Airbus Aerothon 3.0 Interview Experience | Off-Campus 2021

Airbus off-campus hiring happened through Airbus Aerothon conducted on HackerEarth. This time it was Aerothon 3.0. Hiring was for 0-10 years experienced candidates for various roles.

Round 1(Online Coding): It was an online coding round hosted on the HackerEarth platform. There were 2 coding questions with intermediate level based on Bit Masking and String algorithm to solve in 3 hours. One correct question can lead you to the next round. It was an elimination round.

Round 2(Hackathon): It was a hackathon. We needed to create a team of sizes 3-5 among selected candidates. Then problem statement was given to us to make a prototype in 3 days. It was a virtual Hackathon. There were different games, seminars, and project presentations at the finale. 

Round 3(Aptitude, Verbal and Logical): It was the Aptitude, Verbal and Logical round of Cocubes Assessment. Questions were easy and medium level. Little practice can lead you to get an interview call.

Round 4(Technical Interview): It was a Technical Interview hosted on google meet. There were two interviewers. 

Questions asked were –  

  1. How are you and Tell us about yourself
  2. One thing you like most about your college
  3. Why companies host hackathons
  4. Tell us about your technical skills
  5. In how many ways can we specify the CSS styles for the HTML element?
  6. What are selectors in CSS
  7. Tell us about the HTTP protocol
  8. Difference between HTPP and HTTPS
  9. Why do we use external CSS
  10. What is the OSI model
  11. Explain all layers of the OSI model
  12. Tell us all OOPS concepts that you know
  13. Difference between Overloading and Overriding.
  14. What is a constructor and copy constructor?
  15. What is an access specifier?
  16. Which databases you are familiar with
  17. What is localhost
  18. How we connect database with project
  19. What is OpenCV
  20. Tell us about your OpenCV project
  21. Tell us about your Internship
  22. Then they give me two coding questions to code and run. One was a basic string question and one was a * pattern.
  23. Suppose you worked on a project and delivered it after one month customer says that the project is getting slow. What could be the reason for that? How would you handle that?
  24. What are logs
  25. What happens in a backend when you search
  26. How does web search algorithm works
  27. How exactly server works.
  28. How we configure resources for server depend upon size and scope of the project
  29. What is a collection in python
  30. Do you have any questions or feedback for us

Round 5(HR and Managerial Interview): It was an HR and Managerial Interview. There were two panelists. 

Questions asked were-

  1. How are you
  2. What you did yesterday
  3. Where are you from
  4. Which is your college
  5. Tell us about your family background
  6. Will you come to Bangalore
  7. Have you placed anywhere and How much they are paying
  8. Why airbus
  9. Tell us about your internship project
  10. How sync happens between a Web app and Android app of the same project
  11. How to secure data in an app and How testing of the project should be done
  12. Suppose there are three people in your team one is experienced, another one is fresher and the third one is you. How can you make a decision there? How do you handle the situation of conflict there?
  13. Which tech stack you like to work on
  14. What if you need to work on old tech? Will you do it?
  15. Your exam finished?
  16. Do you have any questions for us?

Then they told me about Salary-Bonus, Location, Training, and about Company

I was selected for the role of Associate Software Engineer.

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