when aluminium is plunged into nitric acid.

Question 2: What are the aluminium applications and foods that are rich in aluminium?


Additionally, with electrical cables and links, aluminium is utilized in engines, machines, and power frameworks. TV receiving wires and satellite dishes, even a few LED bulbs are made of aluminium. Incalculable articles that streamline as well as increment the nature of our day-to-day routine are somewhat made of aluminum, for example, Albums, vehicles, coolers, kitchenware, electric electrical cables, bundling for food and medication, PCs, furniture and airplanes.

The most ordinarily utilized food varieties that might contain significant measures of aluminum-containing food added substances are cheeses, baking powders, cake blends, frozen batter, hotcake blends, self-rising flours, and salted vegetables.

Question 3: Why is aluminium called a hazardous substance?


Aluminium nitrate is a salt made out of aluminium and nitric corrosive, it belongs to a group of reactive elements – organic nitrate and nitrite compounds. The nitrate particle is polyatomic, meaning made out of at least two particles that are covalently bonded. This particle makes up the form base of nitric acid.

Aluminium is listed on the Hazardous Substance List since it is regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH, DOT, NIOSH, DEP, NFPA, and EPA. Aluminium is on the Special Health Hazard Substance List because of it is a highly flammable property in powder form.

Question 4: Why is aluminium toxic to humans and how do they get aluminium poisoning?


Human openness to aluminium is inescapable and, maybe, incalculable. Aluminium’s free metal cation, Al(3+), is exceptionally organically responsive and naturally accessible aluminium is unnecessary and basically poisonous. Aluminium has not been characterized concerning cancer-causing nature. However, aluminum creation has been delegated as cancer-causing to people by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Aluminium (Al) is every now and again open to animal and human populations to the degree that intoxications might happen. Taking of Al is by the inward breath of sprayers or particles, ingestion of food, water, and medicaments, skin contact, immunization, dialysis, and vaccination. Although, aluminium is discharged from the body, and thus eliminated from the body by various courses including by means of the excrement, pee, sweat, skin, hair, nails, sebum and semen.

Question 5: For what aluminium nitrate was Nonahydrate used?


Nonahydrate and other hydrated aluminium nitrates have numerous applications. These salts are utilized to create alumina for the arrangement of protecting papers, in cathode tube heating components, and on transformer center laminates. The hydrated salts are likewise utilized for the extraction of actinide components.

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