10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School

Today, the use of AI tools has risen to such an extent that these tools can help us in every possible way. One such field where these AI tools can help is Education. The way teachers teach and create lessons affects student’s studies a lot. For this sake, many AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in Schools have been developed recently which makes the lessons more effective and efficient while giving suggestions to the teachers and also availing AI assistants who can give lessons in place of you as well. These AI tools for Creating Lesson plans in schools help to deliver better education and optimize lessons.

10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School

  • 10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School
    • Jasper
    • Open AI ChatGPT
    • PlanifAI
    • Auto Classmate
    • Clickup
    • Lessonplans.ai
    • Curipod
    • Gradescope
    • Magic School
    • Learnt.ai
  • Which is the Best AI Tool for Creating Lesson Plans in School?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – 10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School

10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School

AI tools for Creating Lesson Plans in school help in Personalization, Adaptability, Collaboration, Scalability, and much more. As discussed above, AI tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School not only help teachers but also the students, here are the 10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School:


Jasper is one of the Best AI tools for Creating Lesson plans in school which helps to create AI generated content with high quality instantly for the lesson plans by just giving simple inputs to your device.


  • It streamlines the lesson plans as it creates customized lesson plans which saves a lot of time.
  • It provides us with features like insights, resources, explanations and tracking as well.
  • It also has Bootcamp training which helps the users by giving them training about functions of Jasper.


  • It can create original and premium content by just hints and titles given.
  • We can easily edit and share our documents.


  • It requires a strong and stable internet connection.
  • It generates limited content even in the highest pricing plan.


  • $39 per year (Creator)
  • $90 per month (Team)
  • Custom pricing for Business

Link: https://www.jasper.ai/

Open AI ChatGPT

Open AI ChatGPT is another best AI tool for creating Lesson plans for school which gives us answers to all the asked questions in a second and assists us in lesson planning while providing us valuable insights, generating lesson content and much more.


  • It not only generates lesson’s content but also gives suggestions for engaging activities for students.
  • It streamlines the planning process by offering various different ideas and adapting learning needs.
  • Since the AI assistant is so fast which gives instant responses it saves a lot of time.


  • It generates lesson outlines, i.e, structure for the chapter and topics.
  • It has a reliable research assistant which provides relevant information.


  • It may not understand the classroom’s dynamics.
  • It doesn’t offer many personalization options.


  • It is available for free.
  • It has Custom pricing plans.

Link: https://openai.com/chatgpt/


PlanifAI is an AI tool for creating Lesson plans for school which is best for being easy to use and understand while offering structured lesson plans for the teachers. All you need to do to use it is to answer three questions.


  • It has a simple and intuitive interface which asks for three questions and creates a structured lesson plan immediately.
  • It allows users to create and edit content while having AI to guide and add modifications.
  • It is one of the easiest AI tools for creating lesson plans for school till now.


  • It is easy to use and straightforward.
  • It generated quick lesson plans.


  • There is no such con till now.


  • It is available for free only.

Link: https://www.planif.ai/

Auto Classmate

Auto Classmate is an AI tool for creating lesson plans for school which acts like an automatic classmate for educators that helps them to optimize students learning through Artificial intelligence, Technology and leadership resources etc.


  • It provides leadership and technology resources to the educators for enhancing their lessons.
  • It allows you to create AI lesson plans and become an expert educator with the AI Chatbot.
  • It has many Advanced AI tools available which fasten the lesson planning that is reliable.


  • It predicts the outcomes of activities which are assigned to students.
  • It generates questions for the class.


  • It has limited customisable options available.
  • The pricing plans are quite expensive.


  • It is available for free.
  • $10 per month

Link: https://autoclassmate.io/


Another Best AI tool for creating lesson plans for school is Clickup. This AI tool for Creating Lesson Plans for school is mainly popular for its features like Education management, aligning your curriculum and being an all in one app for management purposes.


  • It offers the teachers a syllabus planning template that gives in-depth information about lessons.
  • It streamlines the teaching experience while managing curriculum alignment.
  • It gives creative customizable templates, created engaging lessons, promotes collaborations etc.


  • The information provided is relevant and reliable.
  • The aesthetic templates it offers enhances the lessons more.


  • It has a complex interface to use.
  • Since it has a lot of features it can be a bit confusing to use.


  • It is available for free.
  • $7 per month per user (Unlimited)
  • $12 per month per user (Business)
  • Custom pricing for Enterprises

Link: https://clickup.com/


Lessonplans.ai is an AI tool for Creating Lesson plans for school which helps the teachers to create amazing lesson plans with the use of AI that makes the process faster and easier at the same time.


  • It provides comprehensive details of the lessons, manages teaching goals using AI etc.
  • It produces a complete lesson while using hints and titles only that also contains activities and assessments.
  • It can create relevant lessons from grade K to 12th.


  • We can easily create changes and edit the lessons as per our requirements.
  • It saves a lot of time.


  • The quality of lessons depends upon the input.
  • The customer care service is slow and unresponsive.


  • It is available for free.
  • $49 per month (Pro)

Link: https://www.lessonplans.ai/


Another Best AI tool for creating lesson plans for school is Curipod which is a popular option among educators and teachers because it can plan and deliver interactive lessons on any topic with the help of AI.


  • It not only helps in providing lesson plans but also gives courses and certificates.
  • It has different options available for different projects like Maths, Social and emotional learning, Check-ins etc.
  • It also provides videos related to different topics in different fields.


  • The AI generated content is reliable and relevant.
  • It can be used for various subjects.


  • Content banks are hard to navigate.
  • It has a bit of a complex interface.


  • $3,999 per school (Schools)
  • $3,999 per school (Districts)

Link: https://curipod.com/


Gradescope is an AI tool for Creating lesson plans for school that helps to deliver and grade up your assessments and assignments anywhere and anytime.


  • It helps to seamlessly administer and grade the assessments using the AI Assistants.
  • It saves time while giving a clear picture of how your students are performing.
  • It supports all the subjects in different fields.


  • It has features like problem sets, resolve, quizzes etc.
  • It supports fixed template assignments and projects.


  • The shortcuts are lacking sometimes.
  • It has a complex rubric.


  • It is available for free.
  • $0.20 per user (Basic)
  • $2.58 per user (Team)
  • $2.58 per user (Solo)

Link: https://www.gradescope.com/

Magic School

Magic School is one of the best known AI tools for creating lesson plans for school that helps the tutors and educators with its magic of AI that helps them in various tasks related to classes.


  • It helps with feedback, family communications, lessons etc.
  • It not only helps teachers but also provides auto generated lessons for students as well.


  • It helps to save time.
  • It helps both teachers as well as students.


  • It has minor bugs.
  • It needs fire wizards.


  • It is available for free.
  • $12.99 per month (Monthly)
  • $8.33 per month (Annually)

Link: https://www.magicschool.ai/


The last best AI tool for creating lesson plans for school is Learnt.ai which provides many useful and unique features for enhancing the lessons and making them more informative.


  • It helps to create high quality lessons and perform many educational tasks as well.
  • It makes student’s learning more interactive and impactful.
  • We can simply craft our own personalized lessons using three steps only.


  • It helps to design interactive lessons.
  • It has a variety of AI tools.


  • The lesson’s quality depends upon the input provided.


  • It is available for free.
  • $15.00 per month (Essential)
  • $160.00 per month (Professional)

Link: https://learnt.ai/

Which is the Best AI Tool for Creating Lesson Plans in School?

Each and every AI tool discussed has its own speciality but the best AI Tool for Creating Lesson Plans in School is Jasper. This is because Jasper offers a variety of useful features which allows to make the Lesson planning more effective and efficient. It not only saves time but also has many Advanced AI tools which makes the lessons more appealing. Even though its pricing plans are a bit expensive, using it is worth a single penny.


Today, use of AI has grown tremendously and it has affected each and every field of personal as well as professional life in positive as well as negative ways.

AI tools for Creating Lesson Plans in Schools have eased the work of teachers saving their time and also helped the students by introducing a new way of studying which is quite addictive for them.Even though AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School have helped the teachers and students but it is also killing their creativity and making the generation more dependent upon the internet and stuff.

FAQs – 10 Best AI Tools for Creating Lesson Plans in School

Which AI is best for lesson plans?

Jasper is one of the best AI tools till now for lesson plans, which helps to create high quality content with simple inputs for lessons.

What is one AI tool that can assist teachers in lesson planning?

Jasper and Education Copilot are best AI tools for lesson planning which assists teachers.

What are the best AI tools for students?

It depends upon students which AI tool they consider best as per their way of studying. Some best AI tools for students are Grammarly, ProWritingAid shine, Jasper, etc.

Which is the best AI tool for teachers?

Quillbot, Jasper, Gradescope, Clickup are some of the best AI tools for teachers till now.

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